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17 Years!!! Unidentified galactic signal finally identified after nearly two decades of research -

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I remember when someone took a platinum Rolling Stones album out of a wall display a d played it. It was full of Alvin and the chipmunks songs....

This happens all the time. The Platinum album in the award is NEVER the actual record. It's always some scrap album that is coated and the label of the winning album put on. Count the number of song bands on the vinyl, and look at the song list on the label. They don't always match.

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***The finding was made by Emily Petroff, a PhD student, who set up an interference monitor at the site to investigate the signals, known as perytons, which were thought to be from space but were also known - somewhat unusually – to be detected only during business hours.***


This right here folks is known as a clue... First rule of troubleshooting is to look for anything repeatable that could be caused by local equipment. Just as a thought, I'm pretty sure that some alien intelligence that was smart enough to be able to generate a radio signal from another galaxy and time it to only arrive during working hours in Australia is smart enough to hop in the ship and just pop on over...


17 years of outstanding scientific work brought to you by the same kinds of folks generating the global warming hype...



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