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obama assault weapons possibility

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i guess this is the correct section, if not, please move it. i was looking around and from what i can tell, and someone correct me if i am wrong, but i see nothing that prohibits someone from owning a fully automatic pre ban AK47 in tennessee. is my research correct?

i am looking at a couple of different AKs to waste my tax refund on, but i want to be sure on knowing the letter of the law on this subject. if i can legally own one of the fully autos, then by god i will lol.

links work well for yay or nay on this subject. thanks alot.

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but damn thats crazy.

Yep. We can thank that wonderful law known as "The National Firearms Act of 1935" and the "Firearms Owners' Protection Act" of May 19, 1986 for that one.

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Guest Rem_700

Oh yeah Class 3 weapons are outrageously high dollar!That is the way Obama is going to make all "Assual Rifles" he won't ban them just make them so high that the average joe won't be able to afford them.

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Guest nraforlife

ONLY way I would buy nowadays is 'off the books'. No dealer and NO paperwork. Sorry dealers, and Coal Creek I love you, you sold me 90% of what I had BUT there is no way in God's green earth that I want anyone knowing what I may have had.

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Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the prices of full auto weapons, this is redicilous, he doesn`t srt the price, market does..And as far as full auto goes, what do you need it for in the first place? even in the military they will teach you that when shooting over 3 rounds at the time machine gun get redicilously inaccurate and they will teach you to shoot 3 rounds at the time if you want to hit anything, on top of that AK47 is a slow shooting machine and you can do the same damage with your cheap $800 AK as with full auto..in my opinion, full auto is a waste of ammo and money...


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and one more thing, don`t worry about your guns, Obama is not that much different than McCane or Bush, he has a bigger fish to fry than to be worried about your gun..there is way too many guns areound to be controled any way..leave the man alone....


I always liked to have at least couple guns bought FTF, regardless of who the president is, just my preferance, there is just some things I like to keep private...

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and one more thing, don`t worry about your guns, Obama is not that much different than McCane or Bush

I'm sorry, but that is probably one of the most naive comments I have ever heard.

McCain and Bush are no saints for certain, but how do you explain people who voted for Obama now running out and buying guns, ammo, and getting carry permits? It's because after the dust settled, the joy of electing a "global president", and E! network stopped telling everyone who to vote for people saw who they elected to office. Now they are scared because they elected a halfwit snake oil salesman who just chants "Change" and has no experience or regard for his country.

He is vastly different than Bush or McCain. He is even different than Clinton and that is a scary f'ing thought.

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I had seen some full auto AK's in the $8,000 range. Check over at www.subguns.com and go to the classifieds. Personally though I dont think I would want a full auto AK....wicked...definitely...controllable on full auto...doubt it. You would be better served with a full auto AR lower so you could put all kinds of different uppers on it :-D If you have the $10-20,000 to spare. Or you could go the route I did and get either an M11/9 or Mac 10(.45) and upgrade the heck out of it as they are only in the $2800-4500 range and have almost as much customization options as an AR. I got my M11/9 from Coal Creek (well whenever the ATF gets the stamp back) FWIW and JWP over there is great to deal with.

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Guest benchpresspower
I'm sorry, but that is probably one of the most naive comments I have ever heard.

McCain and Bush are no saints for certain, but how do you explain people who voted for Obama now running out and buying guns, ammo, and getting carry permits? It's because after the dust settled, the joy of electing a "global president", and E! network stopped telling everyone who to vote for people saw who they elected to office. Now they are scared because they elected a halfwit snake oil salesman who just chants "Change" and has no experience or regard for his country.

He is vastly different than Bush or McCain. He is even different than Clinton and that is a scary f'ing thought.


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Guest benchpresspower
and one more thing, don`t worry about your guns, Obama is not that much different than McCane or Bush, he has a bigger fish to fry than to be worried about your gun..there is way too many guns areound to be controled any way..leave the man alone....


I always liked to have at least couple guns bought FTF, regardless of who the president is, just my preferance, there is just some things I like to keep private...

Then explain why in the application to be part of his administration it asks "Do you or anyone in your immediate family own a gun? If so please provide all registration information."

True he DOES have bigger fish to fry at the moment but who's to say he doesn't have "plans" for gun owners if not now then at some point in the next 4 years or God forbid, 8?

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You can also get Uzi's in the 3k-5k range and they are awesome and controllable full auto. Magic is definitively right about the M11/9 as the cheapest route and the Lage look really good. You can also get a Suomi upper for the M11/9.


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