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Everything posted by austin7.62

  1. Yes, there are a ton on ARs available now, but the ammo isn't going to back to where it was, IMO.
  2. McMinn county got rocked. One of our windows blew out!
  3. Man, that burns me up to see somebody steal from someone so easily. Hope they catch this PoS.
  4. Yes, W did. Obama says that his messiahness did the trick though.
  5. 8M3 hollow point, 125 gr bear soft point, or 154 gr Tula soft point would all be good choices.
  6. Clean her up, keep it in the wood, and shoot!
  7. austin7.62

    Vz 58

    This. You can't even touch an AK for under 5 bills right now.
  8. austin7.62

    Vz 58

    VZ58s are awesome. I don't own one anymore, but have plenty of experience with them. They are good shooters for sure. The only downside is that they don't take AK mags of course. I've heard that these latest century builds have been contracted out for them and the quality is A+
  9. I bet it will shoot very, very well. Looks good!
  10. 3-4" in McMinn county. It's snowing hard right now too.
  11. I think it's the standard to ship handguns 2nd day air now. They took care of you quick!
  12. PSA is great. I've never had any problems with them. It seems that most of the people have to wait on their in house AR parts to be produced, therefore the longer delays. That's my theory anyways.
  13. If anyone picked up two of these and they only needed one, please let me know! I had to work all day today and get couldn't get my order in before they sold out :(
  14. And a AIM is a much better vendor to boot!
  15. I tried dip, but I couldn't get into it. I didn't like it at all. I used to chew Red Man for a while, but my grandpa has chewed it forever, and he has none of his original teeth lol, so that encouraged me to stop. Stuff tastes good..
  16. I put my opened portion in ammo cans. It's nice that you don't have to worry about the cases rusting as easily as polymer coated steel case ammo. I kept the crate to store various AK and AR mags in.
  17. That's a good plan. I've put back Golden Tiger and M67 for a rainy day and I blast Wolf and Bear ammo all the time!
  18. Yugo m67. It's berdan primed and corrosive, but it's good stuff. Those crates used to sell for $150 or so, now they are $350 plus. Do you have a bead on anymore of it? I only have a case and a half left.
  19. The English parts should have been Ray Charles' version. Damn, that one tugs at the heart strings!
  20. Doesn't matter to me. I love the song, I don't care what language it is in.


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