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Everything posted by Moped

  1. At some point, we are going to be subscriptioned to financial ruin, though. This is not a trend I like at all. Example, we cut the cable a couple of years ago for a substantial savings. That's been creeping back into cable territory as subscription rates have crept up over the last two years. And yes I know it's our choice, but is it really? As for what I want on a car, well I can be pretty basic. I don't need a lot of whistles and bells. A radio, AC/heat, adjustable mirrors and a comfortable seat, go a long way. Also enough engine and transmission to pull my trailer comfortably, is all I ask for from a truck. Don't care about an onboard GPS, hotspots, or connected service to someone in New Delhi, so they might not make as much money on me as they hope.
  2. It depends on firearm I am carrying, my clothing and how I feel that day. I typically carry on my right hip, in either a IWB kydex holster or OWB. a Blackhawk, FOBUS or leather holster with retention. I know a lot of folks are not fans of FOBUS, but they have always worked well for me. I think the Blackhawks are much better though. I also use a pocket holster for my LCP Max on occasion. The only shoulder holster I have is for a 1911 and in the winter, I do use it on occasion. Never was much into boot carry or appendix carry, but I don't have a good holster for appendix carry.
  3. We won't be building anymore coal fire plants in the Tennessee valley Authority service area. Actually TVA is tearing them down. Bull Run is next on the chopping block and looks like it will go offline in late 2023 or early 2024. That will leave, Kingston, Gallatin, Cumberland and Shawnee coal plants. Cumberland and Kingston look to be next to go offline and be retired (full retirement by 2033 for both. The other Shawnee and Gallatin plants will be gone by 2035. The power that these remaining plants generate will be replaced by Combined Cycle Gas Turbine and Combustion Turbine Gas plants, solar farms and other green energy power plants. TVA is planning to bring on 10,000 megawatts of solar energy alone over the next ten years. Several farms have been built already, with studies ongoing for a bunch more. None of this top secret and all this infoirmation can be found on the internet after a cursory Google search. Now back to our topic at hand EVs.
  4. This is my experience as well. Do not be afraid of these little carbines. I've had two of them and both as been great as long as you use HP or Redball mags. My experience with the 15 round Promags, has been less than stellar though. Also mine have run with FMJ and premium SD ammunition.
  5. That's a great price! If I din't already have one (It's one of my most carried pistols), I'd jump all over this! GLWS!
  6. She did. It was a 60 Minutes interview, as I recall. Here’s a clip of part of that interview. And I think if they had those 51 votes this time, we’d be in the exact same boat.
  7. I actually don't think the JT cares about criminals having guns (well he does, but that's not who their gun laws are aimed at). He is looking to control his fellow Canadian citizens, after that little spectacle they experienced in Ottawa with the COVID Truck Convoy. I believe that shook him and the liberal party up, in Canada and they had enough power to take action. Quite honestly, had the Democrats had the numbers here, after January 6th, I think we would have seen the same thing here.
  8. Well, the Illinois Red Flag law worked well. He had two run in with Illinois police agencies and neither stopped him from legally obtaining 5 firearms. Jeez! July 4 parade shooting suspect slipped past Illinois "red flag" safeguards (yahoo.com)
  9. In .45ACP, carrying FMJ doesn’t bother me at all. I do recognize that there are better rounds out there, but 230gr ball is also proven.
  10. It's not your fault. I've felt this way for some time. Today I just reached my boiling point. He may have once upon a time, been a contributing member here, on other things, but it seems over the last several years, all I've seen him do is come on here and run amok on gun control or post things that are derogatory or not pertinent to the issue at hand. I've never once felt the need to IGNORE a soul here, but today I reached my limit and have done so.
  11. I’ll be honest with you Daniel, being one of the more moderate people on this forum (one who typically sides with Erik88, Linksys, ChuckTshoes, BTR and is not a Trump follower), you come across as a troll to me. And you have been coming across like that for years. How you’ve managed to keep a membership here, is beyond me. The only time you ever show up is either during an election period or after another tragic shooting. And then simply to antagonize. I don’t think I’ve once seen you talk about any firearm or firearms related subject other than gun control in the decade or so I’ve been here. And again honestly, that makes me wonder if you even own firearms. A political hack and troll is actually what you come across as. And quite honestly, if you were to leave for another gun site on the internet, I doubt anyone would miss you. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
  12. Scroll down in this article from Foxnews and you can hear the gunfire in a video someone shot. It definitely came from a high powered semiauto rifle of some type.
  13. 6 dead and 24 wounded. Shooter was shooting from a rooftop. Left the rifle and got away. Police are actively looking for the perpertrator now and have asked people to shelter in place. Police are describing the shooter as a young white meal, 18 to 20 years old with a small build, longer dark or black hair, wearing a blue or white tee-shirt. 6 dead, 24 wounded in shooting at Chicago-area July 4 parade (yahoo.com)
  14. I just run what JMB designed. But I totally look at the 1911 platform as a combat handgun and not some super accurate target pistol. Not into tight tolerances and such. I want it to run when I need it.
  15. This morning. I'm pocket carrying a LCP Max, because I have on gym shorts. Anything else is just too heavy. Where did you get your FBI loads? I have been looking for some, but there are none to be had locally or online at the places I've been checking.
  16. Waiting impatiently for you to finish this post…
  17. This one of the big reasons I moved to voting for a third party. Quite honestly, I typically find the Republicans to be as disingenuous as the Democrats and just as shady. The Republicans, especially in this state, take gun owners and organizations for granted. Just like the Democrats take the African American vote for granted.
  18. I belong to the Moose Lodge in North Knox County. They have 200 yard range. There is a yearly fee. But I honestly don’t remember what it is.
  19. Nice looking P32! Very under appreciated pistol!
  20. Most people that carry small .357 revolvers load them with .38+Ps. Not many want to shoot a J-Frame with full house .357 loads. I've been going back and forth with this for some time. When I hike, I carry a Taurus 627 Tracker loaded with 158 Gr .357 Mag loads, because of a possible encounter with an aggressive bear. I don't worry about snakes at all (and they are illegal to kill anyway). When I carry a revolver for CCW, it's my S&W 442 loaded with Federal 130 gr. Nyclads. and I'm quite comfortable with that. However, I've been considering purchasing a Taurus 856 Ultalite with a 3" barrel. They are about the same size as the old Colt Detective Special. Having another round of .38 spl isn't a bad thing at all.
  21. Today I am I'm carrying a Taurus TX22 in a Blackhawk CQC, and CIVIVI Vexer, chapstick and a wallet. I'm working from home.
  22. They will use this to eventually go after the rest of firearms, including revolvers, hunting rifles and shotguns. It's just a matter of time, unless we hold the line here.


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