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Everything posted by I_Like_Pie

  1. Love her or hate her you have to give her credit for playing the game better than just about anyone else in Hollywood. While I don't think that she is a braniac by any means she knows how to play the general public/media like a harp...and they love it otherwise she would have burnt out long ago.
  2. Midway USA has the Lee anniversary kit for $70 right now. Get this and learn the ABCs of reloading...the best way is to start slow and learn the mechanics of the process no matter how savvy you are. Hands down that is the best deal in reloading. Get it with the dies in the same order...you will not regret your purchase.
  3. It DOES look great ++1, however that aluminum will discolor/oxidize if not coated with a clearcoat or paint.
  4. The chips may be high antimony/tin pieces to get the hardness of the lead to spec. Hard to tell from pictures.
  5. Yeah this could be done, but it just doesn't seem right...kinda like having fake hood scoops on a car.
  6. Old School fixed choke Remington 870 Wingmaster...damn I love that gun! Damn I wish it wasn't so shiny.
  7. In the days before the internet if someone said "whatever you do...don't look at (offending material)" you could be reasonably sure that your stomach was stronger than your eyes. However post internet you learn real quick that...yeah...don't look means exactly that!!!! After goatse and t-u-b-g-i-r-l...there is NO WAY I am viewing 2girls1cup. I have resisted for months now and doing just fine thank you. Here is the worst thing I have seen in the past week...it isn't too bad, but will certainly send shivers up your spine!
  8. "You know what im saying" "You know what im saying" "You know what im saying" "You know what im saying" "You know what im saying" ----------------------------------------------------------- I would take great satisfaction in cutting that tongue out and shoving in his bunghole. Just so I wouldn't have to hear that again
  9. molonlabetn --------------------------------------------- I always fry mine, but I will have to try the grilling method soon. Thanks for the info!
  10. Peroni's on Brainerd Road in Chattanooga has the best in our town. Make sure you get the hottest ones they have. Flour/Breading on wings is just plain wrong. Same thing with using butter...Hot wings are not Buffalo wings. The way to go is to make your own. You can get the skin crispy and apply your mojo right before you eat them. Peanut oil is a little more $$$ but worth it. If you make your own sauce...by far the best base that I have found is Crystal hot sauce that can be found at just about any grocer. It is a mild sauce that will not be fighting with your added ingredients. Add some paprika, more vinegar, some red pepper, cayenne/jalapeno/habanero to taste, garlic, and just a very small dab of cinnamon. Let it sit in the fridge for a couple of weeks and you are good to go.
  11. Where/How did you get one without the lock!?!?!
  12. There has been a LOT of lead pass through this room in the past several years! Example...That laundry bucket is almost full of ejected primers. .380 9mm .38 Special .357 Magnum .357 Maximum .40 s&w .45 ACP .44 Special .44 Magnum .223 .25/06 .30/06 .45/70
  13. Actually...to anyone who spent any time around a Ferrari...a Pinto is a more reliable vehicle with respect to "open hood" time
  14. I’m not being a smart azz, this stuff is interesting to me and I want to learn. Agreed...I didn't take offence to it. (I have never seen a commercial ammunition loading press either are you saying they are the same as what Bubba has?). But as I understand it the sizing, cutting to length, and setting the bullet to an exact depth would be critical for a highly accurate round. Right?? Yes...the metal and diameters are exactly the same...exactly. The only difference is that they are attached to a assembly line. There is literally no diffrerence in the mechanics of the process. So I’m having trouble believing that Bubba in his garage with his $25 Lyman calipers and his $200 Lee press can compete with today’s automation. Maybe he can, someone believes that he can or we wouldn’t be hearing all these “Reloads are more accurate than factory†statements. Some people still swear that Slick50 makes their cars last longer...who am I to argue? Automation increases speed of manufacture...that is all. There is no difference in the process between reloaded and factory ammo. So fill me in… what’s he doing that the big boys can’t do to make an accurate round? Custom tailoring the ammunition to fit a specific gun...barrel length, weight, rifling twist, and chamber tolerances. Factory ammo has to work in as many situations as possible. Now… let’s addresses the whole “you will never see any Bullseye or centerfire rifle competition where the top 10 are not reloadersâ€. Doug Koenig, Julie Goloski, and Jerry Miculek (I know they are handgun shooters but I couldn’t think of the names of any rifle pro’s.) all load their own ammunition? I would believe that it is custom loaded, but by who?.... not Bubba. Actually....I would put money on every single one of them (or very supportive family members) being avid reloaders...probably Dillon 550 with all the extras. If they have full sponsorships they may be given the stuff, but I'll bet that it is still custom tailored for the shooter and their gun by someone on a bench...custom loaded and not "factory" loads. Bubba isn’t measuring a thou with his dial calipers. Yes he is. A dial caliper is the SINGLE most important tool that you have as a reloader. I can tell a huge difference if the bullets in my .44 magnum are .429 or .430 as they rub the forcing cone a bit differently and it affects accuracy. Yes...0.001 makes that much of a difference. -------------------------------- You ought to give it a spin...it sounds like you are curious enough to where you would really enjoy it.
  15. Oregon Trail Laser Cast 350 grain Lead Flat Nose Bullets + 26.2 Grains of 2400 Powder + Non-Magnum Primer of your choosing. = 1400 FPS and will go end to end through just about any animal within a 500 mile radius of here. Good at point blank 100 yards to get you a center mass shot from 0 - 120 yards.
  16. Just bury them in the back yard...if it is somewhere that gets rain it will not take long for them to foul out. They will NOT accidentally go off.
  17. The Midway and Brownells discounts are worth it alone. If you shoot a lot...you save BIG time! It is nice to to pick up a Nagat every now and then. Can have them shipped direct to your house. I also like the fact that if anyone breaks into my house and walks off with my safe...since I am now an FFL it gets the Feds involved and incurs a much stiffer penalty for the offender if caught.
  18. You could buy ALL of the reloading gear and produce 250 rounds for under $200 with .223 NormShaver...pick up a reloading manual for 10-15 bucks. It will tell you everything you need to know. It is VERY easy to do and all the hard work (powder testing, pressure, etc) has already been done. /And it would be just as good as Factory //and the next 250 would be MUCH cheaper. ///Single stage setup (Lee Anniversery kit) is always recommended for beginners.
  19. Nope...Finance/economics. Despite the slowdown in the economy Chattanooga is still relatively strong. Last I looked the area unemployment rate was still well under 5%. Which basically means that if anyone really needed work to put food on the plate they can find it without undue hardship. The downtown area seems like the whole place is under construction. They are building everywhere. The residential side of things was long overdue for a meltdown in this area simply because the population hasn't changed in a decade.
  20. Being that the unemployment rate is already very, very low in Chattanooga...there will be a lot of new folks calling Chattanooga home. This is H-U-G-E news...5 years from now Chattanooga will be a different city. I am literally in awe that we got it!
  21. That is the key...it is just easier to do while reloading as you have total control. It can be done with factory ammo, but it takes a bunch of time/money and you are at the mercy of the factory in case they decide to change things a bit.
  22. As has been pointed out to the 9th degree...you will never see any Bullseye or centerfire rifle competition where the top 10 are not reloaders. That and there are thousands upon thousands of such tests in publication. Reloading is not rocket science. The components are EXACTLY the same as the ones used for fancy pre-loaded ammunition. The difference is that reloads are tailored for a particular gun and caliber...unlike factory ammo which is loaded for caliber only. The precision of a $100 reloading setup from midwayusa can easily produce the same tolerances as a $100,000 reloading setup from a factory...even if Bubba does it in his garage. I just don't understand why people believe that if it comes from the factory it must be superior. 0.001 is 0.001, 5grains is 5 grains, etc... doesn't matter what the source. Anyone who has ever reloaded knows this. Again...it isn't complicated.
  23. It is a satirical message...they are actually making fun of us folks. In short it is saying that no matter how we portrait the guy he will still make the oval office. Of course I am crossing my fingers that he gets trounced by McCain, but that is the point of the picture FYI.
  24. The most important thing...how easy is that pocket 9 to shoot? The p3At is quite the handful with the .380 round. The 9mm would kinda suck to shoot. Out of those short barrels you might want to look a little harder at the .380 ...it isn't the weak round that people make it out to be....closest comparison would be a .38 special.
  25. Carry at my work and you get fired immediately...no questions asked. About the only other time I am out and about I am at a place that serves alcohol, or running/working out...None of them are really options for carry at all...that is 75% of my time. Every other situation...yes...always.


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