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Everything posted by bersaguy

  1.   Well I am an American for sure and I did everything I could to make sure people voted conservative but when your voting in voting booths that are totally rigged which was proved when Romney did not get 1 vote in the entire state of Virginia and I know about 100 folks that live in that state that all voted for Romney. They all threw a raging fit when they found out that Romney didn't get 1 vote knowing they all voted for him that should tell you just how scared the Democrats were that Romney would win that they rigged those in that state to tight. That should have called for a  complete new vote with all new machines but instead not one thing was done to correct it.
  2. Can someone tell me if the FDA has just pulled out of watching what drugs the pharmaceutical companies shove out on the market? I spend a lot of time listing many different drugs as they hit the market and get advertised on TV. Just about every thing that hits the market regardless of what it's purpose is designed to do they all seem to have the same serious warnings first such as 1) can cause cancer in some people, 2)Can cause suicides in some people  3) Can cause bleeding if you take it with this or that. 4) Can cause heart attacks in some people and the list goes on and on and then after they have listed everything that can kill you by taking them they add in the minor ones like may cause dizziness and dry mouth. Ok now if I look at this right. Anything listed that can cause suicide might be used to keep you from getting an HCP so if your doctor write one of them drugs for you and it becomes part of your medical records they your on a drug with those side effects your a danger to your self and others. Am I just being paranoid of am I making any sense at all? I'm wondering if the FDA has been told to back off on purpose or have they been bought off or maybe a little of both?  Just would like to hear some opinions........... :popcorn: :popcorn:
  3. We made our own bed.?????   With all do respect and no disrespect meant and hope non taken by this but "I had nothing to do with making that bed. I did my part to try and prevent it"......... :popcorn: :popcorn:
  4. Has anyone been really looking at the shooting in the Navy Boat Yard and what the reaction or lack of that came from it. Yea the winch in California jumped up but sat right back down quick. Obama said what a shame it was and he felt sorry for the families of the ones killed and injured. That was about all that came of that. It seems it was almost played down and unimportant. Maybe it was not as important as the others for a few reasons. 1st it was a shotgun and not an AR. 2nd it was not  children killed but men and women close to their retirement age which in turn will save the Feds paying out any pensions. 3rd the shooter was crazy and black, not crazy and white. I guess a crazy black mass murderer doesn't deserve the news that a young white man would. 4th There were so many mistakes made by the Feds on so many levels they would have paper work at many levels. This guy had more red flags waving than anyone since Ft Hood shooter and that one is also being kept low key. I guess the administration thinks out of sight out of mind but it don't work that way. They are trying to find other ways out of the fact that the Navy yard shooter was their fault because their own back ground check failed. They keep screaming they want back ground checks on every body yet that guy was not only flying through the state level  background checks but flying through the Federal ones too. They dropped the ball and it cost a lot of people their lives and now they are trying to hide from it..........jmho
  5. It is just another bunch of people that have far more power than functioning brain cells and throwing what little weight they have around. Way to much of that going around these days.............jmho
  6. I will say I don't believe in or follow any such groups and never will. I don't believe they have a place in our country and fit into any society except their own beliefs and I just think they are trouble makers and nothing more.......JMHO   http://news.yahoo.com/north-dakota-town-ready-trouble-white-supremacists-stake-120240693.html
  7. Well I guess I can let it of of the bag. In the morning when I first wake up I feel old enough to have helped Noah design the ark. After coffee and my morning meds I feel like I may have been around during the Civil War and by noon I am closer to when Henry Ford created the Model T and by mid afternoon I'm closing back in on the ark and by bedtime I take night meds and sleep and the next morning it begins all over on a new day.........I remember when Band Stand was first on TV and when 45 rpm records came out and Elvis was still not discovered.................... :ugh: :ugh:
  8. If your not sure just call the guy you bought the gun from and ask him how it was loaded and how much powder was used and brand. If loaded with normal stuff I would shoot it..........jmho
  9. In all honesty I would chose an atheists over a Muslim any day..........jmho
  10.     I am thinking the same way as you on this issue roofer are a lot like ambulance chasers and many times they will quote a price just under what insurance companies would sent out an adjuster for and just approve the replacement. That drives up everyones insurance rates........jmho
  11. I hope he is up in 14 for a vote cause you can bet he will be gone because i have heard way to many folks remark he has to go for him to get back in. He has a spine made of jello when it comes to doing what is right for the Country and it took Tea Party people in the house to push him into that vote on Friday because he is such a chicken ................. :rant: :rant: :rant:
  12. My son left his Hawkins fifty cal Smoke stove loaded for over a year. He said he took the nipple out and cleaned it and it took about four primers to get it to fire but he finally got it to fire without incident. Made sure he never did it again........
  13. I would begin checking with other companies and see if their coverages are the same or similar. They may have all gone to that or similar. Insurance companies kinda operate in a click and kind of watch what others do and then will follow shortly after.....jmho
  14. Well I agree with 6.8 and tanker we also have another major issue to address and that is ballot box rigging and illegal voting which was openly admitted on Network news and nothing was done about it or even challenged. One woman told the news while being filmed that she voted 6 times for Obama and she worked in a polling place as an Obama volunteer. Also right across the street from her home was a billboard saying that voter fraud is illegal. She said that several of her family members could not get to the polls so she voted for them. Folks that is illegal and yet nothing was done or was it even challenged.   How can anyone explain that the entire state of North Carolina and Romney did not get 1 vote in the entire state. That is totally unbelievable and you know that just does not happen in a legitimate election. Unless this issue is addressed there will ever be another fair and honest election. You will never ever convince me that every conservative and Republican and independent in NC stayed home and didn't vote. That alone should have be called fowl and a new election should have been demanded but nothing was done. Until this very serious issue is addressed this country will soon become a dictatorship and there will be no more elections period...............jmho
  15.   Mike has touched on one point that is a true fact for sure. The Tea Party is working hard and has made many positive strides in bringing back many aspects of Patriotism that was being lost. I don't mind telling anyone I am a proud member of the Tea party in Tennessee.  I ask any of you here that are true patriots to join if your not in already. Right now they are one of the most powerful tools there is out their in getting our country back where is should be. It was the Tea Party elected members of the House that push the Speaker last week on the vote they took and won. The Speaker took the credit for it but it was the Tea Party that played to biggest role in it. As the tea party grows so does the Patriotism across this nation. Then as that grows so does our people who still know and love to Constitution grow and the word spreads............jmho 
  16. Our children are our future and most important asset. They must be protected from the indoctrination being forced on them in public schooling. My son could not afford to have my 5 year old grand son home schooled. He was an unexpected surprise since their other two boys were already grown and gone from the nest. I told my daughter in law to find out how much it would cost for her to home school him and I gave them the money and Logan 5 Year old is now going to be home schooled by her. I will not have Logan in a public school. If home school becomes and issue I will pay for him to attend a Private Christian School.
  17. The 127 has been around for years and folks do come from all over the country to travel it so folks coming from Alaska is nothing new........ :popcorn: :popcorn:
  18.   Don't give up so easy Jak, in the over all scheme of things there are more good folk than bad folks out there. We just don't hear about the good ones often enough is all...............jmho
  19. Gosh , I really don't see anything Rand Paul said is not somewhat true as far as blacks being targeting more on drugs but the reason is blacks are doing more of it so easier to catch them at it so in all reality they will get caught more. Now if your referring to the statement about the world not getting to see Obama be President, if you stop and think about it for just a minute. That may have actually a deep shot at Obama to remind all Americans that Obama used hard drugs all during college and high school and he is just reminding folks of it to let them know they voted a drug addict into the White House. Who knows what those drugs did Obama's  brain cells. There are a couple ways to look at Pauls remarks. Negatively or positively I think he was just playing Obama style politics myself and just letting things slip out on purpose. Remember just the other day Kerry let a slip of the tongue bail Obama out of his red line and Syria problem child. Why couldn't Pauls slip for a positive down the road?...........jmho
  20. Great read and great Texas LEO.  Goes to show more and more that folks do care about each other and people are beginning to believe in our country again. ............jmho
  21. Good police officer doing his job and ended a deadly threat the way it should be done. I commend him for his actions and his not hesitating to do what was necessary to save that little girls life.   Job well done.
  22. Want to learn more about our Presidents litmus test you can read this article     http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2013/01/22/the-obama-civillian-military-litmus-test-for-military-leadership-compliance/
  23. This is the kind of men our President says is unfit for duty and is forcing them into early retirement     I think that this Marine could make a good president...We need more of these guys...not less.  16 best quotes from Gen. James Mattis, who retired on 22 May 2013 after 41 years of service.      BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff   Gen. James Mattis, known to his troops as “Mad Dog Mattis,” is retiring after 41 years of military service.  The Marine Corps Times is calling Mattis the “most revered Marine in a generation.”   Mattis has been commander of the United States Central Command since 2010 and led the 1st Marine Division into Iraq in 2003.   According to reports, President Barack Obama decided to force the Marine Corps legend out early because he rubbed civilian officials the wrong way, and forced them to answer tough questions regarding Iran.   Mattis was an inspirational leader of men and his powerful words will go down in history.   Here are some of the best words that the “Mad Dog” has had to offer:   1. “I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure.  I cannot even spell the word.”   2. “The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event.  That said, there are some a$$holes in the world that just need to be shot.”   3. “I come in peace.  I didn’t bring artillery.  But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you screw with me, I will kill you all.”   4. “Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.” 5. “Marines don’t know how to spell the word defeat.” 6. “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”   7. “The most important six inches on the battlefield is between your ears.”   8. “You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force.  Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.”   9. “There are hunters and there are victims.  By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.”   10. “No war is over until the enemy says it’s over.  We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote.”   11. “There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed.  It’s really great.”   12. “You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts.  If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad.” 13. “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil.  You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway.  So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.  Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know.  It’s a hell of a hoot.  It’s fun to shoot some people.  I’ll be right up there with you.  I like brawling.”   14. “I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us.  Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”   15. “Demonstrate to the world there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”   16. “Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit”  And one final quote for returning Veterans: Anybody surprised Obama forced this guy to retire early?  Oooorah!!!
  24.   I agree with you 100% but it won't make any difference because the damage they did will already be done. You note that they exempted all of them from the ACA because they know is is a train wreck. Is there any hope? Only what is going on right now and if the people will do what is necessary to prevent the train wreck they don't have much time so don't wait til tomorrow. Speak up today........jmho
  25. We don't need to have a physical war with China. They already have their hands in so many different areas of our country some would say they already own us. An actual physical engagement do more harm to China than good. We do have better technology at present and a lot of what would happen would be very much like WWII. It would depend on how many other countries it bled over into that would then get involved and then it would be dependent on which side they chose to fight for and against. There are not a lot of countries China could depend on for actual help because most of them are not equip to go off shore for battle. Most Muslim nations except for maybe Iran has no real naval capabilities.  China keeps most of it's naval ships close to home, mainly in the China Sea which actually could become a Pearl Harbor really fast with our Naval Vessels scattered all over the world. I do believe 6.8 hit the nail on the head when he said that we have been at war with them through cybernetics for a lot of years. That is really more the kind of war China would rather be engaged in.............jmho


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