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Everything posted by n0rlf

  1. OK, bigger picture time. Why is this all of a sudden an issue you asked? Well, because we have people protesting criminals and thugs being shot and killed by police. Was Michael Brown an innocent man that was gunned down in cold blood? Nope. Are there some cases that cops are guilty? Of course. The big thing is that during the election the people of the United States basically said in a loud voice screw the regular system we want change! So they elected Donald Trump, an outsider to Washington and the system. The left hates him because it ruined the planned coronation of their long awaited Queen Hillary R Clinton. So since the election the left has been stirring the populace of liberals up to protest against the president. OK, voice your opinions by all means! That is your right! I served to protect that right for you! What I did not serve for is for the left to push the racism and hat they truly have in their hearts. It is beyond belieef that some folks truly think the liberals are speaking truthfully about anything. They are trying hard to divide this country. They blame Trump for everything and push their narative of divisiveness while disguising it as the high road thinking. BS! They keep saying DT is causing all of the hate and strife. Really, show me where he has done that in facts rather than in their rhetoric. The left is spewing forth more hate and discontent than any other gorup I can remember. Ever! But it is not PC to call them that. Well the PC days are about over as America has had enough of the PC every gets trophy BS. Short story is people tend to be offended by anything and it is being used as a crutch for the last generations that were not raised worth a damn! Not PC and surely not what they want to hear. But true none the less. We have parents stating their child should not have been harmed as they were just breaking and entering to get stuff to sell for school. We had a woman state on TV "He didn't do anything wrong! Just shot a cop is all!" WTF? Did i really just hear that? So I tend to go along with the idea that it is time we realize the left leaning liberals are trying very hard to play the race and gender and whatever cards to further their ideology. It is not true but they do not care. I think they doth protest too much because they know what they are saying is BS and they are hoping their distraction techniques keep people from seeing the truth of the matter in how thugs are destroying the Cities. You do not see that BS out in the Countrry areas. Too many of the gansta wannabes would wind up as gator food. Sad but true. They made the environment they are in but want to blame everyone else for their woes. America has now had enough and is calling it for what it is and that scares the left so bad they are trying anything now to distract folks.
  2. Anyone that shoots up any place is "Mental" No one in their right mind would do something like that. That is a big part of the problem overall.
  3. And therein is the problem. Lots of people ready to stereotype this man based on being from Sudan. Now, that has some merit given the past episodes similiar to this. What also is the same from this episode to others, is the lack of facts or accurate data yet being known or released. So before anyone leaps off the conclusion cliff, how about we give the authorities time to investigate and then make conclusions based on facts. I see a lot of complaining about the media reporting things wrong and most of that is due to the idiots in the world wanting to hear something long before anyone could possibly know any true hard data. Yes I heard the one reporter even mentiont hat the "Hero" had to go to the parking lot and retreive his "Registered" gun. Really? So simmer down, have a cup of decaf, relax, and wait for a few days and see where the story goes after some fats are found. Bottom line is always the same guys, someone bad did a bad thing. Only things that change are the names, faces, places, and times. Sad that as whole humankind has reached this level.
  4. I have not watched any NFL, NBA, MBA, or other national sports in a long long time. I got sick and tired of hearing overpaid talent acting just like the hollywood types. Arrogant and childish! What in the world makes these folks think they should be telling others how to live or behave. Get lost already! Most national sports orginizations have a pretty high instance of members with criminal history. Hell, non pc speak would call them a bunch of thugs. Assaults, domestic issues, non payment of support, drug charges, and lots of other things most people would never even consider. Enough of the idolizing someone because they have some athletic talent and skill. That does not mean their opinion is worth more or less than any joe shmoe off the street. Only difference is one has an audience due to the skills and the other does not. I do not miss the sports at all but as for kneeling or whatever during the Anthem is concerned I am of the opinion you have your right to free speech and I have the right to ignore you. Your boss also has the right to either fire you or bench you for unprofessional conduct. They just lack the courage to do so as it will hurt their bottom line. At this point they have to determine which is going to hurt worse. People leaving as fans and causing a loss of revenue due to the Anthem issues or fans leaving due to the "Stars" getting fired or benched. If it was my team they would be looking for a job already. Show your opinion and protests in another way in another place. Disrespecting the Anthem is not the way to do it. Don't like the Anthem? No problem, I am sure they have enough money to leave and go to the cvountry of their choice. If not I am sure there are enough fans piossed at the BS going on we can get them a ticket!
  5. n0rlf

    Zack Adams

    Alchohol is legal, I still see drunk drivers! I still hear of airplane pilots trying to fly drunk. Surgeons doing procedures after a four martini lunch. Bus drivers drunk driving kids home. Making it legal just takes the criminal aspect away not the behavior of abuse. Humans are humans, they ar easily addicted to some items. Making it legal will just cause more and different issues very similiar to what happened after prohibition ended. The violence did not all end and the abuse surely did not. Just changed so legalizing anything is not the answer. I do not have the answer as much as I wish I could say I do. So as much as I hate to not be part of the solution I can say I raised my family to not be part of the problem. Chucktshoes I see you found this comment funny as in HA HA. Would you care to enlighten us as to what part of the drug problems we see in this country is the funny part? What I find funny (Not amusing) is that people keep reelecting the same idiots that got us here and are ot part of the solution. We have a war on everything and that includes morals and standards which explains a lot of the other issues in itself. So while I do not find anything funny about the war on drugs and I too am caught up in it as a Disabled Veteran who cannot get the proper care because of people abusing the meds I will continue to hope for a solution. Perhaps a little less progressive thinking or whatever the heck they are teaching in colleges would help. Too many spoiled brats that think they are owed something because they went into huge debt and spent four years learning how to basket weave and spek philosophy at a college. Well there is a reason I tend to hire folks with experience over folks with a degree. Most of the folks with degrees from the last 20 years are absolutely lost. Want everything for nothing and seem to have the same answer for everything. It is the rich business owners fault. Perhaps a smack in the rear parts or a fly swatter on the butt will wake them up. Preaching how drugs should be legal is nothing more than a talking point. Which is why we hear it most from the Hollywierd folks. It is a buzzword type arguement. Not really a good one at that as all of the folks preaching it still come down with the same points to discuss, nonoe of them valid I am afraid in my opinion but hey, first ammendment and all that so have at the argument. Until people learn morals and ethics nothing anyone does will have an impact on those that are willing to break a law be it of man or nature. I know it is awful cynical but you tend to get that way as you get older. Bottom line is if you want a good life and good things then you better have a good work ethic. Or a rich family. One builds character while the other builds bull####. So, Chucktshoes which part of this drug war or my comment did you find funny? Now keep in mind as a cynical old man that is actually a rhetorical question. I respect your right to an opinion and to voice it. What I do not have to do though is agree with it. That is a major issue from the "Progressive" front thesee days. They just will not see any other view point and refuse to think that we swhould not bow to theirs. Well I for one tend to think that it is time we stop bowwing annd start spanking more. The country tried the touchy feely everyone wins thing and it did not work. Time to go back to what did.
  6. n0rlf

    Zack Adams

    Alchohol is legal, I still see drunk drivers! I still hear of airplane pilots trying to fly drunk. Surgeons doing procedures after a four martini lunch. Bus drivers drunk driving kids home. Making it legal just takes the criminal aspect away not the behavior of abuse. Humans are humans, they ar easily addicted to some items. Making it legal will just cause more and different issues very similiar to what happened after prohibition ended. The violence did not all end and the abuse surely did not. Just changed so legalizing anything is not the answer. I do not have the answer as much as I wish I could say I do. So as much as I hate to not be part of the solution I can say I raised my family to not be part of the problem.
  7. Shortly after the NICS boondoggle was brought into being I was delayed every time. It was usually 5 to 10 minutes later before the call came back clearing it. This happened at the gun store where I worked part time. Finally go thte answer as to why and it seems when I got out of the military they automatically revoked my secret clearances. That revoking was what was trigger the delay and when they found it was a normal military exit that was the reason they cleared it. That went on for several years and I just got used to it. Then all of a sudden it stopped and I started getting approved on the spot. I never questioned that part so not sure why they all of a sudden figured it out. Typical government functioninaries and systems is what i figured.
  8. I had the pleasure of shooting with him many times in Minnesota. He was a good guy and always a great shownman. He carried himself very well. I saw him and Jerry Miculek go at it at the first annual Delton 3 gun shoot. They kept breaking those clays and it seemed like neither would ever miss. Eventually one of them did and as I recall it was Jerry. He then drew a revolver and picked off 6 clays that were lined up on the berm 50 yards down range. I miss those days. I get to shoot with family now and have not shot competition in decades. I was no where near their caliber at that point and am far worse now. I also recall twice being at shoots with some of the world's best shooters and being humbled and humilated. Twice I offered to guys to use my gun as theirs had broken. Once was my Bennelli shotgun and the other was my STI limited gun at the time. Both times I got my arse kicked with my own gun at a shoot. And when I say kicked I am not talking by a few points, rather more like a Chihuahua trying to run with the Grey Hounds. I was pretty decent and in the usual group of guys in Minnesota clubs I held my own taking 2nd place there for a couple years in Minnesota. It was very humbling to shoot with the likes of Tom, Jerry, Bruce Piatt, Todd Jarrett, Bob Mills, and a few of the others though, as I of course came in like in the middle to bottom third of the pack. Still I got to partake in a great hobby with a bunch of great guys. I would not trade those times for much. Now decades later I am unable to even run with the Chihuahua. I enjoy the sport still and shoot with my family as much as I can. Parkinson's has made me a lousy shot anymore but I can still outshoot some folks. More muscle memory than anything I am sure. Even if those muscles do not want to listen and do as they are told anymore. Kind of like kids that way I guess. Enjoy the sport now guys and have fun with it. I saw guys there competeing and having a blast with equipment far less exotic then what the nig boys were using. Bottom line is to get out and do it! I am so glad I was able to teach my children to shoot and that they enjoy this hobby as much as I do.
  9. They did mention that the boxes got wet I put the ones I bought yesterday and there was no issue.
  10. Was visiting Mom yesterday and went by Dunhams in Tullahoma for some arrows. Noticed a couple pallets of ladder stands and ground blinds marked 50% off. Boxes got wet but I could find no damage. Just a note if you are near Tullahoma and in the market. There 2 person 18' ladder stand was down to $60. The nicer 250 and 350 ground blinds were down around $70 as well. I am now set for stands for awhile. I have enough where I no longer will have to move them!
  11. n0rlf


    I am so safe on being a suspect! Sorry for the loss though. Not sure i could get a foot through that opening.
  12. 2004. Jeanne. I lived in Lakeland, FL then. Charley, Francis, and Jeanne Al within 3 or 4 weeks. It sucked. Jose reminds me a lot of Jean and Francis. Yuck.
  13. Literally just did the same thing with the exact same result. Really?
  14. someones got to prove that was satire. I hope. Please. Wow, there is a lot to be said if that was a real post not intended as fun.
  15. I drove down to Orlando yesterday and picked up my daughter and grandkids We took the back roads coming back up. 75 was a virtual parking lot. Amazed at the lack of planning of some of the people. No good, water, or gas. They just expected to get it on the way. Despite every tv and radio station saying that would not be a good idea. Wow
  16. I can get a price for you if you would like then I could mule them to Pikeville or maybe even Dayton as I do get over there frequently. I go right by his place every couple weeks to visit Mom.
  17. I just replaced all of mine on our car hauler. They were 225 75 15 Goodyear Marathon. The guy I used got them for me for $65. I had the Coop near me mount and balance them which ran 10 per tire. He is in Manchester though. I use him for all my tire needs. Have for years.
  18. I have a couple from my dad. My wife has her grandfather's old Winchester 1897 12 gauge. Lots of love for those old guns.
  19. Nice. I always wanted a mag and the 44 to round out my Rugers just never found one priced right. Glad to see you have them.
  20. You will be welcome here! Just remember though we like it the way it is, If you want to change it to "How we do this in NY" please don't. Florida was ruined that way. I know you will find it much better life here in Tennessee. Native here even though I did leave for quite some time due to military service. Then of course I married a Yankee. Wow, I got he last good one I think. She has seen the light though and we are building a house on the mountain here. Great people and peaceful.
  21. I wish more people would treat other humans as well as we treat our canine families! Then again I wish more people would treat us like our canines do! I cannot imagine life without our dogs. One thinks he is a goat and has to be on top of whatever chair I am in (Yorkie) and the other is a burrowing type who is always under a blanket somewhere (Chihuahua). The Yorkie was a rescue and the Chihuahua was one of 2 pups we got from her mom who we had for 18 wonderful years. The other pup is with my sister and yes they chat online occasionally!
  22. All I can say is wow! Glad I work from home. It was awesome here on the land. About 4 miles south of center line. Took this from cell phone through my spotting scope.
  23. Very cool. No street lights around us but we did see stars and planets. And the local frogs and crickets also woke up and asked what the heck is going on. Got some pictures but through our spotting scope with a cell phone so not great.
  24. I will admit I had my two sons do most of it. I supervised. Too old and decrepid for that. We found a great deal on some commercial grade 20x20 1/2” think tile. Was beautiful but dang heavy. It was 79 cents a tile. Wound up with one tile that did not adhere perfect. It was center of dining room. It is still there. Lol


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