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Everything posted by Will

  1. Ten guns and only one Glock??
  2. Just got update mailed from RK Murf. now Oct 15-16 Franklin next year 2012 I am on their mail list.
  3. Anyone know the building or location ? wondering about parking and inside of joint? Remember New Shackle as weekend traffic jam .
  4. I think it is a good idea to have class&range time for a permit,But Iowa has had online class now for seven months now with no problems and they have few restrictions and are allowed to drink in bar with gun and carry handgun,rifle&shotgun.
  5. Wi Governor to sign bill this Friday July 8th, will be law on Nov.1st Had already been decided that States with similar background/training will be able to carry in Wisconsin. That is us and most other States. (Wi State Attorney) And yes it is a long way there,but if you are there is is nice we have another state.
  6. Passed House last night now onto Gov. who is going to sign into law. Effective this Oct. one more place we can carry.
  7. Great one State left to go Illinois. They almost beat Wi to CC a few weeks ago. They had a seven vote Veto Proof promise as Daley said he would Veto it. The night before the vote Daley made a bunch of calls and the next day they lost the seven votes and now had to put it on hold and regroup. It may still be brought up this year. This would be only for IL residents and for out of staters if they went to IL for training,but what a start. After a year or two they would go with a program like FL/TN I will keep my fingers crossed.
  8. I have some put away climate controled since Pre Obama Election Days what I think is reasonable. Ammoman shipped for US made reloadable runs .45 cts a round+ I can do .40 a round One case Federal commercial 500 rds Another 500 or so in Lake City bulk ammo
  9. I will let them know but some are coming from Western States and some from mid NC and looking to meet Mid Tn
  10. With gas prices I have a few buddies wanting to meet in or near Middle TN for the family fishing trip and know there are a lot of fisherman on board. They want to do a wade/canoe river for smallmouth and need a cabin or motel close. I was told the Buffalo would be best as they do not want lake fishing. Any one have info as to where to fish and stay. Thank You Will
  11. For anyone who uses this range. I seen Charlie a couple of days ago and he said it is now closed on Thursday's and will stay that way. They will use this day for repairs and such. He has not run across the person who runs the website yet to post it.
  12. First hot sunny clear sky day this summer double bag in black plastic garbage bag. Put on dash of your auto mid day for a couple hours and it will boil most of the cosmoline out. Wipe down and go from there.
  13. Skip them both,save your money for the Murfreesboro show next week.
  14. Will

    WWII and prior 1911A1

    They are sought after only if it is original and not altered in any way. Ther are many factors that make them half price or a shooter. Original finish -not refinished or arsenal refinished. Slide and frame both same Mfg -Slide #to gun on some WWII Colts-No oversize grip bushing or SS# scribed on gun anywhere. Non original trigger or any small parts on gun although these may be put on if you could ever find them. Many other factors but these are the most common. Have a collector look gun over then you will know for sure. Buy a Charles Clawson Book if you have gun or plan on ever buying one it could save you a ton of money.
  15. Got it from RK Staff at Murff. Show. Said Ag Center sold out his date by accident. Called Ag Center and they said new date is Oct 23-24 Gun-Shows USA .com is showing both dates I think RK is lame for not updating his site.
  16. I try to talk anyone who can get one into getting one. Think of what kind of pull we would have with 1 or 2 million permit holders instead of three hundred thousand. There would be no debates such as guns in bars.
  17. Was Oct 9-10 Now Oct 23-24 Showing both dates on his site Ag Center has new date
  18. You can bet it was done at the request of RR From The Upset Grill And His Bunch.
  19. Only a small amount were orderded from Inland only,these were mixed in with Garands BAR and machine guns per unit.
  20. U marked mag=Union Hardware Not Always New aftermarket mags-Marked U on back-thin metal-black paint finish-weak springs USGI Real Blued finish-Heavy steel -strong spring. Repro's are now found U marked at all gunshows. Dealers will tell you they are WWII issue. Tons of them floating around in last six months.
  21. The Underwood mag you are talking about that looks like new (marked U on back) sounds like the aftermarket ones I described in above post. They have been bad luck for most carbine owners. Try A real USGI mag with a good spring in mag.
  22. May be weak op rod spring,but almost always mag. A lot of aftermarket U marked reproduction mags floating around and Carb works best with USGI Mag. Is anyone near you that you could try them off their gun?
  23. Have it with You ,call South Store and ask for armorer they will walk you through it over phone.


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