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When closing your safe....

Guest abailey362

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Guest abailey362

don't leave your thumb in the opening. Got mine good on the safe at work tonight (5 ft tall cash safe) - had my left hand on the outside and swung it shut with the other and got distraced and dind't move my thumb in time. Not broken, but massive blood blister under the nail, plus bruised bone in 2 places. Had a hot poker stuck through the nail to relieve pressure. doesn't look too bad now, but damn did it hurt.

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Make sure the cat is out of the safe, as well. :)

I had a similar experience myself. I shut a car door on the tip of my middle finger. I was in agony the next day due to the blood built up under the fingernail. Having the doc poke through the nail with the hot poker was instant relief. They said my fingernail would fall off, but it never did.

Edited by Reservoir Dog
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Now there is a thought I could have done without :tinfoil:. I have smashed a few but I guess it is the machinist family background, we just take a a 1/16th drill bit or so and pop a little hole....stand back and be ready, she is going to blow when it goes thru. Good thing you wasn't LOOKING in the safe when you got distracted. :devil:

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Did something similar a couple of years ago. I was turning some wood on a lathe and, well lets just say I was doing something I should have and the spinning wood mashed the tool to the tool rest with my thumb in between! Thought I broke it for sure, nope, but I did loose the nail, and no I didn't have it poked to relieve the pressure.

Hope you heal quickly - and don't do that again!!

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Guest jackdog

speaking of the dumb ass tax I actually(can not believe I'm posting this) did the M1 thumb maneuver about a week ago. First time in my life I have ever done it. Please color me stupid.:cry::):blush:

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Guest gunslinger707
speaking of the dumb ass tax I actually(can not believe I'm posting this) did the M1 thumb maneuver about a week ago. First time in my life I have ever done it. Please color me stupid.:cry::):blush:

If you're gonna perform that maneuver yuose gotta be FAAAAAAAST!!!!!!!!!!:D:D

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Guest abailey362
LOL Ok who is nerdier? Me for noticing that earlier or you for actually posting the correct term? :rofl:

i think i win on this one too as i just figured he was referencing me as the evil ruler and there was lighting coming from my fingers


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Guest Jcochran88

Had one of my employee's cut off their index finger @ second nucle back around thanksgiving in the cash safe. Emt's had to open the safe to pick up the finger that was inside. Nasty workers comp case.

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Guest abailey362

ouch.....glad we didn't go with the ginsu safe.

and no i'm not a lefty thankfully. I have noticed however how much my lef thumb is used.....painful trying to button my shirt, tie my tie and shoes, and counting cash sucks with it wrapped up.

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