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10 hours ago, pop pop said:

Seen the first Hummingbird today. Put my feeders out. Hope they don't freeze tonight. 

No sign of any here in East Nashville yet. Plenty of Crows though.

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We now have 2 birds visiting our feeders regularly. A male and female. Don't know if they are travelers or home bodies, but they are frequent feeders. It is 36, here in Lascassas, this morning, and they are flying slow.  

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I'm glad to see folks are getting birds. I had one that kept coming to my deck where I had 5 feeders up last year and had about 20+ birds and I thought it was to early and been to cold but I made some nectar and put the feeders up anyway. That was Sunday and this morning I had two Ruby Red throat males and 3 what I think are juveniles as they are a lot smaller than the two males. I have the feeders on the deck on sheperd hooks mounted to the railings around the patio. I went out and sat and they were not bashful about coming to drink with me out there. I might get a couple more feeders if I get a lot of birds. I think one or two of the birds was here last year and remembered there was feeders here. 

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The pair of hummingbirds at our feeders are feeding regularly now. I have 2 feeders out, one on the front porch, and one in the back of the house. That feeder is very close to our breakfast bay picture window, and we get a show while we eat our meals. We also have 2 bird seed feeders hanging on tree limbs out the same window.  Bird shows extraordinaire! 

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  • 1 month later...

I have not been well for almost two months so Daughter had to tend to feeders and I have about 6 birds that are regulars now and I just changed out the nectar in all the feeders 2 days ago. Have some medical plans coming up so will be coming and going here till I get my health back.

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27 minutes ago, bersaguy said:

I have not been well for almost two months so Daughter had to tend to feeders and I have about 6 birds that are regulars now and I just changed out the nectar in all the feeders 2 days ago. Have some medical plans coming up so will be coming and going here till I get my health back.

Was just wondering the other day why we hadn't seen you posting in a bit.  Sorry to see it wasn't just needing an internet break.  Hoping the health issues are resolved with the best outcomes possible. 

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