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Inglorious B@stards Thumbs Up

Guest JHatmaker

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Guest JHatmaker

Saw this last night, very cool! Tarantino did a great job, typical long scenes, and it's not all blood and guts. The graphic parts are very graphic, but it's got a great story, and humor. Pitt is hilarious in it!

Subtitles in several scenes, but the accents are great.

I give it, two trigger fingers up!

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Guest JHatmaker
Saw it the other day. Excellent movie!

BTW, the accents were so good because most of those actors are German (and some French).

It's about Nazi killin'.

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My buddies were like, "I hated the subtitles". But I agree with you, loved the accents. Besides the obvious, I really enjoyed the actor who played the main bad guy. Did a great job, I was on the edge of my seat during the first scene, even though I knew what was going to happen.

Anybody catch the "voice cameo" toward the end when Pitt was talking on the radio? He seems to make an appearance in all the movies somehow...

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Anybody catch the "voice cameo" toward the end when Pitt was talking on the radio? He seems to make an appearance in all the movies somehow...

Who are you referring to? SJ?

I went and saw it last night. Pitt's accent was hilarious at times. Guess thats a Italian Southerner for ya.

Good to see Tennessee get mentioned :)

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My buddies were like, "I hated the subtitles". But I agree with you, loved the accents. Besides the obvious, I really enjoyed the actor who played the main bad guy. Did a great job, I was on the edge of my seat during the first scene, even though I knew what was going to happen.

Anybody catch the "voice cameo" toward the end when Pitt was talking on the radio? He seems to make an appearance in all the movies somehow...

Several scenes would not work unless the movie was accurate with language. I heard a radio interview with Tarantino where he said he wanted to make a movie in stark contrast with WWII movies in the past where people would change to an English accent to show they were speaking German or something. He specifically cited Where Eagles Dare, where the commandos supposedly spoke perfect German to infiltrate the fortress, but everyone just spoke English.

I also liked the commentary on the power of the .25...

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Guest bkelm18
Not all. Ever see "Hostel" ?

Tarantino neither wrote nor directed Hostel. He was just an executive producer. It was written, directed, and produced by Eli Roth.

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Just in case anyone was wondering why all of Tarantino's movies mention Tennessee, or Knoxville in some, is because he was born in Knoxville.

Many of you may know this, many may not. Just my PSA for the day. :D

Yeah, I read that some where. I was surprised at the people from Tennessee, Johnny Knoxville, Morgan Freeman...

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Guest JHatmaker
Who are you referring to? SJ?

I went and saw it last night. Pitt's accent was hilarious at times. Guess thats a Italian Southerner for ya.

Good to see Tennessee get mentioned :hyper:

Naw, Mr. White....;)

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