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Say no to Best Buy?

Guest db99wj

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Havent been into a BB since HHGregg opened here :rolleyes:

They just opened 2 locations here in the area. Won't be going back to bestbuy. Abailey was great working with on a purchase.

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Guest mikedwood

I gave up on BB after my 2nd trip. Prices aren't that great at all and the rest is a long story. Anyway I go in there about once every two years and never buy anything there.

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Lol...I actually like Best Buy...so their marketing team is stupid...it happens.

Yeah, best buy usually has what I'm looking for, so I go there when I can't find it anywhere else, but it's not my favorite store.

You guys are talking like every single BB executive got together and said "Hey! Lets piss on the Christians!". Just some idiot in the marketing department who is adding to the bull crap that is political correctness.

If anything boycott Best Buy because their prices suck.

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Apparently the memo got from the marketing dept to the on-line forum department:

Holiday Messaging - Best Buy Forum

Thanks for sharing your point of view regarding our recent ad, which included a wish for a “Happy Eid al-Adhaâ€.

Best Buy’s customers and employees around the world represent a variety of faiths and denominations. We respect that diversity and choose to greet our customers and employees in ways that reflect their traditions.

We do use the word “holiday†in some of our advertising because it is meant to be inclusive to everyone. However, just as we have in the past, we will also reference specific holidays such as Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in our weekly ads, store signage and other advertising vehicles.

We encourage our employees to interact with customers naturally and feel free to wish them a Merry Christmas if they are celebrating that holiday.

Thanks again for your feedback.


Community Supervisor

Best Buy® Corporate

I loathe Best Buy to begin with, but they better bring some "MERRY CHRISTMAS" messages between now and then since we don't even rate a "Happy Thanksgiving"

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Well damn, I guess I should have said WalMart sells non USA made products....that would get everyone in an uproar!

or better yet, boycott them all due to their stance on appeasing the muslims during our Thanksgiving and Christmas season.


Edited by db99wj
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I actually like BB,and have always enjoyed just browsing the store.

they have allot of different stuff,and reasonable prices with very friendly staff.

What's not to like there?

The only reason I haven't been there in some time is because of abailey,and HHGregg :hyper:

As far as them wishing a happy Eid Al Adha...well,I could really care less.

This isn't a Christian only country. I respect that,and respect others holidays.

It isn't like they left out Thanksgiving,they just added something to it :rolleyes:

Edited by strickj
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That's a good one! Tell that to the polygamist Mormons! No, I must disagree with your statement.

There is only three things you can disagree with,with his statement.

1) Can BB not say what they want?

2) Does it really bother MM?

3) Or do we not have that freedom?

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One more thing, did you not read all the links, especially the last one, the one that is funny, to me anyway?

This is what that holiday is suppose to be about

The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and we should open our hearts and share with others.

The add is an after Thanksgiving "Holiday" sale.....the time of buying and receiving crap we don't need, or half to have....Kinda of ironic...dontcha think.....well in my opinion anyway.

Oh well, nevermind.

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Oh and one more thing that bugs me more than anything about this and there are others out there, is that this is all about political correctness. There are a lot of people in this country that are becoming soft, they are becoming wussies because they are "afraid they will offend someone".

Unless I know who you are, what you're beliefs are and I see you, I am going to say Merry Christmas. If I do know, I am going to be respectful to your belief. If I don't know, and you are not wearing a pin that says, Hi, I'm <insert belief> Don't be offended, if you are, so what, not my problem.

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We have sworn off BB forever. Ever since taking the Dave Ramsey course, we have gone to a cash-only system. We never use credit cards, ever! Anyway, a few Christmases ago, we went to BB and shelled out nearly $350 cash on an XBox for my son. A week later we decided to not give him the XBox, so we took it back. We wanted our cash, but they wouldn't give it to us. We could get store credit or a check that they would send us in the mail to be recieved in 4 or 5 weeks. That put us way after Christmas, and we wanted to use the $350 for his alternate gift, which could not be purchased at BB.

They said it was for my safety, because someone could see me recieve the cash and follow me out to the parking lot and rob me. I told them I could take care of my self and would take the risk. Sorry but it's corporate policy and it's out of our hands. No matter how much complaining and phone calls to corporate, they would not budge.

Fortunately, not having the $350 did not break us for Christmas, but for someone with less in savings, it could have been a big problem. Could have meant no presents until the refund come in the mail.

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Guest mcgyver210

I may have missed it but I didn't see Happy Thanksgiving I only seen the message to do with come spend money.

Now on the other hand I don't care who they worship but don't tell me it is equal when it obviously isn't.

As for Refunds I don't buy much at BB but when I do I try to make sure it is what I want for sure & I also use my Amex which gives me extra warranty on everything I purchase.

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I haven't spent a dime in Best Buy in many years. They screwed me over on a CD player repair - I still had a broken player and they had my money. It's amazing to me that a business that depends on the good will of its customers would intentionally lose one to save a couple of bucks. Makes me appreciate Cabela's all the more.

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