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TV Cops Gun Handling

Guest Whiskers

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Guest Whiskers

Last night I was watching a TVO'd episode of "The Mentalist". The female lead character, an officer with the "California Bureau of Investigation", was being suspended from duty and was asked to turn in her gun and badge.

I wasn't paying much attention (was actually working a puzzle) until I heard something which caught my attention. The officer was apparently going through the process of "clearing" her weapon ..... something told me to rewind and watch the scene again. Yep, I heard right... she racked the slide, then removed the mag and handed the pistol and mag over..... Duh, she handed a loaded gun to the clerk... did she not? Not sure, but I think it was a Glock.... and I don't know if a Glock will fire with the mag removed... Your thoughts?

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This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I know it's just TV but damn it annoys the hell out of me to see gun play on TV. The absolute worst for me is on that show "Numb3rs". When entering a house the FBI agent with a pistol goes in first, and then all the guys with body armor, and short barreled rifles go in second.

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Guest grimel

It is TV, the lead actors will go in first with minimal crap to hide them from the camera. If you are watching TV looking for gun handling help you might as well be watching NASCAR looking for help cooking supper.

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This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I know it's just TV but damn it annoys the hell out of me to see gun play on TV. The absolute worst for me is on that show "Numb3rs". When entering a house the FBI agent with a pistol goes in first, and then all the guys with body armor, and short barreled rifles go in second.

Don, David and Colby are bullet proof. The rest of the entry team is not; that is why they go first.

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Guest nosnos

I've always loved it that the CSI types go in first to clear a building, followed by SWAT guys in full body armor with SBR's and stuff. LOVE IT! Every show does this. Numbers, all the CSI's, Fringe, etc... Why do I know this? I need to watch less TV...

I do try not to think about it much though. It's supposed to be pretty mindless, right? It's not like I watch TV because I want to believe I'm actually watching real events. For that I watch Cops... (tongue in cheek)

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What about Steven Segal LAWMAN. :P

You have a bunch of 50 something year old high ranking brass running the streets with an actor acting like they are street cops. Seeing them chase someone is hilarious. :)

And acting like a reserve Officer is the Chief… yeah right. :P

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Guest rebelyell

The whole point is to capture the audience,but 90% of the people watching have no idea that it's being done correctly or not,if they were more realistic with the little details they would have 100% of the audience and would be well worth the effort! my :P.

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I like how somebody points a semi at someone, THEN, to make it really plain they are really really serious, they THEN rack the slide.

- OS

I was going to mention this several days ago on another thread, but since you brought it up again...

I HATE it on these dumb tv shows and movies when the cops (plain clothes, detectives, etc.) get a call and then 1) rack the slide in the car when they are speeding off to the location, 2) then rack again when they skid to a stop and jump out at the location, 3) then rack again when they are in the stair well, 4) and then finally rack again when they confront the bad guy and yack for a few minutes...THEN, to make it really plain they are really really serious, they THEN rack the slide...AGAIN!


When I was in the police academy (1984) and we were going through the Hogan's Alley course, if anyone held there weapon upwards towards the sky they got smacked in the head by the instructors followed by a sharp, "We're NOT here to shoot ducks!" (ducks are up, suspects are in front of you) We were told to ALWAYS keep your weapon pointed in front of you wherever you were looking, NOT up in the air like on tv.

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What I really really hate is how they make the CSI people look like the detectives/Sherlock Holmes on the show. They are in their Stargate SG1 vests and all carry different sidearms. That just bugs the devil out of me. And why have I never seen Gary on Law and Order if CSI:New York has all these cool cyber type computers and solve all these crimes.

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Anyone see the intro to the real life COPS show where two officers are entering a stairwell and the one big black cop is looking up the stairwell with his semi-auto (looks at a glance to be a Smith 5406 or similar) and has it perfectly sighted in about....oh, two inches from his right eye! Talk about getting slide bit!

Careful, you could put an eye out!

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Guest jackdm3
Best gun handling on TV is NCIS; actual NCIS agents train the cast in proper handgun control.

Now I know why that is the only cop show I watch.

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I was watching a show last week (not sure what it was now) and the show opens with a murder. It clearly showed a revolver as the murder weapon with 3 shots fired. Once the cops got there and were investigating the scene they showed 2 empty shell casings on the ground next to the body. I can't believe that they would make that mistake.

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Guest Swamprunner

Meh, I don't watch that crap anymore. When I was a kid, I used to watch "Combat" and "The Rat Patrol" with my Dad, and he would rant about their lack of skill.

Oh, and I like it when the bullets *spark* when they hit close to the main character. I need to get me some of 'dem sparkin' bullets. :up:

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I too love the fact that even after several shots are fired in TV gun battle, someone always "re-racks" the slide. this being done without ejecting a round or changing magazines. Watched some of the movie Charlie's Angle's today, Demi Moore shot two very large firearms (could not tell caliber due to watching her very large....you know) with absolutely no recoil, no muzzle flash, and she could still hear after firing. Oh, and the cartridges magically disappeared. Hum.....i must have missed that in my carry class...

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I was going to mention this several days ago on another thread, but since you brought it up again...

I HATE it on these dumb tv shows and movies when the cops (plain clothes, detectives, etc.) get a call and then 1) rack the slide in the car when they are speeding off to the location, 2) then rack again when they skid to a stop and jump out at the location, 3) then rack again when they are in the stair well, 4) and then finally rack again when they confront the bad guy and yack for a few minutes...THEN, to make it really plain they are really really serious, they THEN rack the slide...AGAIN!

must have been a glock.....

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Meh, I don't watch that crap anymore. When I was a kid, I used to watch "Combat" and "The Rat Patrol" with my Dad, and he would rant about their lack of skill.

Rat Patrol! Haven't seen that one in a long time. I used to love that show.

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