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Tardy Tennessee lawmaker parks on sidewalk


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Tardy Tennessee lawmaker parks on sidewalk

Republican state Rep. Stacey Campfield of Knoxville says he parked his car up on the Tennessee Capitol sidewalk with the hazard lights blinking because he was late for the House floor session.

Campfield, who has a reserved parking spot in the legislative parking garage less than a block away, ran out of the House chamber toward the end of Monday's floor session to move his Honda Accord.

Asked by a reporter why he parked on the sidewalk, Campfield responded: "Come on, I was late. I wanted to get up and vote!"

Campfield's car did not appear to have been ticketed for parking on the sidewalk.

Campfield is leaving his House seat this year to run for the state Senate.

WBIR.com | Knoxville, TN | Tardy Tennessee lawmaker parks on sidewalk

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Because it is indicative of the general lack of respect for the laws that our legislators pass for us little people to follow?

No matter which side of the aisle they sit on, the Republicrats are busy screwing us over.

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Guest manofsteel

senate has drivers i think so when he gets voted in they will just drop him off. why wasnt he driving a goverment motors car like a colbolt or a hummer?

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I want to note that while this story does seem really odd (like the Knoxville newspaper has ever gotten the full story of any story...) Campfield is a very good supporter of gun laws. In fact, he is the ONLY state rep/senator who showed up to help fight the City of Knoxville about carrying in the parks.

Edit: After I wrote this I went to check his blog to see if he had posted anything about it. He had. The newspaper once again is showing it's highly liberal bias I believe. Read his account: http://lastcar.blogspot.com/2010/04/this-is-huge.html


Edited by macville
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Guest JavaGuy
senate has drivers i think so when he gets voted in they will just drop him off. why wasnt he driving a goverment motors car like a colbolt or a hummer?

The respective Speakers of the House and of the Senate have drivers. A run of the mill state Senator does not have a driver.

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Guest CrazyLincoln

Correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that federal and state legislators are immune from misdemeanors when the legislature is in session. Not saying its fair but how it is.

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Guest davidz71
everyone is equal, just some are more equal. Me or you would have gotten towed.

When there are no parking spaces available, it is not unusual for a state worker to park on the sidewalk, run paperwork in, return to the vehicle and drive off. Nothing unusual, seen it done numerous times. I'm sure they are keeping a closer eye on what type of vehicle and who is getting out of the vehicle at the time.

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I'll second the "why is this news" ;)

When there are no parking spaces available, it is not unusual for a state worker to park on the sidewalk, run paperwork in, return to the vehicle and drive off. Nothing unusual, seen it done numerous times. I'm sure they are keeping a closer eye on what type of vehicle and who is getting out of the vehicle at the time.


Can't say anything about state employees but I have personally parked in no parking areas before without hassle when inadequate parking is available.

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