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Guest moreland281

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Guest moreland281

I walked into a local gun store (the largest we have in the area). (OUTPOST)

I asked to see their FS2000 they had on the wall.

They guy proceded to show it to me. I told him I wanted it.

I then asked if he knew, would it fit the Gentech Halo Suppressor I had at home, if he didnt know could we try the halo they had on display, as I just wanted to see if I needed to get a new suppressor too (hey it was christmas after all)

He replied he didn't know (fair enough) and I could try mine at home all I wanted after I purchased it. :wall: I handed the weapon back and just walked out the front door.

I'm all about supporting local gun stores (heck I will even pay a little more to get good service and someone to pick their brain when I have a new build Idea But come on)

So needless to say I purchased my FS2000 from a diffrent source (and at $851 cheaper too LOL)

Needless to say I will NEVER purchase anything from that store, BUT I will use them to finger their weapons and figure out what I want to order.

(This was several weeks ago, I dont' know why it hit me again tonight, maybe because I'm in the mood to purchase another weapon LOL)

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Guest moreland281
Dude you have one for sale and you want to buy another? SWEET!

Flat Top with metal rail (the one I'm selling is the optic version, granted it has a rail too but its a polymer based rail)

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I'd have either explained my request a little more clearly (sometimes counter monkeys don't always process what you said) or I would have asked for the manager on duty. I try really hard not to let counter staff deter me from making a purchase. Sometimes they are just minimum wage workers who could just as easily be flipping burgers at the local McDonald's.

If management refused or further explanation yielded the same dumb blank stare, then I'd have left.

My own experience at Outpost has been overall very positive, but I've had one or two instances where I had to deal with some newbie yutz at the counter that left me shaking my head. Usually alerting the manager to that later ends up in the newbie yutz being replaced with someone else. They don't tolerate that sort of nonsense from their people.

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Guest moreland281

If it was a young guy or a new guy I would have understood myself, But this guy I have seen in there on and off for as long as I can remember (Granted I dont go up there every week but the once a month or so I do go he has always been there working the counter). MIght have been a bad day for him or something but none the less it shoudln't have had happened. When I was in management if someone was having a bad day, or I perceived them to not be in a great mood, I just put them in the back working on inventory or some other project that would keep them out of the pubilc view

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
I'd have either explained my request a little more clearly (sometimes counter monkeys don't always process what you said) or I would have asked for the manager on duty. I try really hard not to let counter staff deter me from making a purchase. Sometimes they are just minimum wage workers who could just as easily be flipping burgers at the local McDonald's.

If management refused or further explanation yielded the same dumb blank stare, then I'd have left.

My own experience at Outpost has been overall very positive, but I've had one or two instances where I had to deal with some newbie yutz at the counter that left me shaking my head. Usually alerting the manager to that later ends up in the newbie yutz being replaced with someone else. They don't tolerate that sort of nonsense from their people.

Agreed. Either ask again, or ask for a manager. I've never understood why someone just walks out of a retail establishment the second they hear something they don't like.

Every gun store.....and I mean EVERY store......has "That Guy." That Guy has decided, simply due to his employment at a gun store, that he knows everything about everything related to guns. To That Guy, every customer is a novice and every question is an imposition, since everyone should know everything about every gun. I recently visited a Middle TN gun store and had an experience with That Guy. He asked me if I needed help, and I told him I was just looking. That Guy followed me around the store, giving me his opinion on every gun in the store. According to That Guy, plastic guns were crap and couldn't be shot accurately. He tried to talk me out of every plastic pistol in the store. Since I wasn't really in a buying mood ( I really was just looking) I just ignored That Guy. Bear in mind, this That Guy worked at a very well reputed store on these forums. That Guy......is everywhere.

If I walked out of every gun store with That Guy.........I'd never walk into another gun store again. :drool:

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My experience with Outpost is that both Butch (the manager) and Chris B. himself (the owner) want to know if you haven't had satisfactory service because of someone behind the counter. As long as your complaint is legitimate they will make a change to improve the situation, either by having a heart to heart with the individual or by releasing them to go find gainful employment somewhere else.

I'm not just fluffing their skirt because they are a vendor here. Chris is a good guy and his heart is in the right place. This shop is one of his babies and he takes it very, very seriously. I personally know of two individuals who no longer work there because they were not good for the business.

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Every gun store.....and I mean EVERY store......has "That Guy." That Guy has decided, simply due to his employment at a gun store, that he knows everything about everything related to guns. To That Guy, every customer is a novice and every question is an imposition, since everyone should know everything about every gun. I recently visited a Middle TN gun store and had an experience with That Guy. He asked me if I needed help, and I told him I was just looking. That Guy followed me around the store, giving me his opinion on every gun in the store. According to That Guy, plastic guns were crap and couldn't be shot accurately. He tried to talk me out of every plastic pistol in the store. Since I wasn't really in a buying mood ( I really was just looking) I just ignored That Guy. Bear in mind, this That Guy worked at a very well reputed store on these forums. That Guy......is everywhere.

If I walked out of every gun store with That Guy.........I'd never walk into another gun store again. :drool:

I'm sorry to hear about someone having a bad experience at a local gun store. One of the things that I strived for when opening D&T Arms was to ensure "that guy" was not behind the counter. Every customers and sales persons firearm knowledge is different. Some customers that we have had have a vast knowledge of guns, while others are new to the shooting sports. No one can know everything about every gun out there, but the person behind the counter is looked at as the subject matter expert by many. I would hope that if anyone that visited my store had a bad experience that they would speak to me or PM me on this forum so I could correct the issue.

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I've had very good experiences with Outpost (and a look at my debit card history would support that).

I've no idea why your experience was bad but I'd say such an experience could happen any day at any gun store (or any other establishment for that matter)...one thing I decided years ago was that I wasn't going to get bad service/food, etc anyplace without letting someone in management know. After all, they can never correct a problem they don't know they have.

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Guest jeliggett

What he said

My experience with Outpost is that both Butch (the manager) and Chris B. himself (the owner) want to know if you haven't had satisfactory service because of someone behind the counter. As long as your complaint is legitimate they will make a change to improve the situation, either by having a heart to heart with the individual or by releasing them to go find gainful employment somewhere else.

I'm not just fluffing their skirt because they are a vendor here. Chris is a good guy and his heart is in the right place. This shop is one of his babies and he takes it very, very seriously. I personally know of two individuals who no longer work there because they were not good for the business.

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Ya know, I have had only one experience of running into "That Guy" working at a gun store. It didn't really bother me. I politely listened to what he was saying in one ear while letting the information go out the other ear. Now, I have ran into a bunch of "That Guy" as customers. I am amazed at the number of people who come into gun shops who have read a book or something on the internet and now they are experts. It is quite funny with some of the stuff they say.

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Sound like he didn't have that "salesman tac". I had an experience at Frontier Firearms. I called and asked about a certain gun and was told..."yeah, I think we have it, but it's at the other end of the counter and I can't get to it. You are welcome to come in and look at it." She sounded a little rushed and the phone call ended. I think, at times, it's just a poor choice of words that cause things like this. I KNOW that she didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. A simple "let me take your name and number and I'll call ya back" would have been just fine. I don't hold what happened against them. In fact I went out Monday and looked around and was treated great. While walking around the store I listened to some of the questions being asked. I could tell most knew the anwser when they asked the question, but the staff still played the game. I think we all have to remember not every gun counterman reads Guns and Ammo.

Getting to anwser customers questions at work I have run into "that guy"a few time. A fella that has degree from some huge college, with a I know more than you attitude. Most of the time you play the game and it makes them feel good and you move on. Then there are times you are backed into a corner and you are forced to put them in their place. This happens at every retail place. Had a guy one time that was just over the top with everything. He let me know he was a engineer with ORNL and he was smart. He told me the proplem he was having was due to poor engineering. I told him every problem is due to poor engineering. Silence, could of heard a pin drop. The problem could have been fixed much faster with just easy conversation. He forced me to treat him as an equal. This seems to happen more in the "if I yell loud enough I can get what I want" world.

The fact is anybody can get poor service and anybody can cause poor service.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
Ya know, I have had only one experience of running into "That Guy" working at a gun store. It didn't really bother me. I politely listened to what he was saying in one ear while letting the information go out the other ear. Now, I have ran into a bunch of "That Guy" as customers. I am amazed at the number of people who come into gun shops who have read a book or something on the internet and now they are experts. It is quite funny with some of the stuff they say.

That's the beauty of That Guy. He's equally comfortable on both sides of the counter!!! ;)

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