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Our beloved dacshund SAM, passed away at the vets, at 2;00 pm. He threw two blood clots in his heart. He was 11 years of age, and we had him for 10 1/2 years. He brought a lot of love, joy, and comfort to us. I know that GOD needed him, and that GOD and SAM, will be waiting for us in heaven. Please pray for our family as we go througth this period of grieving.

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Absolutely will. Praying for you and your whole family. Just passed the 2-yr mark for my Golden, Kona, and although it hurts less, I still miss him terribly. When the time is right, do you think you'll latch onto another lil' one? We have three now that help fill the gap--LOL! Take care.

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Guest Bluemax

The Warden and I's thoughts and prayers are with you as well. With a little time maybe you will reconsider about another dog. The shelters are full of dogs that will give you unquestionable love and devotion and you will have saved a life as well

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Guest TnRebel

So sorry for your lose ... when you lose a family pet that is almost like losing a child . I know how I would feel to lose my lil mini-dacshund.

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Man I'm sorry.

;) Between Sam and Sadie, my day is shot to crap now.:D I was planning on eating out tonight but I think I'm staying home and grilling out. Going to put my friend a half a pack of hotdogs and some deer meat on the grill to remind him how much I love him.

There's nothing like a good dog. Absolutely nothing.

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Sorry for your loss, I know what what it is like to lose a pet, I lost my Maine Coon cat in Dec. A piece of you dies with them because they are more than just pets they are your children. My heart and prayers go out to you.

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