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Colt Is Coming South!

Guest gwu77

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Connecticut certainly has not been friendly to Colt with the CT AWB specifically damning Colt in a big way for its citizens. In recent years, Gen. Keys' Colt has been extremely involved in helping to make sure that no additional laws get passed, sending his legal team to public hearings and sending a message straight to the lawmakers that "if this law gets passed, Colt will leave" which pissed some lawmakers off for sure... of course the law didn't happen, so hey, it works!

Not to be a negative post, but given the fact that the Hartford facility is 100,000 sq ft, 16,000 sq ft is hardly even interesting. I know a number of small business owners who have 12,000-18,000 sq ft facilities.

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What you are seeing is an initial move by Colt to test things out (...i think...). Any company that is interested in being left alone and simply doing business in a "business friendly" enviornment is leaving the northeast and the mid-west. Manufacturing companies are simply fed up with the idiotic tactics of the northeast liberals and the entrenched demorats and they are moving out. I'm glad to see it.

I believe you are seeing this country "devolving" into regional confederations (...for lack of a better term...). The individual policies of the states will determine which companies continue to stay or move and to where. That's why you are seeing an exodus from the northeast, the rust belt, and kalefornia. People are simply sick and tired of the anti business policies of the blue states. I say bring 'em on down to the south and the southeast.


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Barely interesting. Not to be negative. Who in God`s name do you think you are? Prick.

It may be time for you to switch to decaf. I'm the guy who knows a lot more people who work for Colt Defense than you do. That good enough for you?

16,000 sq ft is not a big facility, that was my point which is not at all controversial. Your posts are filled with emotion and drama... try to relax a little, I didn't call your baby ugly.

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I cant see why ANY of these mfgs are still in AntiGun states like CONN,MASS,NY etc

Come to the south !!!!!!! The more the better.......

You loot we shoot !

Right, bring them all down here. Makes a second attempt at division along the Mason-Dixon line even more appealing as well as prosperous.

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My posts may be filled with drama, but they are not negative. And no, that's not good enough for me. You owe me an apology . I am leaving this forum forever now, but you are a bad tempered person seeking attention. Well, you got it.

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Wow... I'm 56, he's 57.

Will I be that touchy in 6 months? Hope not...

My great uncle Al Bradlau worked at Colt's in the 30's-50's. As much of an institution as it is there, I believe this attempt at a broader horizon will be a good thing for the company. (I'd rather TN, but what the hey...)

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Guest hawkeye10
Barely interesting. Not to be negative. Who in God`s name do you think you are? Prick.

What is with the name calling? The guy is just giving his opinion. Don

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Guest TresOsos
My posts may be filled with drama, but they are not negative. And no, that's not good enough for me. You owe me an apology . I am leaving this forum forever now, but you are a bad tempered person seeking attention. Well, you got it.


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Wow... this thread turned out to be way crazier than expected.

I cant see why ANY of these mfgs are still in AntiGun states like CONN,MASS,NY etc

Having lived in the heart of America's firearms industry & firearms history - the Connecticut River Valley - for a few years, it is definitely quite ironic that the bulk of the iconic firearm/firearm parts/firearm accessory manufacturers are located in CT and MA. I could leave my place and be at Marlin, Mossberg, Ruger, Colt, Lyman, C-Products, Stag, PTR, CMT, Mec-Gar and numerous other manufacturers in literally a matter of minutes. Winchester's former facility where so much history had been made was only right down the road. As for why they don't move... it's hard and it's expensive. Plus, many of their employees have been with them a long time and wouldn't relocate, so there's the human aspect to it as well. As I mentioned in my earlier reply, the legislators have tried to introduce laws that (so far) have been thwarted by the significant efforts of the shooting public, in-state pro-gun organizations (not the NRA), and the manufacturers listed above. If some of them ever made it into the books, such as micro-stamping, it would cause an exodus, and for the time being, the legislators seem to get that.

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