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TSA Coming soon to a town near you!

Guest CollapsedNut

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Security of the Interstates is the responsibility of THP. Are they not capable of doing that job without the help of a bunch of Airport Security Guards? Does TSA or DHS not share information regarding possible threats with local law enforcement?

In a failing economy this is an arrogant waste of taxpayer’s money.

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I'll give you all somethin to think about. It came to me from a guy in the radiation detection business right after 9/11. The gubmt placed an emergency order for several thousand low level radiation detectors with a specialty company for which this guy worked which i'll not name. Their specialty was detection of low levels of alpha and beta particles; typically the stuff that enriched uranium gives off. These detectors are portable and will work from a relatively long distance from the source of the radiation. They are evidently much more sensitive and advanced than the ordinary radiation survey meter. The company said it would take several years, not months to build these detectors. The gubmt guys became appoplexic at all this; they said "...but we need 'em now!!!....". All this tells me is that there is a real fear out there amongst the bureaucratic and "bugger behind every tree class" that there is a very real possibility that a dirty bomb or a suitcase nuke that could be smuggled into the good ole USA and transported via truck, donkey, rattle trap, scooter, you name it, to somewhere and set off. That's the rationale (...i think, anyway...) that the TSA is usin to do all this stuff.

On a personal level, i think it's foolish to look for this stuff randomly on the highways; but i think that's what they are doin. I suspect that they are usin new tools (....like the one mentioned above...) for all this that the folks (...like the THP...) simply do not have. In this same conversation, the quiet, erudite guy who passed on the story about the low level radiation detector order also said that the Russians owned up to havin (...and securing...) about 125 suitcase nukes. There are those who believe that there were really about 1100. I wonder where the other 975 or so are at?? Interestin to think about aint it?

Please bear in mind that this little blurb in no way is intended to justify or give "approval" to what this bunch of bureaucratic clowns are doin. It is simply meant to inform. I would classify this latest TSA thing as a typical statist bureaucratic bungle that tramples on folks rights while purporting to keep us all safer; all for "...the Collective Good...." as the old soviets would say. I firmly that Providence alone has kept a suitcase nuke or dirty bomb from goin off here in the good ole USA. Let us all hope and pray that the Hand of Providence continues to protect us all in spite of our idiotic and blinded ways.


Edited by leroy
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NEST teams have been around a while. Since way back before the Soviet Union broke up and thos ebackpack nukes got loose. Theory was that the Soviets may have had sleeper cells embedded throughout America, maybe with some of these nukes...I think todays, islamofacist threats are of greater concern. Mutally Assured Destruction may have really deterred the Soviets back then, but the Islamofacists dont care. The best way Big Brother could help is by adequately securing the borders. They are wide open. Secure the borders and you wont need all these other incursions into our freedoms.

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Guest bkelm18
Secure the borders and you wont need all these other incursions into our freedoms.

Saying "secure our borders" and actually doing it are two completely different things. I agree something needs to be done, but you just simply cannot "secure" ~8000 miles of border (Canada + Mex) to the degree that no people or weapons could get in.

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TSA has to justify its existence somehow. Keep in mind they haven't caught a SINGLE terrorist. NOT ONE.

If they can't find one at the airports by humiliating little old ladies, pregnant women, and 4-year old boys, then BY GOD they'll do it on the interstates. Remember, the US Gubmit has declared the homeland a battlefield.

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Saying "secure our borders" and actually doing it are two completely different things. I agree something needs to be done, but you just simply cannot "secure" ~8000 miles of border (Canada + Mex) to the degree that no people or weapons could get in.

They could have done a hell of a lot more than they have since 2001. Either this is all a bunch of BS or they are completely incompetent. Maybe both.

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TSA has to justify its existence somehow. Keep in mind they haven't caught a SINGLE terrorist. NOT ONE.

If they can't find one at the airports by humiliating little old ladies, pregnant women, and 4-year old boys, then BY GOD they'll do it on the interstates. Remember, the US Gubmit has declared the homeland a battlefield.

Well I for one feel safer that there's one less cupcake in U.S. airspace.

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