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Set the Bar!

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I know this shouldnt have to be mentioned but here is goes.

I challange all my fellow gun gun owners to set the bar to a higher standard. We get enough crap from the media. We dont need any more!

I challange for all who chose to booze it up tonight (any night) to please please please PUT YOUR FIREARMS UP and use common sense and gun saftey rules! Lets not give them any more ammo to try and take away our rights.

Also Drinking and Driving dangers are going to be out there. Lets all be safe if your drinking or not! If you drink then give up your keys to some one who is not. If your not drinking pay a little more attention to the flow of traffic and your surroundings on the street.

Lets all be safe this weekend and Have a Happy and Safe start to this New Year!

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Yep, remember that alcohol and gun powder don't mix - It won't shoot and tastes lousy!

Tonight, like many another New Years Eve, I plan on watching a little T.V., maybe drinking a beer and going to bed well before midnight. I figure if the new year can't come in without my help then it ain't worth waking up to. :)

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Guest WyattEarp
I know this shouldnt have to be mentioned but here is goes.

I challange all my fellow gun gun owners to set the bar to a higher standard. We get enough crap from the media. We dont need any more!

I challange for all who chose to booze it up tonight (any night) to please please please PUT YOUR FIREARMS UP and use common sense and gun saftey rules! Lets not give them any more ammo to try and take away our rights.

Also Drinking and Driving dangers are going to be out there. Lets all be safe if your drinking or not! If you drink then give up your keys to some one who is not. If your not drinking pay a little more attention to the flow of traffic and your surroundings on the street.

Lets all be safe this weekend and Have a Happy and Safe start to this New Year!

hear, hear!!!!! i am celebrating new years eve and will be drinking but in moderation, no getting wasted. Hiwever, my gun us with me, but it will be locked up and secured and ammo separated tonight when the celebration starts. Wont be any driving, me and some friends got a room for 2 nights at a hotel in knoxville, we are within 2 blocks of downtown kville, and we have a bona fide sober designated driver who will be driving us if we need to go anywhere, but we dont anticipate going anywhere in the car as thats why we got the room close to downtown kville, so we could just walk. :) have a safe new year everyone, and be careful and have fun!!!!

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Guest bkelm18
I know this shouldnt have to be mentioned but here is goes.

I challange all my fellow gun gun owners to set the bar to a higher standard. We get enough crap from the media. We dont need any more!

I challange for all who chose to booze it up tonight (any night) to please please please PUT YOUR FIREARMS UP and use common sense and gun saftey rules! Lets not give them any more ammo to try and take away our rights.

Also Drinking and Driving dangers are going to be out there. Lets all be safe if your drinking or not! If you drink then give up your keys to some one who is not. If your not drinking pay a little more attention to the flow of traffic and your surroundings on the street.

Lets all be safe this weekend and Have a Happy and Safe start to this New Year!

Think you're preaching to the choir. :)

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some times even the choir and preacher need a reminder! It only takes one to sing off key to make all the chior sound bad!

Singing off key is one thing, being deliberately stupid and not following the teaching of the preaching is quite another.

Let me see if I can put it in a way even the simplest will understand:

See Dick.

See Dick drink.

See Dick drive.

See Dick die.

Don't be a Dick!


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I will tell a story. August of 2010, me and my my girlfriend of 5 yrs had a bad argument. I was at home, did not plan to go anywhere. Buddy from work called and wanted to go out. I gave in to peer pressure and went out. After all, I was mad and needed to let off some steam. Long story short, I got a DUI.

Lost my drivers license for 1 year. Lost my HCP for one year (it was a fight to get it back). Two days in jail, 24hrs of picking up trash along the road, 10 AA meetings and 1 year of supervised probation.

This does not include the nearly $4,000 dollars I spent on an attorney, bail, fines, probation.

This is all the things I had to endure by the court, not by my friends, family. I never felt so ashamed in my life. Facing my family after this and being uncertain if I would keep my job after this. Not a good feeling at all.

From someone that has been there, done that, Please don't make the same mistake that I did. I'm very thankful that I did not kill anyone in my drunken decision to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Of all the stuff I had to face, it could have ended in a loss of life because I made a stupid decision.

Edited by EMB145
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Guest WyattEarp

23 minutes!!!!!! Downtown kville!!!


P.s. firearm checked with hotel front desk. They have safe deposit boxes. Two keys reqd to open. They have a key, i have a key. :-)

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Lots of guns went off out here in the county. I thought about joining them (I am sober, surprisingly) and popping a few off in my hill. I got as far as the screen door and got a big whiff of 36 degrees and that was the end of that. Oosh!

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Guest WyattEarp
Lots of guns went off out here in the county. I thought about joining them (I am sober, surprisingly) and popping a few off in my hill. I got as far as the screen door and got a big whiff of 36 degrees and that was the end of that. Oosh!

Ya aint partyin' if ya aint shoooooooting!!!!!

So i guess i aint partying lolz.

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