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Neighbors build home near gun range, want range closed

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Guest nicemac

Just like the people that moved in near the fairground and then complain that the speedway is noisy. The speedway has been there for 50 years. It was there when they bought-that is why the house was cheap! I suspect the gun club noise made the price of their land more affordable as well.

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Guest bkelm18

Just like the people that moved in near the fairground and then complain that the speedway is noisy. The speedway has been there for 50 years. It was there when they bought-that is why the house was cheap! I suspect the gun club noise made the price of their land more affordable as well.

Isn't that when our good buddy Wyatt The Racist sent his now infamous email?

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Another case of someone who has way more money than he does intelligence.

He knew exactly what he was doing when he bought that property. Now he's going to bitch until the range is forced to close and it won't cost him a dime.

wish i lived close to gun range it would save some time and gas ;)

You know how they have those little housing developments centered around golf courses or small private airstrips?

I always wondered if one would work centered around a really nice range.

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You know how they have those little housing developments centered around golf courses or small private airstrips?

I always wondered if one would work centered around a really nice range.

They tried that in Nevada. That was the concept for "Front Site". Too bad that the community never got developed. They built the range but nothing else. I think that lawsuits are still going on about that.

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He knew exactly what he was doing when he bought that property. Now he's going to bitch until the range is forced to close and it won't cost him a dime.

You know how they have those little housing developments centered around golf courses or small private airstrips?

I always wondered if one would work centered around a really nice range.

Sounds like a great idea to me. I'd love it. Of course, I couldn't afford the new home or the club dues. But sure sounds good.

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Just like the people that moved in near the fairground and then complain that the speedway is noisy. The speedway has been there for 50 years. It was there when they bought-that is why the house was cheap! I suspect the gun club noise made the price of their land more affordable as well.

I was going to bring that up. I hope the city council in Clarksville tells them to pound sand.

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We have both here. ORSA is located directly behind the City wastewater treatment plant. ORSA and the City get along fine and there are two gates between the two properties. Along come Mr. & Ms. developer who purchase several acres of the adjoing farm. They extend the road that goes to the treatment plant and that the back gate to ORSA is located on. This road which was previously basically a dead end driveway becomes the main road throught the development. Now they complain about the smell of the treatment plant and the noise from ORSA.

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We have both here. ORSA is located directly behind the City wastewater treatment plant. ORSA and the City get along fine and there are two gates between the two properties. Along come Mr. & Ms. developer who purchase several acres of the adjoing farm. They extend the road that goes to the treatment plant and that the back gate to ORSA is located on. This road which was previously basically a dead end driveway becomes the main road throught the development. Now they complain about the smell of the treatment plant and the noise from ORSA.

When the wind is blowing right the smell from that water treatment plant can overwhelm the action pistol range. :yuck::puke:

I would hate to have to smell a waste water treatment plant all the time, but if I were stupid enough to buy a house next to one I guess I'd have to deal with it.

Newsflash folks....s**t stinks, guns are loud and boolits are made from lead!

Edited by BrasilNuts
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First house I ever bought, we looked at the house, looked at it again, drove around the neighborhood a couple of times, and decided to buy it. We went to the Realtor's office and put down our earnest money, which was a lot for us at the time, then we decided to take one more drive past the house that was soon to become ours. That is when we realized that the airport was due east of the house, and the flight-path for the big 747's was directly over my next door neighbor's house. We could practically see the people looking out of the windows of the plane.

It was a big disappointment, but we learned to live with it. We had fun with it sometimes. They were very loud, and sometimes set off peoples car alarms. Always made phone calls and watching TV interesting. Occasionally if the wind was wrong, the planes would take off in our direction instead of landing, which made it 10 times louder. We always joked that it was because Donald Trump was in town, and he lived on the other side of the airport from us.

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I went to bid a job at a house in Clinton and I was impressed by how quiet and out of the way it seemed to be.

I got the job...

Turns out there were train tracks 200' from the house with a siding where trains stop so others could pass.

A school on the other side of that.

And what I can only guess was a donkey farm next to the school.

Three or four times a day a train would stop let another one pass and then start off again.

Every time the kids arrived at school, left school or a class had recess you could hear kids yelling and screaming.

The kids yelling and screaming got the donkeys going.....

All of this was blocked from sight by a row of pine trees in the back yard.

Moral of the story... spend a day at a house before you buy it.

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I concur with BrasilNuts and will add not only spend a day but also spend a rainy day so you can see where the water comes from and where it goes. You can't see water problems on dry days. It's amazing the number of civil disputes that occur between landowners when one person property drains/washes across an adjoing parcel.

Edited by Bubba0031
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Guest BungieCord

Tennessee Code Ann. § 39-17-316 immunizes operators and patrons of sport shooting ranges from "civil or criminal liability for noise or noise pollution, nuisance or any other claim not involving physical injury to another human, resulting from the operation or use of the sport shooting range as a sport shooting range if the sport shooting range is in compliance with any applicable noise control laws, resolutions, ordinances or regulations issued by a unit of local government, that applied to the range at the time that the range began operation."

Further, Tennessee Code Ann. § 13-3-412 requires the real estate developer mark all plats for any property within 1000 feet of the boundary of an established sport shooting range with an advisory to prospective buyers that their only choice is to suck it up and deal with it.

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Sounds like one rich man( or a couple rich people) aren't happy cause the other party will not bow down to their wishes. It's almost like the story i heard about the Pig farmer who has been on his land doing his thing for many years only when a Muslim family moves in next door and asks him to stop raising hogs simply because it is against their religion.

I hope the gun club over there wins the case. The rich people with the larger than needed compound either deal with it or move. They knew there was a shooting range close by, they should have at least done more research before buying and building, now they are bitching and whining, moaning and complaining.

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Sounds like one rich man( or a couple rich people) aren't happy cause the other party will not bow down to their wishes. It's almost like the story i heard about the Pig farmer who has been on his land doing his thing for many years only when a Muslim family moves in next door and asks him to stop raising hogs simply because it is against their religion.

I hope the gun club over there wins the case. The rich people with the larger than needed compound either deal with it or move. They knew there was a shooting range close by, they should have at least done more research before buying and building, now they are bitching and whining, moaning and complaining.

This is true. There is no shortage of people who will try to force their will onto others and if they can't have their way, then they sue. I wonder if this jackwagon even tried talking to the owner(s) of the gun club first to see if a compromise could be reached.

But the report indicated that the homeowner is suing the city that leases the land and not the gun club itself, so I'm puzzled as to how the gun club will bear any financial responsibility for litigation.

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Again, y'all, regardless of the azzhole's exact motives, he's suing in federal court over environmental issues, citing violations to the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Water Act.

So the case will be adjudicated on that basis, not noise or property rights or whatever.

- OS

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