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Got a Man Purse Today ...

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I bought a Maxpedition Jumbo-S from someone here last year and I love the thing.

It is big enough to take everything that I need to the range. It will hold several pistols, ammo and many other things so that I dont have to carry a bigger bag with me. As for just taking it out into public I have not yet had that need or desire. If I did I also have a Bianchi CC fanny pack, I dont use it unless I am on vacation and out fishing or at the beach, it works real well for those occasions and does not stick out in those locations like it would if I was to wear it around here..

I really like the Maxpedition bags because of all the different pockets and the ability to attach a multitude of different things to them, not to mention that they are very well made.

If some want to call it a purse that is fine by me, as someone said... A real man carries whatever he likes. :)

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On a serious note if Threeeighty is ever caught in a SHTF situation he will likely be the only person there with items needed at his disposal. I don't currently own one but I never felt outside of manhood or had the feeling I had too much while carrying my gear in "bags" as a Marine. :) You can put an unbelievable amount of handy/critical items in one of those. All of us without one are very much less prepared than the OP. Congrats Threeeighty ! I am looking for one myself now.

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I bought a Maxpedition Jumbo-S from someone here last year and I love the thing....

If some want to call it a purse that is fine by me, as someone said... A real man carries whatever he likes. :)

OH SNAP!!! You tell'em, sister! :rock:

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My only question about them is how well does it stay in place. The only real difference I can tell that make these not a backpack is that they only have one strap. It you were to have to run or be a little more active than just walking around, would these become more of a hindrance verse the two strap stability of a backpack.

I am using a backpack now that I used for books in school, but I am looking for something that I can better organize what I need rather than just having a couple of large book or computer pockets. If that happens to be a murse or backpack, so be it either way.

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Maybe this is a stupid question but what the hell do you guys carry all the time that requires a bag? I carry a briefcase but it's for the files I need in court and I don't carry it otherwise? What do y'all carry in these things?

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Maybe this is a stupid question but what the hell do you guys carry all the time that requires a bag? I carry a briefcase but it's for the files I need in court and I don't carry it otherwise? What do y'all carry in these things?

It is not that I have a list of things that I carry all the time that requires and extra bag, but I do constantly find myself having to carry various things that I will need in a given day. There are a few things that I carry everyday like the normal knife, wallet, gun, magazine, keys, etc., but there are also other days that I will need my computer, change of clothes, chargers, books, extra provisions, medical supples, etc.

For me, it is not so much that I carry a whole list of things everywhere I go, but nearly everyday, I do find myself with more stuff than is comfortable to carry in my hands or pockets. It becomes especially difficult when wearing scrubs and is much easier to just have everything in some time of bag.

I know there are others who basically carry a mini-BOB with them all the time, but that is not really the purpose of my extra bag.

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All joking aside, I know there are many of us who do use carry bags of different types in their daily lives. I just haven't been the tyoe of person who found them necessary. But with the widespread use of PC/laptops and a multitude of other gadgets that are seemingly indispensible to some of our daily routines; I can see the advantages.

I personally never had the need to use one, but can see that under certain conditions that it would be a benefit. I know many people, young and old farts like myself, who carry some type of shoulder bag or backpack on a daily basis. And it is truly amazing what gets carried around in them.

Where possible, I promise I will attempt to refrain from snide comments. After all, I might have to use one someday.

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Maybe this is a stupid question but what the hell do you guys carry all the time that requires a bag? I carry a briefcase but it's for the files I need in court and I don't carry it otherwise? What do y'all carry in these things?

I don't carry mine every day. I carry it when I'm out somewhere with my kids, at an amusement park, etc. It also doubles as a "get home bag" so it stays in the car most of the time.

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I think Thay call them SHTF bags or range bag I know alot of people that use them for range gear bags I use one to tote my pistols and there ammo easy to throw over your shoulder , when you are going to the range and you have a ar15 case and ammo in the other hand it makes it real easy to carry it all at one time instead of two trips ,

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I carry one of those Maxpedition "Tactical Attache' Cases." It's great for everything honestly, one side has hook and loop so I can put mag holders and a holster in it, or anything else really. One pocket has AR mag pouches and room for other things as well. It's nice being able to carry that as well as something like a Sub 2k into work without being obvious about it. Yes, I can do that because I work in a rougher part of town so we all carry or have something close by.

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Maybe this is a stupid question but what the hell do you guys carry all the time that requires a bag? I carry a briefcase but it's for the files I need in court and I don't carry it otherwise? What do y'all carry in these things?

I am diabetic of the non insulin dependent variety. As such, while it doesn't happen often, there are times when my blood sugar simply bottoms out without warning. If that happens, I can get dizzy, nauseus and so on. It is nice to be able to have a couple of small packs of trail mix, peanut butter and crackers or something similar close at hand, just in case.

I am pretty warm natured so often don't need a jacket, overshirt, etc. but sometimes it is nice to have something like that handy in case I find myself in need of one. Depending on the season, I might put something lightweight in the bag.

I have a small, pocket flashlight (an Inova) which I like a lot but would like to be able to carry something a little larger/more substantial (say a small mag light) that would not fit in my pocket or on my belt. I also carry a Swiss Army knife but it would be nice to have a larger multi-tool with more functions close at hand - which is something I don't carry in a pocket or on my belt on a daily basis.

There are also things I would like to have with me, sometimes - basic first aid supplies, etc. - that I currently don't carry because they are too bulky. If I had an EDC bag, I would have some such supplies in it.

There are other things I don't currently carry but that I would probably stash in such a bag if I were going to be carrying it, anyway - basic stuff like fishing line/sinkers/float/lures, a couple of fire sources, emergency blanket and the like. Not because I necessarily think I will need them but more as a matter of, "Why not? I'd have them if I did need them."

Such a bag might not get carried every, single day but it would be nice to have certain things that won't fit in my pockets together in a bag small enough that I can carry it daily if I want or simply leave it in my vehicle. It would be something smaller and less extensive than a true 'get home' bag but would offer more options than I can (or want to) carry in my pockets.

Edited by JAB
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I have 2 maxpedition bags. The larger one I keep by the bed. In addition to my 226 it keeps a few spare mags, my wallet, my cell phone, and some cash. If there is ever a fire or some other emergency I can grab one thing and run. I keep a smaller one with me when I am on the road.

Both of those bags have a belt loop to use if having to wear it for a long time. The strap carries the weight and the loop keeps it secure.

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