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Nightmare about once a month

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Once a month, I have a nightmare. I am in a situation where my family or I am in mortal danger, I reach for for my sidearm and it's gone. Just an empty holster. I wake up QUICKLY, scared ####less, gaze over at Cassy (my HD shotgun), and fall back to sleep. Am I the only one?

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Cops have dreams that their weapons won’t fire when needed. The shrinks say that it’s normal and to go to the range and shoot and the dreams will go away when you are confident in the quality of your weapon. Might be the same thing…. Who knows?

The mind is a terrible thing. :)

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I think that kind of dream is commonplace. For whatever reason, you or a cop, or

anyone else has has that kind of dream has something going on not quite in balance

somewhere. I've had them, too. Don't feel lonely.

I don't know much about dreams, but I'm sure some external source or event triggers

them. I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned from it, but I'll be darned if I know. Maybe

like what Dave said about the shrinks advice would work. Could be simple as that.

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When I was much, much younger, I would have similar nightmares. Except, in mine, I couldn't get the gun to fire. I would squeeze as hard as I could and if it did eventually fire, it would be like a pipsqueak squib round.

As I got older and more confident in my abilities, the nightmares went away.

I'm not commenting on your skills, but I believe that the shrinks are probably right. Go to the range, practice hard and the nightmares will go away.


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I had a recent nightmare that someone gave me a beer and I drank it out of the bottle instead of pouring it into the proper glassware. It was terrible. But I compensated by enjoying some New Belgium Snow Day from a Brandy snifter and everything has been all right since.


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Guest Star1021Scott

I have these dreams occasionally to, similiar to yours, but I actually have my weapon in my dreams. The problem I run into is I can't get the trigger to break.

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I used to have dreams that I had a gun and plenty of ammo around, but I couldn't figure out what ammo was for my gun. This was just when I first got into shooting a few years back and I really didn't know about different calibers and what not. As I learned what diff calibers are out there and what guns they go into, these dreams have gone away.

Come to think of it, as I was typing this I remembered that I have had a few dreams recently where I tried to get the gun to fire and couldn't get it to go off. I guess more range time is in order to cure this :)

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Man, I'm lucky. When I have such dreams, not only do I always have my firearm and not only does it always function properly but, when called upon to do so, I always make the extremely difficult shots that I know I probably wouldn't make in reality.

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Guest infinity40

I have had maybe 5 nightmares in 10 years, until a month ago when my Nephew was killed in a car wreck. Now it's a couple times a week.


Baby of the family, recent graduate from high school, Fabio looking kid, the reporters showed up at the house within two hours of the State Police. The DC lawyers did wait until Saturday morning to start calling wanting to represent the family. It was bad juju.


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I had a dream just last night that a strange guy kept trying to get into my house. I'd push him out and lock the door but he would immediately somehow get it back open. I ran into my room to get my Glock but for some reason the slide was off and I couldn't get it back on, there were extra parts lying around and I just couldn't seem to assemble the gun. Weird. Woke up somewhat unsettled and turned over and looked at my G19 fully assembled, went right back to sleep.

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Guest Lester Weevils

I don't have many bad dreams, and do not remember many dreams.

Had a couple the same theme lately, not really a nightmare. Both times I was carrying a glock and the old coon hound jumped up to give me a "friendly shove" (as he often does when playing) but managed to somehow get a long claw hung on the trigger. As best can recall one time ended up holding onto the dog and the paw, trying to get the paw out without the gun going off. The other time the dog shot me in the leg.

Am not slamming glocks. I have a glock but haven't so far carried it. Was just an interesting dream. Maybe in some cases it could happen in real life. Dunno.

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Dreams are a strange phenomenon. Heavily studied and no more understood than they ever were. Personally I think people put too much emphasis on them, keep your mind on the here and now where it belongs. The things you see and hear in a dream have no more value than the last sci-fi movie you watched. Everyone will dream things [some can't remember them] of calamity or stress. Some dreams make you wonder how it is that your mind could come up with such utter nonsense, while still yet, other dreams give you pause as to how wildly inappropriate they are. In the end, they mean nothing. Your mind can become a dangerous enemy if left uncontrolled. Example: The most dangerous thing to be found in the dark is another man but many have issues walking around in the dark of night. Why? Your mind will start wandering and playing on unnatural fears. Dreams are the same way. If you put anything into them, they can grow to torment you. Don't give them any thought. Prepare and practice, check your preparations and then double check. Don't assume anything. Be mindful of where you and your loved ones are at all times. The prepared mind and the paranoid mind are twin brothers, ALMOST identical but there are subtle differences.

The best thing I have found that will put fears to rest, is a plan of action and the determination to follow the plan.

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When I was much, much younger, I would have similar nightmares. Except, in mine, I couldn't get the gun to fire. I would squeeze as hard as I could and if it did eventually fire, it would be like a pipsqueak squib round.

Haha, I've had that dream before. The gun with a 50lb trigger.

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