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Obama Says That We're Doing Just Fine

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Guest 6.8 AR

Might want to watch the popcorn MC, Bloomberg is trying to cut down on those big tubs.

That coconut oil butter stuff they use in the theaters is actually good for the memory, so said my wife. :D

I guess that means she wants to go to a movie.

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Bush was/is pretty unintelligent at times, Obama is just plain old bad news.

I just find it unfortunate that many people have and will again this year find themselve forced to vote for someone not because they think he is the right man for the job, but because they don't want the other guy in office. It's like voting in reverse, we are just basically settling on the lesser of two evils as opposed to picking the best our country can offer. At least that's the way I feel.

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Bush was/is pretty unintelligent at times, Obama is just plain old bad news.

I just find it unfortunate that many people have and will again this year find themselve forced to vote for someone not because they think he is the right man for the job, but because they don't want the other guy in office. It's like voting in reverse, we are just basically settling on the lesser of two evils as opposed to picking the best our country can offer. At least that's the way I feel.

People know that Bush was a dingleberry. That's why no one likes to talk about him.

In this case both choices really suck this year and I don't trust either of them.

Edited by LINKS2K
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I spent a lot of time at the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center studying politics, both national and international. I wouldn't trust Romney or Obama to ensure the near or long term security of my wife, children or dog. These guys are politicians run by political machines, both harnessed and run by big money. Take a look at Pelosi or Boehner. They both look like refugees from some Caribbean vacation and they both have no minds of their own, just parrotting what drivel that either wing of the party tells them to say. They probably didn't start out that way....but....

Forget the parties and concentrate on picking really good smart people for city, county and state politics. People who appeal to your way of thinking or who you think will stand some chance of running things the way you would like to see them run.

The days of folks wanting to do the right thing in national politics has long been overtaken by personal greed, aggrandizement or strategic corporate buffoonery.

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I spent a lot of time at the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center studying politics, both national and international. I wouldn't trust Romney or Obama to ensure the near or long term security of my wife, children or dog. These guys are politicians run by political machines, both harnessed and run by big money. Take a look at Pelosi or Boehner. They both look like refugees from some Caribbean vacation and they both have no minds of their own, just parrotting what drivel that either wing of the party tells them to say. They probably didn't start out that way....but....

Forget the parties and concentrate on picking really good smart people for city, county and state politics. People who appeal to your way of thinking or who you think will stand some chance of running things the way you would like to see them run.

The days of folks wanting to do the right thing in national politics has long been overtaken by personal greed, aggrandizement or strategic corporate buffoonery.

I agree. It has to start on the local level.

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I agree. It has to start on the local level.


I agree. Start at the local level and then move your success to the state level and then use that success to push towards getting the national government back in line.


Sent from my iPhone

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Guest Lester Weevils

I don't disagree. Apologies being a nay-sayer-- As long as it remains a two-party system, just because you can elect somebody you like as chief dogcatcher or comptroller or whatever-- If the fella is of average means and is not in the pocket of a wealthy man then it will take decades of sucking up to the party in order to reach high office. In order to suck up to the party for such an extended period, and not be the same kind of puke we want to get rid of, that would take a fella unusually capable of pretending to be a party man while keeping his own counsel and not showing "his true colors" til decades later when he finally achieves high office. A manchurian candidate "in a good way".

A fella in the pocket of deep pockets, you need a good guy and also the man who "owns" him needs to be a good guy. Then he has enough money to move up the line quicker.

Then you have the most likely fast-risers-- Rich fellers who either want the status of the office or a padded resume. Or the occasional rich feller who actually wants to attain office for "good" purposes. There ain't that many rich folks, and even the ones who want to do good don't necessarily view "good" in a way that is agreeable to what you consider good. Folks with lotsa expendable dough can get a "fast track" because it saves the party money getting behind somebody willing to, if not buy the entire office, at least make a substantial down payment.

I'm not slagging rich folks, but most of the rich folks I can think of right now who basically bought the office, might have been smart at making money but they don't seem smart at agreeing with my politics. :) They generally want to do thangs which I consider counter-productive or at best stupid and ineffective.

Ferinstance in my neck of the woods, for whatever reason, Real Estate shysters often tend to be most qualified to spend my tax dollars and write laws that screw with my life. Funny how that works. Whooda thunk that being able to pull a profit on real estate makes you a political genius? :)

Edited by Lester Weevils
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I recalll that red/blue map they show at every election. It already reflects the fact that geographically most of the country has one set of ideals. The small pockets of dissent are so densely populated that they can dictate policy. If it weren't for the electoral college, every president would be like Barry O.

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Guest bkelm18

I wish we could just vote 'em all out of office and start over.

I've always wondered what a completely fresh Congress would be like.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Bush was/is pretty unintelligent at times, Obama is just plain old bad news.

I just find it unfortunate that many people have and will again this year find themselve forced to vote for someone not because they think he is the right man for the job, but because they don't want the other guy in office. It's like voting in reverse, we are just basically settling on the lesser of two evils as opposed to picking the best our country can offer. At least that's the way I feel.

It is unfortunate, but it's all you have, unless you want another Obama term. Romney won. Can't help that.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I've always wondered what a completely fresh Congress would be like.

A completely new version of chaos, or a new group of constitutional thinkers. I have wondered about that, too.

The duty of those critters has lost out to money, with the exception of a few. Sad, isn't it?

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Guest Lester Weevils

No disrespect intended, but if it were up to me, lawyers would be ineligible.

It is a worthy sentiment but OTOH the real estate shysters ain't doing no better than the lawyers. :)

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Guest bkelm18

A completely new version of chaos, or a new group of constitutional thinkers. I have wondered about that, too.

The duty of those critters has lost out to money, with the exception of a few. Sad, isn't it?

I figure either they actually do what we elect them to do because they realize their job is in our hands, or it would just be more of the same. I doubt they could do much worse. Just a pipe dream really.

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I figure either they actually do what we elect them to do because they realize their job is in our hands, or it would just be more of the same. I doubt they could do much worse. Just a pipe dream really.

We could just keep firing incumbents until they get the message. That would require folks to admit that Dems/Reps are a sham, so that'll never happen.

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Guest ThePunisher

Good politics has to involve people starting at the local level.

Unfortunately the political machinery starts at the local level too.

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Guest ThePunisher

Shouldn't he be looking up as if he just cut one like he does in all of his photos?


Yeah, that is not the Dictator pose.

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