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Romney Panders To NRA, Anti-Gunners. Simultaneously.

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Now, now, DaddyO, don't you realize that a person's past actions are absolutely no indicator of their future behavior?

Remember, just vote for Obama Vanilla (Romney) and everything will be okay.

And the alternative is better?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

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And that's what Obama represents, but Romney represents entrepreneurship, and hard work for your means and needs.

Romney does not represent entrepreneurship, he represents corporate raiding and outsourcing, the very things that have destroyed the American small business world. The true entrepreneur is behind the eight ball with both political parties. Republicans and Democrats are both Progressives. The Democrats are Populist Progressives and the Republicans are Corporate and Elitist Progressives. We need to quit drinking the Kool-Aid and bring both parties to task for how they have ruined this country.

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Guest ThePunisher

OK, I'm gonna say it; there are a bunch of democrats here at TGO that will always be democrats, and are perfectly happy with Obama leading the country no matter what direction our country goes. Those that will vote third party are happy with the direction Obama is leading us. If anyone is happy with direction our country is headed, then please, by all means vote for Obama or your third party candidate. Just keep purchasing your SHTF supplies, because it may not be long before you will need them.

In the West Virginia D primary, a Texas federal inmate Keith Judd got 41% of vote against Obama. If a convict can get 41% of vote against Obama in the D primary, just think that RP or Johnson would've defeated Obama since they are brilliant politicians.

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Guest ThePunisher

I'll up you one.

I believe TGO is a bunch of closet Democrats who are happy with the direction and that's why they support Romney. Cause he is a mirror image.

I'll give you credit, you are a logical thinking person.

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OK, I'm gonna say it; there are a bunch of democrats here at TGO that will always be democrats, and are perfectly happy with Obama leading the country no matter what direction our country goes. Those that will vote third party are happy with the direction Obama is leading us. If anyone is happy with direction our country is headed, then please, by all means vote for Obama or your third party candidate. Just keep purchasing your SHTF supplies, because it may not be long before you will need them.

In the West Virginia D primary, a Texas federal inmate Keith Judd got 41% of vote against Obama. If a convict can get 41% of vote against Obama in the D primary, just think that RP or Johnson would've defeated Obama since they are brilliant politicians.

By this logic just because I know I'm not happy eating a sh$@ sandwich, I know I don't want a sh@$ sandwich with mustard but because I order the soup I really wanted the sh$& sandwich?

I think I'm about done talking about the election here, but I will say I'd rather vote for Donald Duck than Obama or Rommney.

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Guest ThePunisher

Now, that makes both you and Sigmtnman logical thinking people. I guess there is still Daffy Duck you could vote for. I've heard that those sh$@ sandwiches started to taste real good after awhile in the gulag.

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Wouldn't vote Daffy, something not quite right about him. Now Donald on the other hand is a duck I give my support to, I always thought it was too bad the way he would invariably get short changed. And don't get me started on those conniving little chipmunks... Punks is what they where.

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I know a lot of us are not totaly happy with Romney.

He was not my first choice either.

But to have Obama for a second " unrestricted, screw the Constitution, I'll do what I want term"

Is just unacceptable. With Hilliary in bed with the UN, and Obama trying to destroy our country,

I have to vote for Romney. As much as I like some of Ron Pauls ideas,

I can't take a chance on wasting my vote.

I never thought in my wildest dreams that our gun rights were ever going to be this close to

being taken away.

What is happaning to our country?

I'll vote for Romney but he better remain true to the oath of office to protect and defend the

constitution or he will be a one term President.


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Romney = Obama

Obama = Romney

There's not a dime's worth of difference.

Now I just have to decide if I'm voting third party or staying home in November.

That's how I feel. We have seen how the Kenyan Muslim(?) would lead the country, but I have just as many concerns about how Mitts religion would guide him in leading this country. Everyone pretends that Mitts beliefs are logical and don't matter. I think that his beliefs are out of this world. Pun intended. If the Mormons were penniless hippies there would be a lot more questions about the KC, MO Garden of Eden, planets and special garments.

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That's how I feel. We have seen how the Kenyan Muslim(?) would lead the country, but I have just as many concerns about how Mitts religion would guide him in leading this country. Everyone pretends that Mitts beliefs are logical and don't matter. I think that his beliefs are out of this world. Pun intended. If the Mormons were penniless hippies there would be a lot more questions about the KC, MO Garden of Eden, planets and special garments.

Well, it's been my experience that devout Mormons in general are hard working, ethical, and smart business operators. To say their religion is any crazier than the next is purely speculation. Ain't no proof for any of it. If he operates like other Mormons I've dealt with in big business, his religion is the least of my worries.

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Well, it's been my experience that devout Mormons in general are hard working, ethical, and smart business operators. To say their religion is any crazier than the next is purely speculation. Ain't no proof for any of it. If he operates like other Mormons I've dealt with in big business, his religion is the least of my worries.

Funny, but I've had the same experiences with my Muslim coworkers yet that hasn't stopped them from being lumped in with the loonies. As I stated, this is just my concern. It is a none issue because the majority of people like you have spoken and it does not appear to matter. However, It still makes my flesh crawl.

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As important as the Second Amendment is to me, I never have and never will vote for or against someone on that or any other "single" issue.

I heard Romney speak at the NRA convention in St. Louis and his discussion of his stand on the Second Amendment was encouraging. Even so, I was and am certain that Romney is not a big Second Amendment supporter and I have no doubt that most of the Republican field this cycle would be "better" in terms of preserving and perhaps restoring some of our 2A rights than Romney; unfortunately, non of those others will be the Republican nominee and have no chance of winning the Presidency.

Moreover, whatever Romney's shortcomings with regards to the Second Amendment are, I am certain of the following...

1. I am certain that Romney isn't a Marxist/communist who's primary goal as President is to fundamentally transform America into a socialist state and I'm reasonably certain that while he might sign some, he would likely not sign most "gun control" legislation that might cross his desk.

2. I am certain that Obama is a Marxist/communist who's primary goal as President is to fundamentally transform America into a socialist state. I am also certain, based on his record in Illinois as well as his statements, that Obama is not simply not a "friend" of the Second Amendment but may well be the most dangerous President we've ever had to Second Amendment rights...I am certain that if he could find a way to do it (through or in spite of the Constitution) he would sign and would encourage legislation to provide for the confiscation of all privately owned weapons and make the possession of same illegal.

I don't think Romney = Obama nor that Obama = Romney...for me, the choice in November is exceptionally clear.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Funny, but I've had the same experiences with my Muslim coworkers yet that hasn't stopped them from being lumped in with the loonies. As I stated, this is just my concern. It is a none issue because the majority of people like you have spoken and it does not appear to matter. However, It still makes my flesh crawl.

I've known a few Muslims myself personally. I don't lump them into a pile. I've had real business experiences with Mormons, including the bunch that managed to convert Glen Beck. Don't know the finer points of their beliefs, and don't want to. The parts of their beliefs that were obvious to me... ethics, respect, etc. are things that I would like to see more of. We have a couple of big issues that need to be addressed. I don't give a rat's ass about most of the crap that's thrown up in the shell game. A little business expertise and a little ethics is a dramatic improvement over what we have now.

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Well, it's been my experience that devout Mormons in general are hard working, ethical, and smart business operators. To say their religion is any crazier than the next is purely speculation. Ain't no proof for any of it. If he operates like other Mormons I've dealt with in big business, his religion is the least of my worries.

That has been my experience as well and I find it a bit disheartening that Romney's religion is even an issue for some.

Would I prefer a President that believes what I believe and how I believe? Of course I would. But I don't think a person has to have any religion of any kind to be a decent person who will strive to do what is right for the country and provide leadership.

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That has been my experience as well and I find it a bit disheartening that Romney's religion is even an issue for some.

Would I prefer a President that believes what I believe and how I believe? Of course I would. But I don't think a person has to have any religion of any kind to be a decent person who will strive to do what is right for the country and provide leadership.

I knew that. But, you're not threatening to help reelect the commie either :)

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Guest ThePunisher

I've known a few Muslims myself personally. I don't lump them into a pile. I've had real business experiences with Mormons, including the bunch that managed to convert Glen Beck. Don't know the finer points of their beliefs, and don't want to. The parts of their beliefs that were obvious to me... ethics, respect, etc. are things that I would like to see more of. We have a couple of big issues that need to be addressed. I don't give a rat's ass about most of the crap that's thrown up in the shell game. A little business expertise and a little ethics is a dramatic improvement over what we have now.

But, you know he has kept his promise of transforming America to Amerika.

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