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Biden's bizarre question angers father of Navy SEAL who died in Benghazi attack


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Guest ThePunisher

Drunk Uncle Joe strikes again. What will it take for people to wake up and see what this current group is doing?

We get one chance on November 6th, and if we fail then, then it will probably take a complete government and economic collapse for everyone to wake up. But of course it will be too late then.

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Uh... That's hardly the thing I would want to come out of the mouth of the vice president of the United States. Wow. :/ That seems awfully... crude. Then, after Biden's... Freddy Kreuger impersonation in that debate, maybe we should expect oddball stuff like this, ahah...

I mean, just that statement by itself seems totally out of line for... really, anybody who isn't some foul-mouthed dirtbag. But especially a public figure, much less the vice president... ugh.

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Uh... That's hardly the thing I would want to come out of the mouth of the vice president of the United States. Wow. :/ That seems awfully... crude. .....

Of course, the Prez just called Mitt a "bulls___er".

All par for this admin. It's just not, to quote Uncle Joe again, a "big f___ing deal", ya know?

- OS

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Send this backwards inbred back to whatever small close minded town raised him up,.. and have him mounted inside his bronzed statue in the village square so their idiot will wander no more...

The wise people of Delaware have sent him to The Senate for the last 36 years before he became Veep. And I'm sure they'll send him right back there again if he's still kicking and wants the job.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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It's hard to believe that anyone would say that to a grieving parent, let alone the VP! Maybe they were serving cocktails & he was actually drunk... That's still not a good excuse, though. I've been looking for a response to the interview from the WH but can't seem to find anything. Anyone?

Sent from iPad in the woods.

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That's Biden's job. Scary about being one step away from being a replacement for the manchurian president.

He would have an invasion force in Antarctica.

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