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No more Autozone for me!!!!!


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FWIW, not that I agree with the policy in any way, but it is, in fact, a money thing. I used to work in LP for a "Do It Yourself Warehouse" that specifically stated that no employee, from floor sweeper to store manager, will interact in any way other than full cooperation with someone commiting a crime. Get that person out the door and let them get away as quickly as possible. Seems pretty stupid on the surface, but the actuality is that it is fiscally impossible for a criminal to steal more than the insurance and lawsuits would cost to pay out for an injured employee.

However, I will say some of the LP stories of dealing with shoplifters are funny on an epic level. Most of the LP employees would get a big kick out of messing with the dumbest of the criminals after observing them and deciding they were just stupid and bad at their "jobs"

However, the "rule" at my current office (which is posted as "No Weapons on the Premises") is, "If something bad happens, find Bill. If he's running, get your ass behind him. If he's not running, get your ass under your desk."

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Every company has to have policies....If not, there would be all kinds of articles to read about...But like DaveTN said, Its how you enforce your policies is the key and it's clear that if this article is 100% accurate, that the "punishment for the crime" was unjust. Most likely though, this negative publicy for AZ will not effect them as much as we would like for it to. They are still cheaper than most any other part's stores and people will still buy from them for that reason. As for the other businesses having the same policy, sure they do...I do find it hard to believe that these other businesses would terminate an employee for this though. Who ever made this decision needs a reality check or better yet, needs to be directly involved in the same kind of stressful, dangerous situation. Perhaps this would change his outlook on some things. I'm fortunate enough to work at a place that everyone is encouraged to carry...All of us here have a carry permit and I feel are resposible enough to do so openly. If a customer asks why, we give our opinion and hear there's too...I've never lost a customer over this, in fact made some. Policy is Policy...There's nothing anyone can do about that. But punishment in this case should have been reconciled differently...If the employee carried it in the store for no reason, SURE. Let him go. But his reasons are more than justified in my book. Hopefully this guy will get a bigger better job. I know I would hire him. Who better to have someone watch your back?
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Guest seawolf138
[quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1354707457' post='855172']

Wasn't there a recent case where a delivery man won a court case against his employer for using a gun to defend himself that he had in his car?[/quote]
Must've missed it...I will go hunting for it later.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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Well I can say this, if it were just my manger and I in the store. And something like that happened. And the situation turned out the same as it did in this story. I would have not called the police… We would have kept this between us. No, need to get things blown out of proportion. Unless there was gun fire and some one got hit, I do not see the need to call the cops..

But that is just me..
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[quote name='Armed Aviator' timestamp='1354736183' post='855327']
Though I agree what AZ did was wrong in this case. I also must tell you that I only shop at AZ for auto parts. They have the best service, knowledge and many stores honor military and retired military with a discount.
[/quote]Clearly, you never been to the one in Lavergne. MAJOR ATTITUDE!!!
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[quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1354719075' post='855223']
I wonder if businesses lose to many customers this way and then end up going broke and have to close.. or they take their business overseas?

Small business, could happen. Big chain like Autozone? Nah.
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[quote name='tennessee01tacoma' timestamp='1354901921' post='856524']
If they really wanna fire me for speaking my mind then I'm not sure I wanna work for them anyways.

That's your choice. However, I'm not sure you'll find a company that will tolerate its employees stating beliefs that are contrary to its core principles.
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One result I haven't seen mentioned; AZ Corporate has in effect announced to every criminal mind with a gun that they have a high probability of a successful stick-up at any of their convenient locations.
IF I were an employee, I'd be anything but happy about this!

My feelings exactly they have put me and my coworkers at greater risk of harm. I will not change my beliefs and practices because of this. I already spoke to my store manager and I said if it comes down to my life or my job I have to pick my life every time.
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My feelings exactly they have put me and my coworkers at greater risk of harm. I will not change my beliefs and practices because of this. I already spoke to my store manager and I said if it comes down to my life or my job I have to pick my life every time.

Understandable. Obviously most retailers have similar policies but AZ shined the spotlight on every location.  I'd say local law enforcement is just wondering when and where the first armed robbery will occur. Maybe they've upped the frequency of rounds near many locations. We can only hope this doesn't end up horribly bad. 

Edited by HvBikeWlTravel
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I worked for Autozone as a manager in the mi 90s and that company went to $#+ when Pitt Hyde retired and he is probably rolling over right now. His attitude was one that one will never forget. One of my favorite business quotes is from him. A company is made up of good people all these buildings are worth nothing without good people inside. I work for Lowes now and am sure I would be fired for defending myself or fellow employees even with bare hands.

Sent from my iPhone

I feel your pain( working for lowe's). I used to back before i got into guns. Most if not all big corporations are so worried about lawsuits instead of the potential saving of their employees lives. They would rather a robber get away with items or cash instead of an employee acting in self defense. The companies are allowed to lose so much in product loss, whether it be faulty items or theft. "Shrinkage" they say. But these days, who knows what an armed thief will do. I remember the killings of those kids who worked at Baskin robbins and shoney's a few years ago in Nashville or clarksville. 


I prefer Advance and Orilleys over AZ.

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Guest RobThatsMe

Cutting through it all, it looks like the insurance companies win again.

These stores, and factories don't want to be exposed to the lawsuits and costs if something goes wrong, and an innocent person gets hurt or killed during an encounter in which one of their employees was the shooter trying to save others.

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