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I'm just not sure what to think! (Firefighters shot at House Fire)

Guest Mad4rcn

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[quote name="6.8 AR" post="868057" timestamp="1356393444"]Why? How does it strengthen the argument? Criminals do ignore those laws.[/quote]Exactly. Or to put it another way, laws do not apply to criminals. Laws only apply to people intent on obeying them, thus by definition, to 'law abiding' citizens. Laws can not and never have stopped crime. They can not. They only exist to punish criminals, but we have even let that slip far too much. A law will never stop a crime.
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If they don't have search warrants (doesn't say if they do or not) then how is it legal to search everyone as they leave, and search their houses with them not present?
Can they search a house on nothing but probably cause without you there? And if they can, are they justified searching every house in the area? This is a genuine question, as I don't know the answer to it.
Exigent circumstances allow them to search without a warrant.

If there is probable cause and exigent circumstances or plain view a warrant is not needed.

If there is probable cause to search with or without a warrant; it doesn't matter whether you are there or not.

They can search anywhere the item they are searching for can be. Drugs gives a free pass to everywhere; if they were looking for something specific like a rifle, they can only search where a rifle can be (thats why they would have ammo on the warrant). Edited by DaveTN
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[quote name="Garufa" post="868494" timestamp="1356464305"]Latest reports indicate he used a Bushmaster....   [url=http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/25/us/new-york-firefighter-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_c1]http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/25/us/new-york-firefighter-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_c1[/url][/quote]But of course. After all a Remington or Benelli just would not have done. If you truly want to kill people, only a Bushmaster will do. We need a new journalist's guide chart to Bushmaster weapons.
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Sure they can.  The same way the marginally performing .223 is also a nuclear-tipped WMD. 


  Hey, how is it that semi-auto rifles are WMD in the States, but full auto rifles, machineguns, RPG's, and chemical weapons in Iraq don't qualify?

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He was let out of prison on parole for murdering his Granny with a hammer.


What kind of incompetent retarded judge would allow that? I say we start jailing these so called "judges" for the crimes that they are responsible for when they let these deranged criminals out of prison.

Makes me fucking sick.

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So I have a question guys:


Are Bushmasters considered assault weapons that spray bullets everywhere and kill innocent bystanders or precise snipers that can pinpoint anyone within a 10 mile radius?


Because they cannot be both!


Sure they can in the liberal mind, they can do both.


BTW, so has Bushmaster now officially replaced Glock?

Used to a glock got blamed first out the gate and now they are able to jump direct to Bushmaster.

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Sure they can in the liberal mind, they can do both.


BTW, so has Bushmaster now officially replaced Glock?

Used to a glock got blamed first out the gate and now they are able to jump direct to Bushmaster.

Fine with me. I like my Glocks, and don't give a rat's ass about a Bushmaster.

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Assault weapons ban in New York politics


The state of New York's version of the law is very similar to the Federal version, but New York's version does not have a sunset provision. According to the laws of the State of New York, a magazine with a capacity of more than 10 rounds manufactured after September 14, 1994 cannot be legally possessed by anyone other than a law enforcement officer. A provision of the Federal law required that gun makers stamp the date of manufacture on every newly manufactured 'large capacity' magazine. Because that requirement is no longer in effect, the New York magazine ban becomes potentially unenforceable, except with respect to those magazines manufactured during the ban and marked according to federal regulations then in effect.

NYS Penal Law § 265.02(6) makes it a class D felony to possess "a large capacity ammunition feeding device," which is defined in Penal Law § 265.00(23) as "a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, manufactured after [September 13, 1994], that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition." Possession of unmarked "large capacity" magazines made after the sunset of the federal ban thus subject New Yorkers to felony charges. Police and prosecutors may be able to determine actual manufacture dates of seized magazines from information not generally available to consumers, such as the dates of magazine design changes and parts assembly numbers. The New York ban thus leaves possessors of unmarked post-ban magazines at risk of felony charges since they may not know the magazines were manufactured post-sunset and not pre-ban. However, the prosecution must be able to prove that the subject in possession of the magazine had knowledge that it was in fact a post-ban magazine.

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