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Moratorium on pejorative "creative" misspellings

TGO David

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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name="TGO David" post="890010" timestamp="1358640754"]So is "Gorilla Mask".  Urban Dictionary isn't where I turn for inspiration when trying to look intelligent.[/quote] My inspiration comes from the 1st Amendment. I've never tried to look intelligent.
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Guest Wildogre

I like this idea for two reasons. One is it it TGO Davids virtual living room that we are in. If he requests that we behave in a specific way then we should unless there is a very good reason not to. Second is I have always tried to only post those things that I would say in person. I do not always succeed but I do try. 

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I have spent a lifetime arguing this point. I am often chastised because my vocabulary is comprised of too many denotative words and not enough common language. I have often been accused of 'trying to sound smart' but it's actually a by product of having a teacher for a mother. We cannot allow them to frame the argument incorrectly lest we will inevitably lose.
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It's evident in the current argument surrounding the country when so few people understand why we are indignant. Not because we are deer huntersor solely concerned with self protection but because of the original intent of the 2nd amendment & the intent in posterity to protect against tyranny. Statists have already successfully reframed the context because we have been lax.
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The lefty devisiveness is working already. Let's focus on the opposition, not each other.


You know what, you're right.  I'll solve this problem the same way I'd solve it if we were gathering in my house to talk about this stuff.

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[quote name="Oh Shoot" post="890226" timestamp="1358652583"]Wow, had to look it up. Just when I thought I'd done it all...dang.[/quote] I got a chuckle because, sadly, I already knew what it was, just like I know the definition of a "Cosby Sweater". You're welcome.
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I got a chuckle because, sadly, I already knew what it was, just like I know the definition of a "Cosby Sweater".

You're welcome.

Wow! I hate that I took the time to find out what either of them are.
In my old man voice "those kids are crazy"!
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I got a chuckle because, sadly, I already knew what it was, just like I know the definition of a "Cosby Sweater". You're welcome.


Yep, thanks so much.


I'm really getting on up there too, I guess -- somehow neither register on the ol' Peter Meter.


edit: oops, didn't mean to use pejorative term for my Goober.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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[quote name="Oh Shoot" post="890269" timestamp="1358655033"] -- somehow neither register on the ol' Peter Meter.   - OS[/quote] No, they exist mainly as drunken jokes to top the other guy on the most creative, degrading and repulsive sexual act one can think of. They tend to be more funny when they are creative.
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[quote name="mikegideon" post="890360" timestamp="1358661751"]I guess I spent too many years around music row. It won't work on those girls.[/quote] This technique was most likely developed in the late 80s. Sometimes we should be thankful for "progressive" movements.
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I got a chuckle because, sadly, I already knew what it was, just like I know the definition of a "Cosby Sweater". You're welcome.


Nicole was overjoyed to receive "a Cosby Sweater" for her birthday.


Sweet Odin's raven... :rofl:

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Doesn't really matter to me. Should I spell out "communist" or "commie". j/k David. Ben Shapiro, haven't read his books, but

from his interviews, he claims that the right has claimed the moral high ground too often and needs to quit worrying about

how the other side thinks. To win more people into voting we may have to stoop to their level on occasion. I can take that

one way or another, but I agree with what he says. His arguments are valid. I'm not sure how over the top I go in my name

calling. I guess I should re-read some of my posts.

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[quote name="6.8 AR" post="890523" timestamp="1358694677"]Doesn't really matter to me. Should I spell out "communist" or "commie". j/k David. Ben Shapiro, haven't read his books, but from his interviews, he claims that the right has claimed the moral high ground too often and needs to quit worrying about how the other side thinks. To win more people into voting we may have to stoop to their level on occasion. I can take that one way or another, but I agree with what he says. His arguments are valid. I'm not sure how over the top I go in my name calling. I guess I should re-read some of my posts.[/quote] I totally get it, when its folks like us talking around folks like us. The people I work with speak Obama's name like it might summon 1,000 years of darkness, but when spoken around folks that don't feel the same it comes off as childish and makes the person speaking look closed minded and ignorant. I think about my liberal in-laws and how they used to say Bush's name like it was a curse word. It used to make me mad and think of them as being ignoramuses, and even if the words following their insults actually made sense, it didn't matter because I already stopped listening.
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I totally get it, when its folks like us talking around folks like us. The people I work with speak Obama's name like it might summon 1,000 years of darkness, but when spoken around folks that don't feel the same it comes off as childish and makes the person speaking look closed minded and ignorant. I think about my liberal in-laws and how they used to say Bush's name like it was a curse word. It used to make me mad and think of them as being ignoramuses, and even if the words following their insults actually made sense, it didn't matter because I already stopped listening.

I don't encounter this behavior at work. It's a serious violation. I mostly see this behavior at the gun stores and sporting goods outlets. People are loud, ugly and wear it like a badge of honor even around women and small children. If you want an army to come against you, offend a large group of women with children.
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I don't encounter this behavior at work. It's a serious violation. I mostly see this behavior at the gun stores and sporting goods outlets. People are loud, ugly and wear it like a badge of honor even around women and small children. If you want an army to come against you, offend a large group of women with children.

It's funny how that last bit works.  As a society we've placed moms and their thoughts/feelings/opinions of things on tall pillars and allowed them to guide policy (see: Oprah and any number of other daytime TV shows that absolutely sway public opinion on social matters) but it's mostly men that you see giving their lives on battlefields.  There's kind of a disconnect there.

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I get it, too. I am polite to strangers and some of my relatives, but I keep the substance of things in there, or I just don't get

engaged in the conversation. Some people aren't going to change their minds. I actually have an in-law who joined the

Communist Party, or so it is claimed, while at Columbia. If someone uses "Teabagger" in my presence, I politely go for the

jugular, but not to the point of modifying the name. Just with a strong hint of derision and remind them they can cut the crap

out, too. Liberals are very bad about getting low. Shapiro encouraged a bit of exaggeration, but truthfulness instead of the

high moral ground. Playing their games against them. That's also some of Alinski tactic exaggerated.

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