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Wisconsin sheriff urges residents to arm themselves

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When are people going to learn that police response time is measured in minutes and will only get longer as layoffs and budget cuts happen. People need to be prepared to defend themselves.and protect their families. I sent him and email telling him I backed him 100%
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Guest Lester Weevils

An excellent classic SF author, Clifford D Simak, wrote many folksy rural tales. Until I found out he grew up in rural Wisconsin I thought he was writing about rural TN, KY, or Carolinas. Be an interesting state to visit sometime.

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there is no end to how the liberals will change the facts to promote thier agenda here are 3 examples:


1) it sounds The president of the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Roy Felber, said  like a call to vigilantism.

    a) the sheriff is talking about defending oneself while in fear for your life -- not seeking vengence


2) Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's office released a statement criticizing the ad: "Apparently Sheriff David Clarke is auditioning for the next Dirty Harry movie."

     a) if you cant argue against the facts make personal attacks ---- make the 2A supporters sound like war mongers

     b) by the way watching dirty harry as i type this


3) Jeri Bonavia, executive director of Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, said Clarke took a dangerous position with his ad. She pointed to the case of George Zimmerman,
     a) the sheriff said nothing about going out looking for trouble. only defending oneself in ones lawful domain


the liberals are so blinded by their preconcieved biases they cant even discuss proposals like this on its own merits. i think this highlights the nature of the fight ahead of us.


one last thought: with the cutbacks in his department i wonder if the sheriff may have had a alternative motive for this ad. ( just asking )









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I'd say his motive hardly matters, he did the responsible thing. Encouraging people to go out and get training to use a gun for self-protection benefits the people in his jurisdiction and thousands of others that read the story.


The others quoted in the story are insensate depuration sacks (idiotic douche bags) imho.

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there is no end to how the liberals will change the facts to promote thier agenda here are 3 examples:


1) it sounds The president of the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Roy Felber, said  like a call to vigilantism.

    a) the sheriff is talking about defending oneself while in fear for your life -- not seeking vengence


2) Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's office released a statement criticizing the ad: "Apparently Sheriff David Clarke is auditioning for the next Dirty Harry movie."

     a) if you cant argue against the facts make personal attacks ---- make the 2A supporters sound like war mongers

      B) by the way watching dirty harry as i type this


3) Jeri Bonavia, executive director of Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, said Clarke took a dangerous position with his ad. She pointed to the case of George Zimmerman,
     a) the sheriff said nothing about going out looking for trouble. only defending oneself in ones lawful domain


the liberals are so blinded by their preconcieved biases they cant even discuss proposals like this on its own merits. i think this highlights the nature of the fight ahead of us.


one last thought: with the cutbacks in his department i wonder if the sheriff may have had a alternative motive for this ad. ( just asking )










A few months back there was a similar story in Detroit where they are seeing a record number of people using firearms to defend themselves as police response times are increasing.  I remember reading comments from a city official referring to it as citizens "taking the law into their own hands." 


It's stuff like this that shows me we are incapable of grown up debates or compromise, since the liberals just don't get it.  They simply don't understand the difference between the right to self defense and enforcement of the law.  It wouldn't bother me much since anyone who isn't willing to stand up and defend themselves deserves to be dominated by another human being, but they are trying to limit MY ability to defend myself and my family.  This is the part that makes me so mad to the point I wish very, very horrible things on the gun grabbing liberals.

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This is the part that makes me so mad to the point I wish very, very horrible things on the gun grabbing liberals.


Well, they do have to live with themselves. I'd say that's pretty horrible. :panic:

Edited by PapaB
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