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Gun shop scanned my driver's license

red dirt

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I went to a new gun shop this morning, an advertiser on this site who I visited because of the ad on TGO. Looking around and a double barrel steel shotgun caught my eye and I asked if I could see it.  He said Sure I just need to see your drivers license, I assumed to make sure I was a legal resident, I also showed my HCP but he wasn't interested in this.


While I was looking at the shotgun and about to say "Looks good I'll take it", I look up and see the person was scanning my DL, I asked why and he said "Store Policy, we have had some situations" 


He gave me my drivers license back and I did not buy the shotgun. 

Just saying, it pisses me off they scanned my DL with no justification. if I had bought a firearm they would have had all that info anyway. 

Maybe I'm being unreasonable but I won't visit that store again.

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I wouldn't like that either.  I would have demanded my info back.  What store was it?  I think it is valid that if that is their policy, everyone should know who it is.  That's not the way to treat people.  They should also respond and say why they do this just to look at a gun.   

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I wouldn't like that either.  I would have demanded my info back.  What store was it?  I think it is valid that if that is their policy, everyone should know who it is.  That's not the way to treat people.  They should also respond and say why they do this just to look at a gun.  

Edited by red dirt
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I know it's not right, and I am definitely not on their side, but that store is in a real sh#t hole part of town. Most of the stores around have a huge problem with people just running out the front door with products. I am serious too, they just grab stuff and take off. Still would not give them my license for no reason.
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Nashville Gun Shop on Antioch Pike.  I was the only person in the store too.




I didn't think it was possible to be the only one in a gun shop these days.  Yea, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be too keen on them just randomly copying my DL just because it was their policy.  Like was said, if it gets down to buying, they'd get the info because it is required, not before then.  Now what are they going to do with it?  Put it on file?

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If they are in that bad of a part of town, that they treat customers like that, maybe they need to move or sell the business. When he asked for your DL you should have walked out. Things are changing and the LGS need to remember who thier real customers are. Not the people that are buying that don't have a clue and will never be back, but the customers who will be back week after week. 

Edited by JoeW
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It was a barcode scanner next to his POS computer / cash register.  I agree with monkeyman's statement and that's why I didn't mind him holding it but to scan it is above and beyond anything reasonable.


I didn't want to be a <insert anatomical reference here> so I just left and am letting the community know about my experience.


Not only no other customers but quite a few guns in the cases, a couple of 1911s,  Glocks, a few Taurus and quite a few EAA.

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If it was the barcode, Walgreens tried to do that when I was buying some beer. I stopped the girl before she did and told her to keep the beer. There is a lot more info than DOB imbedded in that barcode.

a lot of companies are utilizing barcode scanning of DL's for marketing purposes, that code displays everything including your ss#.

Putting your info on a 4473 for the purpose of buying a gun (which you do not even have to put your SS# down to do) is a bit different from someone keeping another file for their own records that is an identity theft disaster waiting to happen. Edited by sL1k
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never heard of this elsewhere in a lgs, perhaps this is part of some knee jerk reaction to all those attempted burglaries in the past 3 months they've had. i pass by there at night & it's lit up like ho chi minh in december, now.

Edited by zapfbroad
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never heard of this elsewhere in a lgs, perhaps this is part of some knee jerk reaction to all those attempted burglaries in the past 3 months they've had. i pass by there at night & it's lit up like ho chi minh in december, now.

That makes sense, I'd be paranoid too if I had three attempted break ins. However, scrutinizing your customers after a break in doesn't make sense, it just alienates your customers.

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I went to a new gun shop this morning, an advertiser on this site who I visited because of the ad on TGO. Looking around and a double barrel steel shotgun caught my eye and I asked if I could see it.  He said Sure I just need to see your drivers license, I assumed to make sure I was a legal resident, I also showed my HCP but he wasn't interested in this.


While I was looking at the shotgun and about to say "Looks good I'll take it", I look up and see the person was scanning my DL, I asked why and he said "Store Policy, we have had some situations" 


He gave me my drivers license back and I did not buy the shotgun. 

Just saying, it pisses me off they scanned my DL with no justification. if I had bought a firearm they would have had all that info anyway. 

Maybe I'm being unreasonable but I won't visit that store again.

They scanned your DL to make sure it wasn't a fake. If you want to buy a firearm...nothing to get upset about!

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I personaly don't understand your complaint. If you bought the shotgun, you would be handing them your DL anyways. You already stated you was going to buy it until you gave them your license. What did you expect? If you don't want to play by the rules....don't buy from gun shops!


Dave S

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