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Road Rage - what would you have done?

Guest sargekw

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If I'm driving at no more than the posted legal speed limit, and have a mile of open road in front of me and a line of cars behind me, I am doing it right. Those behind me are doing it all wrong. That means I got there first, I'm first in line, you have to wait on me now, and if you want to be first in line next time, leave earlier!


I've never had a speeding ticket EVER. Not going to start now and NOT because someone else pushes me to do so. If anyone injures me, my family or my pets because they are acting like an azzhat on the highway (cell phone usage, tailgating, texting or speeding), "they" will not need a lawyer!


Let me quote TMF here.....#63



Edited by DaveS
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This thread is as bad as a OC/CC thread.

There are two camps here and neither is going to change the others mind.

Here's my opinion. (Not that it matters)

If you ride in the passing lane and hold traffic up... You're a inconsiderate schmuck.

If you tailgate/push cars that are going slower than you'd like... You're a inconsiderate schmuck.
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Good point, Dave. I'll bet not a single one of those drivers behind you is willing to pick up the tab if you get a ticket for speeding just so they can be on their merry way. They can just sit there and stew for all I care.

I bet they won't either!



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This thread is as bad as a OC/CC thread.

There are two camps here and neither is going to change the others mind.

Here's my opinion. (Not that it matters)

If you ride in the passing lane and hold traffic up... You're a inconsiderate schmuck.

If you tailgate/push cars that are going slower than you'd like... You're a inconsiderate schmuck.


Only difference is CC and OC are perfectly legal, speeding and tailgating is not.



Edited by DaveS
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Only difference is CC and OC are perfectly legal, speeding and tailgating is not.

Some might liken putting in the passing lane to OC, just because it's legal doesn't mean you should do it.

The big difference is putting along in the passing lane while passing another vehicle can be very dangerous for you and the people you're passing.

OC... Not so much.
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I pass cars all the time in the passing lane doing 70 or so on I-24. When I'm done I get in the right. If someone wants to make bad about that,

so be it. There have been times when some schmuck flashes his lights or otherwise, but he's the one with the problem. If he wants to

escalate into something else, I can't help that. Sorry, but I won't speed up for that. It's happened several times and all I do is look over and smile

at him.


One time, years ago, some nut tried to tailgate me to the point I thought he was going to hit my car. I tapped the brakes on him. I don't care what

you guys think about that. The guy was doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. He tried to get me to pull over and maybe get into a fight.

Didn't know, didn't care. If he was able to pull over and lose all that time wanting me to pull over, also, he could have been driving slower the

whole time. Traffic was bunched up and everyone was passing each other, along with me. That one guy was just a hot head. No way I would have

pulled over.


DaveS, I'm close to you on those speeding tickets. I don't care to add to them, either. Been years. :D About the only vehicle I'll speed up for is a

fire truck or ambulance with their lights on.

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There's NEVER a good reason to tailgate, and it's simply against the law. This morning, a white Chevy pickup decided he was going to tailgate me in the far right hand lane between Franklin and Nashville instead of going around me. Guess what? He almost hit me because I brake checked him. He still didn't get the message, so I did it again. He floored it and went around me. Did he want me to send him a telegram? Idiot.

You have no right or justification to ride someone else's bumper. Edited by daddyo
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Out in the county where I live, I have to drive down a two lane winding country road to get home. The speed limit is 45 and that's all the faster I drive. Darn people will fly up behind me and tailgate me so close I can't see their headlights (day or night). I gradually let up off the gas and slow my speed to about 30. When they back off, I speed up to the posted limit. If they come back up on my bumper, back down to 30 I go. I've only had to brake test one person out here, and I feel bad she ran into the ditch to keep from hitting me! Lesson learned here....stay off me!!!



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I have been watching this thread holding my opinion, but what the hell, I don't want to be left out.   In one word, the issue is CONTROL.  Not self control, but control of others.


In general, I drive above the speed limit by a few miles per hour.  With that said, sometimes I am in a hurry and other times I'm not and sometimes it just depends what kind of mood I am in.  For me, I don't have a problem with someone doing the speed limit, even if they are passing.  I can slow down for a minute, no problem.  


However, I have a big issue if you are not passing (meaning your just running next to the guy in the right lane because you're going .1 MPH more than him) or you just ride the left lane.  If you do this, it isn't because you simply are law abiding and you don't have to move over.  It's a control thing, you're right and everyone else is wrong.  Saying you are just abiding by the law is an excuse, not a reason.  In the same jest, tailgaiting someone because they aren't going fast enough in front of you is because you aren't in control.  Again, it's an excuse for you to feel better about doing what you are doing, not a reason.


For me, people that do ride in the left lane are no better than the guy waiting until the last second to merge when everyone know the lane is ending.   It's about situational awareness for me.  If anyone sees a line of cars in the passing lane obviously moving faster than they are, and you are only barely going faster than the car in front of you, wait for 30 seconds and let them pass.  OR, if you do pass, get your ass over as soon as you can after you pass the car.  


Also, one last gripe, just because you see another car 1/2 mile ahead doesn't mean you are ready to pass them now.  Get over and let people go by and then get back over when you get there.  Too many ego's these days (including me). 

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I have been watching this thread holding my opinion, but what the hell, I don't want to be left out.   In one word, the issue is CONTROL.  Not self control, but control of others.
In general, I drive above the speed limit by a few miles per hour.  With that said, sometimes I am in a hurry and other times I'm not and sometimes it just depends what kind of mood I am in.  For me, I don't have a problem with someone doing the speed limit, even if they are passing.  I can slow down for a minute, no problem.  
However, I have a big issue if you are not passing (meaning your just running next to the guy in the right lane because you're going .1 MPH more than him) or you just ride the left lane.  If you do this, it isn't because you simply are law abiding and you don't have to move over.  It's a control thing, you're right and everyone else is wrong.  Saying you are just abiding by the law is an excuse, not a reason.  In the same jest, tailgaiting someone because they aren't going fast enough in front of you is because you aren't in control.  Again, it's an excuse for you to feel better about doing what you are doing, not a reason.
For me, people that do ride in the left lane are no better than the guy waiting until the last second to merge when everyone know the lane is ending.   It's about situational awareness for me.  If anyone sees a line of cars in the passing lane obviously moving faster than they are, and you are only barely going faster than the car in front of you, wait for 30 seconds and let them pass.  OR, if you do pass, get your ass over as soon as you can after you pass the car.  
Also, one last gripe, just because you see another car 1/2 mile ahead doesn't mean you are ready to pass them now.  Get over and let people go by and then get back over when you get there.  Too many ego's these days (including me).

I agree with much of that in respect to the interstate, but on two way country roads you're gonna have to deal with people slower than you and not have an aneurism. It's pretty easy to deal with unsafe drivers on the interstate by either moving over or, if you're in the right lane, slowing down so much that they get pissed off enough to go around you.

But on the country roads I have no obligation to drive faster simply because the guy behind me wants to drive fast. You just have to deal with it and accept the earth doesn't revolve around your needs. Unfortunately my experience on the TN country roads has been such that I'm somehow at fault for simply driving to my destination. I usually do about 5 over, which I subjectively think is reasonable, but even if I'm driving the speed limit what right does ANYONE have to ride my ass and create an unsafe situation? It baffles me that there are people who not only think this way, but will say that the person who is obeying the law is creating the unsafe situation by enraging the other driver, thus provoking an altercation. That's effing nuts! Anyone who thinks that way has their head screwed on wrong.
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TMF. I was definitely referring to Interstate or even 4 lane highway driving.  Country roads is another matter.  While I probably go faster than some, I don't get too caught up in someone going slower than me on a country road.....unless it is like a 50 mph zone and they're doing 30.  Then it weares on me.  

Edited by Hozzie
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TMF. I was definitely referring to Interstate or even 4 lane highway driving.  Country roads is another matter.  While I probably go faster than some, I don't get too caught up in someone going slower than me on a country road.....unless it is like a 50 mph zone and they're doing 30.  Then it weares on me.

I grew up in Florida so I'm used to old folks driving 20 mph below the speed limit with the left turn signal on. With me it's an intent issue. There are drivers out there who are just oblivious due to ability, and I'm okay with that. Then there are folks out there who are intentionally inconsiderate of other drivers, such as speed regulators, who drive slow on the interstate then speed up when you try to pass, then get in front of you and slow down again. I get it. Those people should be kicked off the planet. But I have a hard time getting worked up when I'm being inconvenienced by somebody who just doesn't know any better.

I got stuck behind this guy doing 30 in a 45 the other day and was cursing him in my mind until I noticed he had a WW II POW plate. That guy can go a slow as he wants, and I got over my frustration immediately.
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TMF. I was definitely referring to Interstate or even 4 lane highway driving.  Country roads is another matter.  While I probably go faster than some, I don't get too caught up in someone going slower than me on a country road.....unless it is like a 50 mph zone and they're doing 30.  Then it weares on me.

My apologies in my post above yours if it came off as if I was referring to "you" as I just reread it and it seemed as if the entire post was directed at you specifically when my intention was to use "you" as term toward motorists in general. Sorry if you interpreted it that way when you read it.
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My apologies in my post above yours if it came off as if I was referring to "you" as I just reread it and it seemed as if the entire post was directed at you specifically when my intention was to use "you" as term toward motorists in general. Sorry if you interpreted it that way when you read it.


No worries at all.  I didn't take it that way.

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Guest Riciticky

Out in the county where I live, I have to drive down a two lane winding country road to get home. The speed limit is 45 and that's all the faster I drive. Darn people will fly up behind me and tailgate me so close I can't see their headlights (day or night). I gradually let up off the gas and slow my speed to about 30. When they back off, I speed up to the posted limit. If they come back up on my bumper, back down to 30 I go. I've only had to brake test one person out here, and I feel bad she ran into the ditch to keep from hitting me! Lesson learned here....stay off me!!!



I live on the same type road. Tailgaters, people speeding around curves on your side of the road, and of course the texters on your side of the road. I say my prayers every time I leave the house.

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I live on the same type road. Tailgaters, people speeding around curves on your side of the road, and of course the texters on your side of the road. I say my prayers every time I leave the house.

I hear ya Brother! I've lived here since 6.8 AR sold me this house in 93. I've had to leave the road twice going into someone's yard to keep from getting hit head on by someone being on the wrong side of the road!



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