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Zimmerman is the next Picasso

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George Zimmerman has found a new outlet for his emotions ... NOT involving a gun.  Now he's brandishing a paintbrush ... and he stands to make a bloody FORTUNE.

Zimmerman is selling a signed painting on eBay ... and get this --  the high bid thus far ... $110,100.  So far ... 108 bids and counting.

The painting features a portion of an American flag -- painted in shades of black and white -- with the words, "GOD -- ONE NATION with LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL."  It's signed George Zimmerman.

GZ says it's his very first artistic work, adding,  "[it] allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors :-)"  

Zimmerman could benefit from an art class or two. He says he didn't use oils or acrylics. He used regular old household latex paint. "I know it's not the fanciest, but it is what we had." 

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/12/17/george-zimmerman-painting-therapy-emotion-flag-paintbrush-sale-ebay/#ixzz2nn61WMs7



Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Guest TankerHC

There are celebrities who collect art from murderer's, high profile criminals and others involved in high profile cases. John Wayne Gacy sold tons of his clown "Art" while on death row. Officially he gave it away because he could not profit from his horrendous crimes, but that stuff goes for a premium. 


Some celeb will snatch it up. 

Edited by TankerHC
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George Zimmerman has found a new outlet for his emotions ... NOT involving a gun.  Now he's brandishing a paintbrush ... and he stands to make a bloody FORTUNE.

Zimmerman is selling a signed painting on eBay ... and get this --  the high bid thus far ... $110,100.  So far ... 108 bids and counting.

The painting features a portion of an American flag -- painted in shades of black and white -- with the words, "GOD -- ONE NATION with LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL."  It's signed George Zimmerman.

GZ says it's his very first artistic work, adding,  "[it] allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors :-)"  

Zimmerman could benefit from an art class or two. He says he didn't use oils or acrylics. He used regular old household latex paint. "I know it's not the fanciest, but it is what we had." 

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/12/17/george-zimmerman-painting-therapy-emotion-flag-paintbrush-sale-ebay/#ixzz2nn61WMs7




You should read the comments under the link you provided. It's no wonder our country is such garbage with people spouting such venom religiously. And this fella REALLY doesn't understand the words "low-profile" does he? If I were in his shoes I'd have vanished into the mid-west.

Edited by whitewolf001
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Good! The lawyers, ex wife and Trayvons Parents can come after him and get what's owed them! He's fixing to get his a** sued off him! Come on George...paint some more.



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There are celebrities who collect art from murderer's, high profile criminals and others involved in high profile cases. John Wayne Gacy sold tons of his clown "Art" while on death row. Officially he gave it away because he could not profit from his horrendous crimes, but that stuff goes for a premium. 


Some celeb will snatch it up. 




Admittedly I am too lazy & disinterested to research, I have not heard this before. He was not convicted of anything.


Any BG info on this?

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What's owed them? My sarcasm meter may be broken. Is this a joke?

Oh you know it is....He owes his Lawyers 2.5 Million dollars, Owes his ex old lady a bunch, and Trayvons parents want to sue him for wrongful death of their son. A joke? I think not! Apparently to him it is. That boy Zimmerman needs to disappear like a coat of paint on the wall and keep his a** as quite and out of sight as he can. He's setting himself up for major failure!



Edited by DaveS
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How so?

"God one nation with liberty and justice for all". He must not be a true red blooded American....because I read ""One nation, under God with liberty and justice for all". Sheez...


You didn't catch that? Maybe his green card expired and he doesn't have to get it right anymore! Or, it could be an artist thing. If so, as a veteran, I don't appreciate it!



Edited by DaveS
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"God one nation with liberty and justice for all". He must not be a true red blooded American....because I read ""One nation, under God with liberty and justice for all". Sheez...


You didn't catch that? Maybe his green card expired and he doesn't have to get it right anymore! Or, it could be an artist thing. If so, as a veteran, I don't appreciate it!






Oh, I caught it. I don't think you did though. He's trying to be "clever". Where are the words "one nation" in relation to the word "God"? "One nation" [i]under[/i] "God"? That's why I said it was corny.

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I quite like it. The "One Nation under God" is a bit corny though. What next? The right to keep and ht_falling_bear_lt_120426_wblog.jpg arms?

Not to hijack the thread (Lord knows it needs to keep heading down this path with this cast of characters) but the tranqd bear video is one of the best of all time. Good job! Edited by Good_Steward
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The artist in me sees the word god at the top.  The rest of it is "under" god.    A little odd, but art usually is.   I see nothing to complain about here.  He should team up with W and have a crayon expo or something --- neither one of them are blowing me away with their ability.

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The artist in me sees the word god at the top.  The rest of it is "under" god.    A little odd, but art usually is.   I see nothing to complain about here.  He should team up with W and have a crayon expo or something --- neither one of them are blowing me away with their ability.

Looking at it that way, it is correct. The best pieces of art are those that you have to study to determine what message the artists is trying to send.



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