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James Brady dead at 73


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just heard that on the news. Hinckley likely will face murder charges now. Hope he is convicted

I'd be surprised if additional charges are brought against him. I'd be completely shocked if he were to be found guilty.

He was found not guilty by reason of insanity on all of the 13 or so original charges. While they may not consider him to be insane today, that doesn't change the fact that they did when then assassination attempt took place.

A conviction is highly unlikely, in my humble opinion.
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Ruling his death a homocide seems to be a very dangerous political move. What if .GOV ruled a dead man with clogged arteries a homocide and then went after mcDonalds Or a man who died of complications from diabetes and then Pepsi is blamed and then sued Totally political. Most old people's Deaths are not scrutinized like this.
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I heard on the news this morning the left are going to try to use his death to renew interest in a nationwide ban on assault weapons. They are saying that a ban on assault weapons would be fitting way to honor him. 


The left has no sympathy it seems, it seems they are excited to have the opportunity to exploit his death to call for another assualt weapons ban with the irony being Brady was shot with a $40, 6-shot Rhom .22. I guess that's the next assualt weapon on the list.

Oh crap, I have one of those. Hey maybe they will make the gun famous and increase the value from $40 to $45.

Anyway, they can call for it, even introduce legislation, and loose again.

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If there isn't some new evidence in the shootings, then why should the case be tried again?  There is nothing to be gained for the citizens or victims that can result from a new trial.  The liberals and lawyers are the only ones who can possibly gain from another trial.

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Jim Brady was an innocent victim of a lunatic and what happened to him was tragic; no one should have to go through what he did. I'll not rejoice at his death.


His wife, on the other hand, has made a career and a fortune pushing her husband around in his wheelchair in an effort to dismantle the Second Amendment; she deserves no and will get no consideration from me and I'll shed no tears when she joins her husband in whatever lies after this life.

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What if .GOV ruled a dead man with clogged arteries a homocide and then went after mcDonalds Or a man who died of complications from diabetes and then Pepsi is blamed and then sued Totally political.


That ploy's been tried before.....went nowhere as I recall.  You'd have to prove the man ate at McDonald's exclusively for his whole life. 

Edited by gun sane
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If there isn't some new evidence in the shootings, then why should the case be tried again?  There is nothing to be gained for the citizens or victims that can result from a new trial.  The liberals and lawyers are the only ones who can possibly gain from another trial.

If someone dies from their wounds, a charge of homicide is due but not until that happens. This seems like a stretch for this case but imagine if it were just three weeks or so.
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If someone dies from their wounds, a charge of homicide is due but not until that happens. This seems like a stretch for this case but imagine if it were just three weeks or so.

Stretch indeed.  The MA's finding aside, while he certainly had a tragic change in his life I can't imaging how anyone could claim with a straight face that a bullet wound from 33 years in the past caused his death and bringing charges now would probably be more than pointless anyway. 

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Just to got Devil's advocate here, suppose bullet fragments had been left in the wound and one finally broke free, got to his heart and caused a fatal heart attack. Mentally, after 33 years, it's hard to assimilate the connection yet it is death as a direct result of the original crime. (As opposed to falling down a flight of stairs due to walking skills being of reduced capacity for example)
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