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Joan rivers passes at 81


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I have admired her since I first got to know her as Carson's "permanent guest host".


Like Robin Williams, truly a "force of nature".  Her uncensored acts had a strong thread of complete disdain of hypocrisy, everyone was fair game for ridicule, including her own self, I think I liked that best about her.


- OS

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I always liked her until this last year. She made a couple jokes that were really insensitive and over the line. When she was called out about it she told everyone to F off. I gave up on her earlier this year when she made a joke about one of those three girls held captive in Ohio getting more sex than her.
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I always liked her until this last year. She made a couple jokes that were really insensitive and over the line. When she was called out about it she told everyone to F off. I gave up on her earlier this year when she made a joke about one of those three girls held captive in Ohio getting more sex than her.


Iconoclastic comedians by nature offend x number of folks x part of the time, from Lenny Bruce to Redd Foxx to George Carlin to Andrew Dice Clay to  ... etc.


Joan was both mainstream and edgy, depending on venue. Uncensored she was often in the "too soon?" moment, and got her share of groan responses from the audience.   But like she'd say, F ya if ya can't take a joke, and don't buy a ticket. ;)


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I enjoyed her and one thing for sure is you always knew where you stood with her and was very opinionated which I always found most refreshing. Joan was one of those people you loved, you hated or you loved hating but that was Joan Rivers may she RIP!!

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I never cared for her anti-Semitic jokes.


She was a practicing Jew herself, real name Molinsky, parents Russian Jewish immigrants, supporter of Israel.  Just an example that nothing was beyond her barbed wit, least of all herself. Self-denigrating humor was part and parcel from early on in her schtick.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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She was a practicing Jew herself, real name Molinsky, parents Russian Jewish immigrants, supporter of Israel. Just an example that nothing was beyond her barbed wit, least of all herself. Self-denigrating humor was part and parcel from early on in her schtick.

- OS

I never thought I could make a joke that would go over your head.

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