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Where can I get bear spray over the counter?

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Going to the Smoky Mountains soon. Where can I buy bear spray over the counter in Nashville, TN? Or do they sell it in Gatlinburg and I should just wait until I get there to buy it? I'm worried that if I wait to buy it until I get there, that they may overcharge when buying at a location near the park. Is that true?

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Guest Keal G Seo

And if you are, you can pick it up at a Bass Pro Shop or Gander Mountain on your way...closer to the park the more likely they will have it in stock.

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Gander Mountain in Turkey Creek off of I-40 right as you come into West Knoxville.  Exit 368 if I'm not mistaken, but I could be mistaken.  Unless you are getting into the back country I wouldn't worry about it.  I spend 50 hours a week in bear country and if I carried bear spray I would have probably removed it from the holster twice in the last 3 years and not actually used it either time. 

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Gander Mountain in Turkey Creek off of I-40 right as you come into West Knoxville.  Exit 368 if I'm not mistaken, but I could be mistaken.  Unless you are getting into the back country I wouldn't worry about it.  I spend 50 hours a week in bear country and if I carried bear spray I would have probably removed it from the holster twice in the last 3 years and not actually used it either time. 


But, but, but....My dreams of bears digging in every other trash can while I take cell phone videos that will make me famous on YouTube are all coming crashing down.......!

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Might not need it but if it makes you feel safer, i would carry it. A sprayed and alive bear is a lot better to explain to the Park ranger than a dead bear from a gunshot. Last time i was there we didn't see any bears though. Kinda dissappointing.

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If you do happen to see a bear (or any wildlife for that matter) while driving, please, PLEASE pull off the road.  Nothing is more annoying than some yahoo stopped in the middle of the road jamming up traffic while looking at some critter.

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To keep bears away they say to carry pepper spray and wear those little bells on your shoes to make noise while hiking.
You can tell what kind of bears there are around by looking at their dung piles. A black bear will have berries and fur from small animals like rabbits in their dung, Grizzly bear dung will have little bells and smell like pepper.
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To keep bears away they say to carry pepper spray and wear those little bells on your shoes to make noise while hiking.
You can tell what kind of bears there are around by looking at their dung piles. A black bear will have berries and fur from small animals like rabbits in their dung, Grizzly bear dung will have little bells and smell like pepper.


I've now heard this like 15 times within 24 hours. It's still funny every time, though!

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Whenever I'm in the woods in bear country I ALWAYS have bear spray with me. And I wouldn't hesitate to use it on any hostile critter meaning me harm. The videos on youtube showing bears actually being sprayed  show they definitely do get outa dodge when they get a whiff of that stuff. I always carry a gun as well but many of the experts say that the spray is more effective in getting the bear to leave verses accurately shooting a bear in a vital spot (And getting them to leave is the idea).

I recently took my can of spray out to the driveway and shot a short burst just to make sure it was still working. After about 30 seconds and the cloud had dissipated I walked into the area where I sprayed it and whatever lingering molecules of the spray were left nearly choked me to death. I took off running into the house coughing, spitting, and gaging and wondering if I would live to see another day. That stuff is powerful! I realize now, if I ever have to actually use that stuff on a real bear, if he's not downwind from me I will need to do everything I can to get upwind of him or I better think twice about pushing that button.

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I ride in the Smokies  quiet often. We see bears off and on.  I do not think that that stuff would help you anyway.I think you be better off using a whistle or a compressed air horn thingy.. I usualy carry my 9.mm and never had to even take it out of my holster.I was never under the impression that they where threatening to charge or anything else. Now the horses didn't care so much to stick around.. lol ..The  GSMNF has also wild boar.. I would rather not encounter those .They have a nasty temper when they have  piglets and my horse hates a pig..lol


Unless you are some dumb tourist that wants a close up with a mama bear and her cubs. I would not worry about it to much. They run before  they will come after you.. especialy now there is plenty of food  up there. Keep your distance and don't be a dumb tourist.. that is all...  :)

Have fun up there .. pack in , pack out :)

Edited by Sour Kraut
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I ride in the Smokies  quiet often. We see bears off and on.  I do not think that that stuff would help you anyway.I think you be better off using a whistle or a compressed air horn thingy.. I usualy carry my 9.mm and never had to even take it out of my holster.I was never under the impression that they where threatening to charge or anything else. Now the horses didn't care so much to stick around.. lol ..The  GSMNF has also wild boar.. I would rather not encounter those .They have a nasty temper when they have  piglets and my horse hates a pig..lol


Unless you are some dumb tourist that wants a close up with a mama bear and her cubs. I would not worry about it to much. They run before  they will come after you.. especialy now there is plenty of food  up there. Keep your distance and don't be a dumb tourist.. that is all...  :)

Have fun up there .. pack in , pack out :)


Yeah, I'm kinda doubting my 9mm would protect me from a bear or a boar....That is, unless I pump about 50 rounds into one....Guess these extra mags would come in handy in that case...lol

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All you need is to be faster than the person you are with.

Seems like I've hiked at least one trail every week for the last 40 years. Had one bear actually charge me where I thought I was done. Luckily I was in a truck heading back from some trail resto I volunteer at.

Basics, don't carry food. Don't get between bears. Get big if they approach, yell or throw some rocks/sticks.

I have had lots grunt and stomps but I've gotten used to it and just move on.

I do carry a pistol and spray, but have never pointed either.

Holler if you need more local info.
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All you need is to be faster than the person you are with.

Seems like I've hiked at least one trail every week for the last 40 years. Had one bear actually charge me where I thought I was done. Luckily I was in a truck heading back from some trail resto I volunteer at.

Basics, don't carry food. Don't get between bears. Get big if they approach, yell or throw some rocks/sticks.

I have had lots grunt and stomps but I've gotten used to it and just move on.

I do carry a pistol and spray, but have never pointed either.

Holler if you need more local info.


I told my wife about the thing of being faster than the person you are with and she didn't seem too pleased. ;)


As far as hollering regarding more local info... ...I am considering open carrying, as mentioned in another thread. Are the park rangers going freak out? How are they about that? I normally conceal, but like to OC when hiking, etc...

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