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Everything posted by hipower

  1. Really? I would have Said Lakewood/Old Hickory. Didn't know it was considered part of Hermitage.
  2. The more I see of Lee, the sadder, and madder, I get. My wife even hates him now.
  3. What's the code? I'll try again.
  4. No, I sold the 365XL a while back. May try for another later on.
  5. Not sure about it being Cooper, but that pistol makes me think High Standard, or possibly Colt Woodsman.
  6. That gave me an involuntary tightening in the nether regions!
  7. Really so few places to do this in current vehicles. Just not enough room for placement and acquiring it quickly. At least for my use.
  8. I won't belittle Grand Torino's knives by calling them a "deal." They are quality pieces that GT offers to us at a fair price. I believe I remember his stating once these were origionally just a hobby. But as I see it, it has progressed beyond that to a retired man's new job. His work and quality exceed the pricing he gives us all. As the owner of a dozen, I can say this for certain. I can't speak from a knowledgeable knife collectors viewpoint...just as a person who appreciates the works of this good man.
  9. I keep resisting. Mainly becasuse of funds, but looked at one today. I really like the X Macro!
  10. I do. He's probably a liberal Democrat. That's pretty insulting ain't it?
  11. Wasn't able to get any at all.
  12. Nope. I'm a mustard fan! LOL!
  13. Well..glad I didn't risk going. Would have been a real problem for me, and a disapointment as well. Like all above, I miss the golden days of real Gun Shows! Where you could find hidden treasures and great guns; good people and some good buys, and could leave thinking...how am I going to explain all this stuff to my wife? I haven't had to do that since roughly 2011-2012.
  14. A beauty! I'm happy for you...yet extremely envious as well! lol
  15. I am so sad...that it's yours and not mine!
  16. I'm sloshing now! I actually think that I sometimes just don't drink enough for long periods of time. That doesn't help. I'm sure you know the line "I just not thirsty." Wife is on me about it constantly, As she should be.
  17. Lets not get started on the other JMB child!
  18. My pleasure Cmmdr! I have favorites among the "lesser priced" range ammo. Glad to be able to offer any ifo I can. I'm usually the last to know on any sales. Blazer Brass 124. S&B in both 115/124. Fiocchi in both weights, And CCI Lawman. As I saed earlier, don't shoot a lot of PD rounds, though I have a few acquired before the more recent pricing. Where possible, I try not to buy anything else. Had good use from them and stayed there. I did stray once into Independence Ammo, and bought near 6000 rounds from a sale. It shoots well and I like it, but found later that it was a mix of new and reman. Not long after find this out, I had several failure with it in my pistol format carbine. Several light loads leaving rounds in the barrel, and 3 case seperations on ignition. Again in a rifle. I put them aside after that. I'll use them in revolvers, but just don't feel comfortable in other 9mm vehicles. Have used other brands at times, and rarely had any bad reactions. But as I began buying in bulk to get better pricing(way back in the past). I just continued with what I knew. In the early 80s, I worked with a gentleman who offerred me some of his 45 acp. He brought in 2 full cases of S&W Competition ammo. 5 a box. Yes I took it. lol As I sit here I can't remember what it said on the box. But it shot absolutely wonderful in the big, heavy 745/645? I'd bought on a whim. still hav e few boxes left. My Colt O Model "Loves" it.
  19. My dad was responsible for my BHP inclinations. He had one that he loved. I shot it a few times and liked it. Somewhere along the years, Dad sold it, and I didn't do anything until much later. IIRC, my first was a Mkll that i later sold to my b-i-l. Like you, sir, it was early 90s before I bought another. Little gun shop owned by a Bill Harton(?) in the Antioch Sam's area. As much as I liked them, I didn't have the funds to buy multiples of it. There was always something else to attract me. Have a few now. But thinking of downsizing them. I don't carry them. Just fun collection I guess.
  20. Don't think the Detective was made in Stainless, but could be misinformed on that. Now if you want to come near the pric Grayfox54 mentioned from Gunbroker...I might let mine go. HEE HEE


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