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Everything posted by Jonnin

  1.   I sort of get this, and sort of don't.  I mean, our argument about having guns and all ...  we argue that gun laws don't really stop a determined idiot from getting one somehow, somewhere.   Your approach is pretty much the gun control approach: deny everyone and the bad guy never gets one.    I understand that one might try to blame themselves if something like this DID happen.  Its hard not to do that, its human nature for a compassionate, decent person to wonder what they could have done differently if somehow their actions were tangential to a horrible incident.     It could have been me.  So what if it was?   Am I responsible for this?   No, only the shooter is.  If not a gun, he can make a bomb.  Poison a buffet downtown at lunchtime.  Knock down a building.   Drive up the sidewalk.   You can't stop someone who is hellbent on causing damage but hidden amongst the public by trying to deny everyone access to everything that could possibly remotely be used for mayhem.   It is simply not possible.   All you can do is wait for them to stick their head up and start their crap, then "stop the threat" with whatever you have available to do so.   Its your personal choice of course.   But if everyone stopped selling guns because someone out there might act like an idiot with one ... the world becomes a poorer place, and in truth, if that happens, the bad guys won.   Because then, no one can stop the threat anymore. 
  2.   well of course, it has strong and weak points, just like any handgun. And of course anything is better than nothing, which is what the marines had.   From 100 yards, its very practical -- that is what its FOR really, medium ranged shots or an all out street warfare situation, and that is what we had, so in that situation, yes, very good pick.   There is a time and a place for it.  There is a time and a place for something more subtle.   Most days, subtle is a little more practical, is all I was sayin :)      Someone tried walking around with the thing, and as I recall, and it was somewhat less than good at blending in with the sheep.
  3. good list.  I would add a couple more:   9) paranoia.   if you think the "background check" that just happens to have the make / model & SN is properly disposed of, this one does not apply.  If you worry about a hidden database,  buying  a few off the radar may have monetary value to you.     10). package.  A glock with 5 extra magazines, a holster, and its original box is worth more than "the naked gun".     11).  Other costs.    Yea, that thing costs 200 bucks listed at the LGS, but its TN.   That means it costs 230 at least, with tax and background.  Yea, you are willing to sell it to me for 175, but its going to cost me a full tank of gas -- call it 10 gallons at 2-3 bucks each ---  so its going to cost me 195 - 215 total so the new one is a better deal.  
  4. sorry, yes what he said, to be honest.   I am not worried about it, really, as I have one.   I don't really carry it much, its in the car for certain trips thru certain places.   Its fun, but impractical, really.
  5.   vague?  One section says a "handgun" must be designed to be fired by one hand.  When you start talking about these giant pistols, that could be argued either way.  I can certainly FIRE the gun one handed, but I can also fire some of my rifles with one hand too so that does not mean anything.   The AR pistol is too heavy for the vast majority of humans to hold in a single hand and fire correctly.  This might be part of the federal definition, I don't remember where it was but it applied last time I searched (which was a long time ago, when someone actually was under arrest for using an AR pistol and this very question was being asked... but it never was resolved due to a plea).
  6.   Yes and no.  I have seen pellet gun holes in glass that you could put a nickel into on the back side -- it blows out a weird cone shaped hole and the backside is very large, and its very weird how nearly perfectly cone-shaped the holes are.   I dunno about real guns, but its possible the holes are bigger than the bullet by anywhere from a tiny to a very large margin.   Also, a 9mm carbine is going to make a .33 or larger hole in glass.   Its not the best indicator of weapon type.   We will know what they tell us, which has about a 75% chance of being incorrect.
  7. It depends on the pistol.   I use a kel tec PLR-16 and it IS legal on a HCP.   Its an awkward weapon to use, but on a day like today, I am glad to own one. Some configurations and models may violate one of the rules for a "pistol" but TBH the rules for a "pistol" are vague. Very vague.
  8.   nope, they won't until they catch some of them.  This is wise -- bad guys got internet too.
  9.   Firearms are inconsistent with employee safety...   anyone caught with such may be terminated or disciplined and blah blah.   maroonandwhite, on 16 Jul 2015 - 1:33 PM, said: Stay safe brother.   TY.  I am sure its fine, its miles from here, so my tongue in cheeky responses are just a /sigh at corporate lack of mentality.
  10. They locked our glass doors.  This is getting serious.   Reviewed our policy on shooters:   Attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by: ● Act as aggressively as possible against him/her ● Throw items and improvising weapons ● Yell; make noise ● Commit to your actions
  11. its unclear. best sources I have atm say shooting at military recruiting office(maybe, at TWO of these??) and at chat state college (?) one victim confirmed so far (alive, condition unknown).   Cleveland, not sure currently.   Shooter(s) appear to still be at large. half the country is en route to throw down on them ,,,, bafte, national guard, and various others.
  12. I do my best to never give out any info online, to never make real accounts on social media that can be easily connected to me IRL,  I store very little that contains personal info on my home pc.  Basically, my solution is to give them nothing to steal, as best as I can.  If my bank or doctor or insurance get hacked, there isn't much I can do about it.   I don't have a phone or anything wireless.   IMHO the bulk of the security measures people are told to do are on par with "throw the stapler at the guy with the machine gun"  strategy of self defense during an office shooting.   They tell you to use the horrid passwords of Let7erz&symbol2! that are stupidly long... and they get hacked because the passwords were easy to steal from a poorly encrypted database.   They tell you to secure your router, so the hacker reads the memory of your printer where you scanned and emailed your personal info.   They tell you to use a variety of credentials at all your favorite sites and the only person that gets confused and locked out is you.   Its all bunk, mostly.  The hackers are not getting in by brute force, haven't in 20 years, but the defenses we are told to use are for that.
  13. yea we hated autocad so much we moved to solidworks, which runs great in newer systems.  AutoCAD seems to be stuck in 1995.   I got nothing... mirror the drive and load it up with 7.   Or wait a month and see if 10 is any cleaner, 8 is that "off by one" version that runs like crap, so 10 might be the "sweet" version again (since about win 95 every other version has been bad ... roughly). 
  14.   about 2 days later...    these   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3129887/Dylann-Roof-21-suspected-murdering-nine-race-hate-church-crime-got-gun-birthday-arrested-twice-year-drug-trespassing-charges.html   http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2015/06/18/the-legal-loophole-that-allowed-dylann-roof-to-get-a-gun/   are still out there saying his dad bought it for him, which seems to be incorrect.   Newer stuff says http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/06/18/everything-known-about-charleston-church-shooting-suspect-dylann-roof.html   According to Roof’s grandfather and Meeks, the man's family gave him money for his birthday this past April, which it is believed he used to purchase a .45-caliber Glock pistol.   I have not seen anything that proves it either way but they should have, by now, been able to trace the gun to its most recent buyer which should clear that up, but if that was released to the public, my search missed it.  I didn't dig too deep, I don't personally care where he got it. 
  15. Its very probably.  Those tubes are so thin that when I put on an extension and tried to polish out the indents I made a small hole in the metal... its super thin, I was just using like rough steel wool to clean up where I had worked on it.  That was an 1100 but its the same tube I think?   Anyway, it does not take much sometimes.
  16. No system can catch the guy that has never done anything wrong but has decided he is GOING to.   This guy is not far off from that ... he may have had some brushes with the law but was not YET actually a CONVICTED felon.     Its like trying to implement a system to detect future drunk drivers or who is likely to cause a fatal accident by playing with their cell phone.   Some things, we can't do.
  17.   autos let more sound out, is all.  a bolt will be quieter. 
  18. wife isn't considered diabetic anymore after going to a low carb diet and losing weight.   Its not a full cure, but it gives real results for many people.   
  19. where are the usual weasel words when they would help?   All he had to do is make it like every other "news" story and say "I MAY have operated on someone's leg".   All their other stories do that, no one would bat an eye.
  20.   need more input. what sort of job you want.  What sort of commute.  looking for land with a shooting range, youll have to get away from the cities and that makes the job harder and commutes longer.   Wanting to be in the city or near it, can't shoot.    Churches are everywhere.   decent low crime areas are everywhere --- you really have to work at it to find a high crime place, takes moving deep into a major city for the most part (there are a few "deliverance" type areas in the sticks too, though... mostly making meth these days, a few pot fields... )  but all in all its not a high crime state.    schools mirror the community.  If you go to a church centric low crime area, the nearby schools should be reasonably good.  Here again, if you work hard to move into a ghetto, you can find a bad school,  but its not easy to do.   Shopping, dining, and entertainment ... that means a decent sized city.   Ill throw you an option ... Maybe: Georgia.   If you move down here to Chattanooga, you would sit on the boarder of ga and TN.  A *lot* of people claim the GA schools are better (I have no kids and couldn't say) but you would have to pay their wretched state income tax if you lived there (required to go to their schools, I think). You could always move later once the kids get out...  Chattanooga has shopping, food, and entertainment in good amounts.  It has churches.  It has low crime areas, and it has its ghetto as well, just learn what areas to avoid and get out in the suburbs and its a very nice area.   Historic city too, if you are into that.   Fair number of solid jobs -- VW, TVA, big insurance, tons of stuff for a variety of careers.   Ga has lower sales tax so living in chatt, I can buy across the line and still pay no income tax :)   It is also home to at least 4 quality private schools (6th grade up) and a few good ones for younger as well (not sure how many there, but at least 2).   The high school I went to had boarding students and one classmate of mine graduated highschool with credits enough to be a sophomore 2nd semester on his first day of college, many many others knocked out 1/2 their freshman year that way (AP credits).   Whether you live in GA or TN,  its a very nice area in general.   If you are not interested in the GA stuff or the private schools, its no better or worse than most of the TN cities.
  21. not sure about one helping pick a suppressed model... but before you buy a rifle, I would suggest you buy up the ammo ... so you get a feel for how available it is lately.  Ive not seen 22M in any quantity in years, a box here and there at random... but not many...  its such a good round too, just hard to find at times.
  22. if you are the immigrant, and all the way thru to grandkid of one, there is nothing wrong with a bit of pride in knowing your roots and all that.  Past that, making a big deal about your heritage when no one you have ever met has even visited the country in question... is silly.  People do silly things, and its harmless, but its still silly.  Waving African flags when your people been here since 1650 is silly ... Ill say it.   Wearing tribal dress when the last native in your family died in 1820 is silly.  Naming your kids a random name from your perceived motherland is silly (actual family names are acceptable).     Hyphen americans ... the entire concept of race needs to go away.  There is one.  Its human.
  23. this is always a big deal, for a gun that is virtually never even used.  Who cares what the army carries for a pistol?  They shoot rifles.   I have a 1911.  Its big, low capacity, heavy, and generally the most miserable thing I could think of to carry (sweet on the range, sure, but to carry it??).  I have a beretta 92 as well.  Its fat, big and clunky, has a terrible trigger, and is a close second to "who would want to lug this around".  Someone with small hands would hate it,  and its only saving grace is the light weight.   I predict the next one will be right on up there with the others.. big, uncomfortable, and generally meh.
  24.   whoever is refusing to sign for the arrests, the magistrate(s)?    They are clearly ignoring the "shoot in city limits" law and by doing so are aiding the lawbreakers who have injured people.   This sounds like grounds for a performance review....  how many of them are there, really?   Its probably not a lot of people.
  25. I am ok with a small label that allows parents who wish to be informed and proactive to make a decision about music/movies/etc which they know nothing about at times (hey, I want this new cd ...).   But its outdated with the digital world now... still, that didn't bother me.   What bothers me is my LOA classic has the naughty bits blacked out because the state I got it in way, way back when insisted on it.   I could probably get the real jacket online somewhere but that isn't the point either...  when they start actually censoring, it bothers me.  A tiny mark not so much --- and today, no mark needed, tech can pick it up at the register and inform the consumer there.


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