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New job!

Guest Arko

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Hey all!

Just wanted to tell my friends I just accepted an offer for a job IN MY FIELD!

I applied to the company months ago, and they gave me the old "We don't have anything right now, but will keep you in mind..." and I thought I'd never hear from them again. Well..I start Monday!

I was considering either moving close to Hero gear, or to NW Georgia, but now I can stay put, which makes the wife happy.

Anyway, thanks all for the well wishes, support, and help with my car awhile back. It was immensely appreciated.

Special thanks to Joe at Hero Gear as well for considering me for a spot in his shop. I was very close to making the leap, but I couldn't refuse this offer.

Thanks all! :cool:

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Guest canynracer

AWESOME news!!!!! Glad to hear it!!! hearing this just made my Friday all the better...

Way to keep your head up!!!

Now...... GET YOUR ASS TO WORK!!!!! :cool:

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Thanks guys. To say I'm relieved would be a bit of an understatement. Nice to go into a weekend with a little peace of mind.

Now I can start dreaming of replacing some of the guns I had sold! (well, not right away, but I can start drooling now, at least!)

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Congrats man!!!

I'm taking this as a sign that I'll get picked up for a job as well.

A friend just got into a paid CDL/Job gig too, so yes. Yes, you are next!

Congratulations! Go hoist a few this weekend!


Can't afford it YET! ;)

Though I may check the couch cushions!

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