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Guest Jamie

I do hope some of you guys are choosing weapons you know something about and have some idea how to use...

By the way, if I got stuck using a Kat, I'd want one of Howard Clark's L6 jobs, NOT one of the traditional, made-out-of-low-grade-iron-bearing-sand-and-hammered-until-it was-halfway-decent-steel 16th century jobs. :P

( Yeah, I know a little bit about swords... )


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One of the other things I think I'd have to invest in would be a good welded-link stainless steel chain mail shirt. One with a fairly fine "weave" so it wouldn't be too heavy.

Museum Replicas used to sell one as a "fantasy mail shirt", a few years ago, that would probably do.

It wouldn't have to do much more than stop a thrown knife, and let all you knife-flingers disarm yourselves without causing me too much grief. :P:D


Ill take your puny chain mail and raise you a katar


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If there were no guns, explosives, or bows.What would be your weapon of choice and why?

I would choose a ball bat. Pretty hard to brake and does major damage to whatever it hits knees, heads, etc.Also easy to replace.

If I can't have a crossbow, I'M NOT PLAYING! I'm taking my toys and going home!


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Guest Jamie
I was going to say that but I went and got tested and my Midi-chlorian count was too low for me to be a jedi.

Stop drinking the city's water and you'll be all right. :meh:


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Guest Jamie
THANKS! Any brand of bottled water you recommend? How long till I can start my training?

Try "Dagobah Swamp Water"... Should fix ya right up, and have you doing handstands while levitating rocks in no time. :meh:


Edited by Jamie
Got rid of the pic. Once was enough.
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Guest Jamie
If I had to use what I already have and would feel comfortable using...

Slingshot + ball bearings

Louisville Slugger

26" Tanto fixed blade 'knife' (yeah it's a sword)

Tanto? Sounds more like a Wakizashi, at very least...


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