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Thinking of joining the NRA..

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I've been thinking abut joining the NRA, but just wanted to know if there are any reasons I shouldn't.

For instance:

National Rifle Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the Better Business Bureau's web site, the NRA does not fall within the BBB's scope of Standards for Charity Accountability.

I've also seen NRA members posting about how the NRA will not return their e-mails and that they are constantly spammed/harassed to give more money.

What are the facts or pros and cons of NRA membership?

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Pros: Largest gun org in the country. Do a lot of good with local issues if your area person is good about pushing issues. American Rifleman is a great mag. Always has interesting articles as far as I am concerned. Only $25 a year if you watch for specials.

Cons: Won't fight tooth and nail for full second amendment. Has a history of laying down sometimes far more to get a little something in another area (can anyone say 1986 machine gun ban for traveling through other states...) Gun Owners of America will do more to fight for true rights.

That's just my view.

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I've been thinking abut joining the NRA, but just wanted to know if there are any reasons I shouldn't.

For instance:

National Rifle Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've also seen NRA members posting about how the NRA will not return their e-mails and that they are constantly spammed/harassed to give more money.

What are the facts or pros and cons of NRA membership?

Well that's because they aren't a charity. They're a lobbying organization. I might could give you a few reasons not to join. But, I could give you a ton more reasons on why you SHOULD join. Most of those reasons are in Congress...

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I don't like everything they do but they are able to do more than my own emails could. Join GOA, NRA, and any group that is fighting for your RKBA.

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Con: I dislike the lobbyist arm (NRA-ILA)... I dislike lobbyist groups in general, but I guess it's a necessary evil in our current political culture.

Con: Will you get regular mailings soliciting donations beyond your annual renewal? Yep. I throw most of them away without opening.

Pro: Does the NRA support tons of worthwhile causes and activities in ways that we, as individuals, couldn't otherwise effectively do? Yep.

Push: Will the American Rifleman magazine have at least 1 article worth reading per year? Yep.

At the end of the day, I think they do more good than harm.

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After you join you need to head on down to Home Depot and buy a new mailbox for all the crap that's going to start showing up. I like the magazine. Still waiting on that knife that they promised me when I renewed back in January. They are better than nothing.

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Guest Lester Weevils

No organization is perfect.

On the other hand, dollars-to-donuts that if the NRA had never existed, most guns would have been banned during the Clinton admin, if guns had even lasted that far into our history.

So if you want a gun into the future, NRA is a good investment, regardless of the fact that the organization ain't perfect.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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No organization is perfect.

On the other hand, dollars-to-donuts that if the NRA had never existed, most guns would have been banned during the Clinton admin, if guns had even lasted that far into our history.

So if you want a gun into the future, NRA is a good investment, regardless of the fact that the organization ain't perfect.

Well said, Lester.

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Guest db99wj

A lot of people get "pissed" or "criticize' the NRA when it is perceived that they give in on an issue, or accept concessions. However, in the course of business, politics, life, etc, negotiations and agreements are comprised of give and take scenarios. If you stand firm on something and don't give at all, you might get what you want the first time, but you will lose out in the future. The NRA has done things throughout their history, that has a positive result regarding our gun rights in this country. Have we lost some things, sure, have we gained some things, absolutely. As it has been said, without the NRA, our gun rights could very well be non existent.

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It's cheaper than a box a ammo.

You get a sticker for your bumper.

The chicks will go wild when you wear you NRA T-shirt. You'll be a babe magnet.

....did I mention the babe magnet thing?

You mean it's the shirt? Dang, I thought it was just me. :rolleyes:

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I just signed up via a link from Red Head Master Catalog 2010 (Bass Pro Shop)

25 bucks, I get NRA for a year, a Bass Pro 25 dollar gift card, I plan to buy more ammo with. a nice NRA BaFuffel Bag plus my choice of NRA magazine.

link www.bassproNRASpecialOffer.com

So I come out ahead just by joining.

I just signed up last week, I have not got my gifts yet, but I have faiith I will get them.

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Guest Tygarys
Join at link:


and you get a pretty nice multi-tool. Made in China, but has rosewood handles, pretty well made.


- OS

I got that tool from their shop next to their museum. The tool is great, but the case sucks, you will want to get a better one if you intend on carrying it.

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Con: They spend way too much money soliciting further donations from you.

Pro: They are the most able ally the gun owner has in Washington.


They are the most powerful friend we have in politics. I do hate the way they fill my mailbox, but I put up with it. Gotta take a little bad to get a lot of good.

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I just signed up via a link from Red Head Master Catalog 2010 (Bass Pro Shop)

25 bucks, I get NRA for a year, a Bass Pro 25 dollar gift card, I plan to buy more ammo with. a nice NRA BaFuffel Bag plus my choice of NRA magazine.

link www.bassproNRASpecialOffer.com

So I come out ahead just by joining.

I just signed up last week, I have not got my gifts yet, but I have faiith I will get them.

Just signed up for the NRA under the offer listed above. I appreciate the heads up vontar!

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