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Guns and Ammo Depot (in Bellevue)


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Guest Tnarmor

I have been to this gun store and I have had a great experiance. I purchased a Remington 870 12ga pistol grip shotgun for myself and a Ruger 10/22 for my son...

The staff was hopeful and knowledgable about their inventory..The gunsmith so many people have been slamming, he put a Archangle aftermarket stock on my son's 10/22 for a low fee and we are very happy with his work. As for their prices, I don't mind paying a little more to keep a shop in my area than to pay a online shop who could careless if I order from them again. These guys have to pay employees and overhead cost. If you have ever ran a buisness of your own, then you would understand. These online companies order product then send it to you and never lay a hand on the stuff. I know this because I am friends with the owner of Tactical Performance Gear.

GAD keep up the good work and tell the owner of the shop that we love his store and we will be back.

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Guest Tnarmor


I believe the Blue label program is for lae enforcement only, not for civilians correct. So why is this other guy talking smack and have people thinking everyone can have those prices? I think he may have a hidden agenda for his comments, I am just saying....

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I have been to this gun store and I have had a great experiance. I purchased a Remington 870 12ga pistol grip shotgun for myself and a Ruger 10/22 for my son...

The staff was hopeful and knowledgable about their inventory..The gunsmith so many people have been slamming, he put a Archangle aftermarket stock on my son's 10/22 for a low fee and we are very happy with his work. As for their prices, I don't mind paying a little more to keep a shop in my area than to pay a online shop who could careless if I order from them again. These guys have to pay employees and overhead cost. If you have ever ran a buisness of your own, then you would understand. These online companies order product then send it to you and never lay a hand on the stuff. I know this because I am friends with the owner of Tactical Performance Gear.

GAD keep up the good work and tell the owner of the shop that we love his store and we will be back.

First Post, might be true, but only one with positive things to say.

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Guest Tnarmor

I need to apoligize to everyone here. My tone seems harsh but I am tired of people bad mouthing this shop... And to CPTDEAN.... I was wrong to say you have a hidden agenda. But most people will take what you say here as the gosple and want a LEA price. And when they can't get it, then they get pisted an quote your statements here. I am a retired LEA officer and I have seen this in action personally...

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I believe the Blue label program is for lae enforcement only, not for civilians correct. So why is this other guy talking smack and have people thinking everyone can have those prices? I think he may have a hidden agenda for his comments, I am just saying....

The blue label is also available to GSSF members - which anyone can join. You are limited to one purchase a year at LEO prices.

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Guest spoolie
Where the hell do you shop?

Cheapest I know is Belleshire and he is like $20 + 10 for background.

N and S 10.00

D and T 10.00

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I need to apoligize to everyone here. My tone seems harsh but I am tired of people bad mouthing this shop... And to CPTDEAN.... I was wrong to say you have a hidden agenda. But most people will take what you say here as the gosple and want a LEA price. And when they can't get it, then they get pisted an quote your statements here. I am a retired LEA officer and I have seen this in action personally...

No worries, TNARMOR. You are correct that blue label guns are for LEO, but the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) members are entitled to one blue label gun at LEO prices per calendar year. After May 1st, they are restricting the discount to multi-year members, and members renewing after their first year (to curb abuse of the program).

As for agendas, I assure you I am only reacting to the experiences I personally encountered. Your mileage may vary and you are welcome to shop anywhere you like. I would reconsider GAD for future purchases if I felt their prices and services were more competitive.

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Really? That's AWESOME. New management has went the extra step to make up for previous owners blundering idiocy.

The new management really makes NSA great now. They're friendly and they seem to be gun enthusiasts, and that makes a great combination. I visited the store once under old management and the guy couldn't be bothered to give me a price on a gun he didn't have in stock. He said he doubted he could get anything from his distributor, and wouldn't even try.

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I believe the blue label program covers security personell as well as LEOs and GSSF members.

You're right. I think I've seen that it applies to "First Responders" which would even cover EMT personnel. It's a good program.

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Guest GAD601

Sorry I have been unavailable today. A few things have kept me away from the net. From the conferece call I had with Glock Comercial Sales Rep. The "Blue Label" Glocks are for active Military, LEO, Fire and EMS, GSSF (one per year, with cupon after min of one year membership) and other Emergency services personel. I do not know about security personel or not. I have another call scheduled with G.C.S. Rep on Monday to finalize Glock Stocking Dealer forms and I will ask him about this at that time. I also plan on having a sales planning meeting with the owner to discuss what has been mentioned here and I will update what Improvements we make. As I posted previously we are a new shop just starting our 5th month of buisness. I take all this feedback into account in order to make this shop a desirable and competitive place for TGO members and all gun nuts to shop. All I can ask is to not count us out yet.

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GAD601, thanks for joining the forum and engaging in these exchanges with us. I certainly feel like someone at GAD cares now, and I will visit again in a few weeks to see how things are going.

My only recommendations would be that you research what other shops in the area are providing to help keep your business competitive, encourage your employees to join this and other forums to help them become enthusiasts like us, and to take a genuine interest in the needs of your customers. Make us feel important and treat us fairly, and we'll give you our business.



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Guest 3strikesyourout

I think this place has been great for area. I also believe with any business it will have it's fair share of learning as with any business...

Customer Service is always important, being that I have been in the Customer Service side for many years.

All excuses aside I think everyone needs a second shot at things..

At least that's what my 1St, 2nd and 3rd exwife said. lol...


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I take all this feedback into account in order to make this shop a desirable and competitive place for TGO members and all gun nuts to shop. All I can ask is to not count us out yet.

GAD, thanks for the feedback that you guys are trying to get things straightened out.

Since others have shared what occured on their visit(s), I'm going to add mine. I stopped by towards the end of last year. There were several customers in the store at the time and they were being waited on by the staff. I wasn't looking for anything in particular just seeing what the store had to offer. Made my way around the store and cases. I did end up checking out one pistol and was waited on in a somewhat timely manner, so the customer service was decent. Nothing memorable either way.

I have not stopped by since, and I drive right past the store 5 days a week. Not because I was treated poorly on my first visit, but for the prices I saw on the handguns and the lack of selection.

As others have said, all we are looking for is competitive prices, good selection, and reasonable service. You do that and you'll get repeat customers. I'm going to take you at your word and stop by again in the near future.

Edited by Trekbike
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Review #2

I stopped in the store on Friday afternoon about 5:00'ish for the second chance. 2 people working the counters, both with customers. I didn't seek out GAD and let him know who I was. I wanted to see what Joe-blow customer would see, not what "monkeylizard, Internet critic with a personal invite back from the manager" would see.

Another customer was looking at some holsters. Once one of the guys finished with his customer, I was asked if I would like to look at anything. He was friendly and engaging. I'd been in the store for about 5 minutes at that point and had browsed through every handgun in the cases. Twice. Still, it was an improvement over my first visit. Unless they get as busy as Guns & Leather on a Saturday at the Greenbriar store, there's no reason not to say "hi, if you need anything let us know" , or at least "Welcome to Guns and Ammo" as people come in the door. Always acknowledge the customer when she/he comes in. Just a tip to keep the service trending upwards. The guys and girls making my burrito still manage to shout out "Welcome to Moe's!" when I walk in and am #12 in line and they're elbow deep in tortillas and guacamole.

GAD601, you guys have got to figure out how to source this stuff better so you can price it better if you're going to earn my business. I know what this stuff sells for at your competition. Even if customer service improves a lot (and I'll say that it's trending that way), pricing is going to keep me away. The type of inventory you're keeping puts you up against Nashville Sporting Arms, Guns and Leather, D&T, Goodlettsville Gun shop, Guns For America, etc. Then you have the online world of Bud's, GlockWorld, and Cheaper Than Dirt. With your used inventory, you're competing with all of the above, plus gunbroker.com, and sites like TGO that have a trading/selling forum for their members.

You're also competing with Wal-Mart for mainstream caliber, target grade ammo. I know that's a tough one for anyone to come anywhere close to. I've not seen a shop yet that can do that on a regular basis (specialty/self-defense ammo excluded) but none of my regular stops have stuff that's way off of Wal-Mart's prices. I may have misread the tag, but I'm pretty sure I saw a box of Tula (or Wolf) .223 for $12.99. Please, correct me if I'm wrong about the price or the brand. That steel stuff is $3.99 online and around $5.99 at Wally World and Academy every day. Even if I was wrong and it was brass cased, $12.99 is still steep.

Personally the only things I saw that I thought had a good price were the olive green ammo boxes.

There was a good selection of holsters on the wall. I didn't look too closely as I'm not in the market for any right now, so I can't say anything about the brand(s) or prices.

<<< I was re-reading this thread before hitting the POST button. ....GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY ! $40 for an FFL transfer? Really? :blink:>>

This reinforces my point that you guys need to learn about the competition.

Edited by monkeylizard
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Guest GAD601

I had a feeling one or all of you would come by in the near future. I remeber the time that you came in. I know and have mentioned here several times that strive to keep customer service high. I always make a point to say something to everyone who walks in, I have noticed that from time to time some customers don't hear me or another employee say "hello" when they walk in. The catch 22 that I as a salesman have to deal with is to not just shut down the person I have in front of me at the time. I have had times in the past in other sales jobs that I have had that if I say something to someone else in the middle of a sale the person I'm working with feels like they are not important. So it is a fine line I have to walk. As the pricing, the time since I have started responding to this has only been a day and a half. It's hard to make changes overnight. As I mentioned in earlier posts, we are working on this. I was not in the store today and I have a sales meeting scheduled with the owner monday. It is hard to research prices work another full time job and still have time for my family. As for the inventory I am constantly on the net or phone with my ditributors tring to get new product in, but if it's not there to buy im left hanging. The Glock rep I talked to on Friday said that during the months of November and December Glock all but stops production to see what items will be ordered from the SHOT and other production shows. He mentioned that they went from no orders to needing 150,000 units produced. He also told me that Glock plans on having 60,000 units out by the end of April abd that the other major manufactures do the same. Now in the last week this shop tranfered over 20 firearms. My current ratio of guns sold/guns available to reorder is 5 to 1. The other shops you mention have been in buisness a wile and have an established inventory. Its hard as a new shop to order everything at once, but we are making orders almost daily from what is available from the 3 (soon to be 4) distributors we use.

Edited by GAD601
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Guest carter
I had a feeling one or all of you would come by in the near future. I remeber the time that you came in. I know and have mentioned here several times that strive to keep customer service high. I always make a point to say something to everyone who walks in, I have noticed that from time to time some customers don't hear me or another employee say "hello" when they walk in. The catch 22 that I as a salesman have to deal with is to not just shut down the person I have in front of me at the time. I have had times in the past in other sales jobs that I have had that if I say something to someone else in the middle of a sale the person I'm working with feels like they are not important. So it is a fine line I have to walk. As the pricing, the time since I have started responding to this has only been a day and a half. It's hard to make changes overnight. As I mentioned in earlier posts, we are working on this. I was not in the store today and I have a sales meeting scheduled with the owner monday. It is hard to research prices work another full time job and still have time for my family. As for the inventory I am constantly on the net or phone with my ditributors tring to get new product in, but if it's not there to buy im left hanging. The Glock rep I talked to on Friday said that during the months of November and December Glock all but stops production to see what items will be ordered from the SHOT and other production shows. He mentioned that they went from no orders to needing 150,000 units produced. He also told me that Glock plans on having 60,000 units out by the end of April abd that the other major manufactures do the same. Now in the last week this shop tranfered over 20 firearms. My current ratio of guns sold/guns available to reorder is 5 to 1. The other shops you mention have been in buisness a wile and have an established inventory. Its hard as a new shop to order everything at once, but we are making orders almost daily from what is available from the 3 (soon to be 4) distributors we use.

those 20 transfers would turn into a lot more if u charged less...not downing your store by anymeans... but when you charge double for transfers your not getting your FFL's worth... i bet if you slim that down you'd be getting a lot more... just think...you have to have an FFL to run your business... so its there regardless... all that money coming in is extra for you guys, i would travel from murfreesboro if the transfer charge was right :rolleyes: im sure a lot of other people would travel if was a good deal... also, what line of holsters do you all carry?... one more thing...do yall offer layaway :) ?

Edited by carter
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I understand the pricing adjustment takes time. I wasn't mentioning it to say "come on man! everyone else is saying they're high. Why don't you have it fixed yet, 2 days later?" I was mentioning it more as an "I agree with the previous posters on this".

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Guest GAD601
do yall offer layaway :rolleyes: ?

Yes we do. 20% down for 30 days. Now I know some of you are going to say thats not long enough. As long as regular payments are being made we usually don't push it if it goes past the 30.

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Guest GAD601
those 20 transfers would turn into a lot more if u charged less...not downing your store by anymeans... but when you charge double for transfers your not getting your FFL's worth... ?

On this, when I said 20 tranfers that was acutally units sold. This was to explain why the inventory seems so low all the time. We seem to be selling inventory faster than we can get it.

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I too look forward to visiting and hope to find better service, prices and selection from all previous trips out. I do purchase online from time to time and would certainly use GAD for my transfers where they lower.

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Guest btjudge

I dropped by on March 31,2011. i was excited about a new store so close to me. As I walked in I said hello to the fellow behind the counter and gave him my name. He never got off his stool and never offered a hand shake. Prices were at or above suggested retail and in my opinion out of line with the going rate. NOT IMPRESSED.

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@camp, Have you dealt with "Taylor Guns" in Downtown Dickson? I saw on buds.com that he was a listed FFL. I called him up, and met him at his "shop". It isn't a gun shop, its just his old machining shop that he has his office in. He gave me a copy of his FFL and said he would be happy to transfer anything I want. He told me $25 total for Transfer fee AND BG check. He also mentioned if I were to order more than one firearm at a time it would just be an additional $5 per gun.

He was a really nice older gentleman and we ended up talking in his place about 30 min, he showed me his personal Kimber and Springfield 1911's and showed me his reload ammo that he shoots. I'm definitely gonna transfer to him on my 1911 purchase I'm about to make.

No i had not heard of him i will have to track him down for future business, thanks

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