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Justified season premier


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Feb 10 2011 07:07 AM ET

'Justified' season premiere review: Pullin' guns and 'cultivatin' herb'

by Ken Tucker

Categories: Dramas, Justified, Lost, Television, TV Last Night, TV Review


Justified demonstrated at the start of its second season last night that it’s working on a level that is, if anything, even more cool, witty, and serene than its debut season. It takes some guts to avoid trying to rev up the pace just to show viewers we’re back!, and to resist worries about the sophomore-year jinx. Timothy Olyphant is the actor most attuned to Elmore Leonard’s source prose since George Clooney captured the polite-cool-cat pose perfectly in Out of Sight.

Wednesday night’s Justified revisited old friends. Thank goodness Walton Goggins is still around as the grinning bad man Boyd Crowder; even better, Boyd’s dropped much of his born-again piousness but remains a devious rascal. And how nice that Olyphant’s Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens is amorously assiduous in his persistent pursuit of his ex-wife, Winona (Natalie Zea). By the way, fans of Ava (Joelle Carter) did not need to despair, since she’ll now intriguingly, bafflingly be reunited with Boyd. (We love Boyd for his volatility, but why would any woman want to live with that?)

Added to the mix was Mags Bennett (veteran character actress Margo Martindale, getting a fine showcase here), a backwoods big-time pot grower now looking to take over Bo’s market for meth dealing. Mags is as ruthless as her son Dickie (Jeremy Davies – Lost’s Daniel Faraday) is gimpy. Mags has two more sons who are dumber but no less mean than their mama.

Add Raylan’s track-down of a fugitive sex offender, good use of a bear trap, and prickly 14-year-old Loretta, and I thought the season was off to a great start.

How about you?

Twitter: @kentucker

'Justified' season premiere review: Pullin' guns and 'cultivatin' herb' | Ken Tucker's TV | EW.com

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I really enjoyed the interaction between him and his old boss. And, the scene where he turned in his gun - made me laugh outloud.

That was funny as hell. I loved the whole episode. Tim Olyphant just bring something really cool and calm to that character. I loved his dramatis step to the side when hillbilly boy was threatening him and his partner told him to move so she could shoot him basically lol

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Justified is back and did not disappoint.....I think im watching more TV this year then I have in a long time.

1. Lights Out

2. Southland

3. Justified

4. Sons of Guns

5. Blue Bloods

6. Man Vs Food

7. Top Shot (?)

8. Hostage Rescue (or whatever its called on Discovery)

and thats just the ones off my head....I think right now "Lights Out" is my favorite show going

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Justified is back and did not disappoint.....I think im watching more TV this year then I have in a long time.

1. Lights Out

2. Southland

3. Justified

4. Sons of Guns

5. Blue Bloods

6. Man Vs Food

7. Top Shot (?)

8. Hostage Rescue (or whatever its called on Discovery)

and thats just the ones off my head....I think right now "Lights Out" is my favorite show going

SouthLAnd is my favorite right now.

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Justified is back and did not disappoint.....I think im watching more TV this year then I have in a long time.

1. Lights Out

2. Southland

3. Justified

4. Sons of Guns

5. Blue Bloods

6. Man Vs Food

7. Top Shot (?)

8. Hostage Rescue (or whatever its called on Discovery)

and thats just the ones off my head....I think right now "Lights Out" is my favorite show going

Detroit 187 is also in the mix

Harry's law is a little different but pretty intertaining

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The whole show is a little upside down. I don't always agree with some of the themes of some of my favorite shows . Sons of anarchy, southland, to name a few. Still they are entertaining. Really the same can be said about the evening news. Trust me I'm not for babying any criminals

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The line that cracked me up was when Raylan goes looking for the pedophile at the house where the two brothers were at and one comes out to talk to Raylan and you can hear gunfire coming from inside the house. A few minutes later Coover comes out of the house swinging a rat by the tail all proud of shooting the rat. Raylan says "I shot rats as a kid. Used to chase them out of the s**t houses. All YOU have to do is go in the kitchen."

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The line that cracked me up was when Raylan goes looking for the pedophile at the house where the two brothers were at and one comes out to talk to Raylan and you can hear gunfire coming from inside the house. A few minutes later Coover comes out of the house swinging a rat by the tail all proud of shooting the rat. Raylan says "I shot rats as a kid. Used to chase them out of the s**t houses. All YOU have to do is go in the kitchen."

That entire scene was good.

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Tim's character is one of my favorites on the show. The scene last season where he was on the stakeout with Raylan and is talking about the "stories" that they create as snipers, and then relaying the story he created for a particular suspect later in the episode is one of my favorites of the series.

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Anyone else notice the way Raylan laid his hand on his ex's stomach? I gotta feeling she's pregnant.

Also, who beat the crap out of Boyd? Did I miss something?

I knew as soon as Raylan started talking about the apricot, the Star Trek red shirt was coming out!

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