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wally walk...serious?

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I think the idea is that 99.9% of the people in America go to Wal-Mart so the chances are you'll go there after you get your permit. It also a good place to experience that feeling that somehow everyone knows your are carrying even though most of them don't even know what planet they are one, let alone can somehow see you are armed. So after you are there for a bit and not screams, "GUN!!!" and people don't go running etc... you'll find out that for people looking from the outside nothing is different now that you carry than it was when you didn't. You'll just know you are more prepared.

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I think the term is meant to convey the place you go the first time you carry in public once you get your permit, no matter where that might be. No matter how long you've been a firearms enthusiast, there IS a certain feeling the first time you carry in public as a private citizen. Kinda like you halfway expect everyone will immediately see that you are armed, lol.

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I think the term is meant to convey the place you go the first time you carry in public once you get your permit, no matter where that might be. No matter how long you've been a firearms enthusiast, there IS a certain feeling the first time you carry in public as a private citizen. Kinda like you halfway expect everyone will immediately see that you are armed, lol.

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I have been carrying in Walmart for years without any problems. I carry a full size Glock 22 Gen 4 in a crossbreed holster with an open shirt on. My handgun can be seen at times. I have also seen several people carrying open at the Walmart in Bartlett, TN on 64 an no one said anything. I followed one guy for awhile to see if anyone reacted to him carrying open and no one in the store blinked an eye.

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The Wally-Walk is a fun way to get used to carrying in public. You'll be carrying in a place you're probably already familar with, doing normal stuff, and around enough people to feel like you're in public, but not exactly in a crowd.

As a whole, Wal-Mart is not openly gun friendly, but they're not gun unfriendly either. Wal-Mart's official policy is two-fold and is similar to most businesses. (1) They abide by the carry laws of the state/municipality in which the store is located. (2) They reserve the right to ask any patron to leave if they are causing other patrons problems. As long it doesn't keep other people from spending money in their stores, they don't seem to care. But if someone complains, it will probably be the gun owner asked to change something, not the complainer.

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The walk is serious business...Walmart is the joke! :)

Now this I can agree with!

But seriously, as others have said, it can be a good "trainig ground" for you to get used to the idea of being publicly and lawfully armed. It will probably feel awkward, at least it did to me about 16 years ago, but it's a good first place to go.

You might have the tendancy to always be patting your hip to be sure it's still there, or checking every mirror you go by to see if the "bulge" can be seen. And probably feel like everyone in the store is watching you, waiting to yell out "He's got a GUN"

But if you're just calm, normal and act like you always do, you'll be fine.

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Guest boatme99
A person carrying a gun is DEFINITELY NOT the scariest thing I have ever seen at wal-mart! 300 lb women with tight cotten spandex pants that say "bootylicious" will make me run for cover.

And she's always in the electric handicapped cart blocking the entire aisle!

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I think my favorite one is "back boobs" at 0:50. :)

That song is catchy too. Every time I listen to it I get it stuck in my head for a day or so after. ;)

Edited by ArmaDeFuego
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When I got my HCP, I had never heard of the 'Wally Walk'. Regardless, Walmart seemed like the logical first place to carry in 'public'. As others have said, I was familiar with the store, knew that there wouldn't be any no-carry postings and knew that there wouldn't be any pat-downs or metal detectors at the entrance. I also knew that it was a chance to be around a lot of people but that most of them would be pretty oblivious to whether or not I had a gun and probably wouldn't notice if I walked around with my arm clamped firmly to my side in order to hold my cover garment tightly in place. Carrying in Walmart, as others have said, was a good way to get comfortable with the idea. Later, when I found out that so many people feel the same that the term 'Wally Walk' exists among permit holders - and that someone even jokingly came up with a 'schematic' of how you have to do the walk and what areas of the store you have to visit in order for it to 'count' - I got a pretty good chuckle out of it.

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A person carrying a gun is DEFINITELY NOT the scariest thing I have ever seen at wal-mart! 300 lb women with tight cotten spandex pants that say "bootylicious" will make me run for cover.


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i have considered doing the wally walk, but as I wait on my crossbreed, i got a owb serpa, and with it on and a big shirt it still sticks out like a sore thumb...so I guess ill be waiting to conceal .....sigh.

Don't be shy, walk proud with that thing! You will be surprised to discover how few people really take notice. I OC frequently and rarely get a second look and have never had a comment.

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