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Anybody watch the SOTU?

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Turned the tv off when fox was giving the highlights about how BHO wanted to rebuild the economy where everyone has an equal chance to succeed. Ate a really big dinner so I had to turn it off before I got sick.


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Tried watching it, I really did, he pisses me off so much that I turned it off and am now watching a King of the Hill rerun instead. That guy has some nerve, I'll tell you what. And what's with all that damn standing ovation crappola? Even the ones that dislike him are doing it. Sheesh!

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.... Even the ones that dislike him are doing it. Sheesh!

Only on the few points they agree with. Watch Boehner every time they show that shot after a point -- tepid applause sometimes, half the time he looks like he'd rather be undergoing water boarding. They show McConnell now and then, he looks like an peptic ulcer model.

- OS

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Guest Lester Weevils

I didn't plan to watch because it may be a pathological symptom when a grown man stands in front of the TV, red faced, screaming obscenities and making crude gestures. They don't make blood pressure pills strong enough.

Forgot about the STFU address until this thread. Against better judgement turned on the TV and watched a couple of minutes. Then turned off the sound and switched the channel to extreme couponing so if Comcast is capable of computerized TV viewer ratings thru the box (which they ought to be able to do) then comcast wouldn't accidentally count me as having watched that charlatan and boost his ratings.

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One thing I did notice several times was a foreshadowing of his intention of campaigning against the congress. It will be interesting to see how successfull he is with that strategy.

One other thing I found interesting was when he said that he will continue to do things, under the guise of fixing the economy, with or without congress. His hubris is appalling.

To some of you older members, was the arrogance and power hungry nature of the Nixon administration anything like what it is currently? Obama comes across to me as a very dangerous demagogue.

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Guest Lester Weevils

To some of you older members, was the arrogance and power hungry nature of the Nixon administration anything like what it is currently? Obama comes across to me as a very dangerous demagogue.

Nixon was more like a nerdy student council president who miraculously managed to become POTUS. Not especially publically arrogant and not much a demagogue. I was young and hated Nixon, but Nixon was a typical go-along-to-get-along republican much more liberal than typical modern RINOs.

Nixon was not a remarkable speaker but his vice pres Agnew was a gifted public speaker head-and-shoulders over most speakers of his time and better than about anybody in the modern era. Look up some of Agnew's speeches on youtube. A very young Pat Buchanan was Agnew's speech writer. Agnew was a corrupt hack in spite of the silver tongue. But he did have a silver tongue.

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