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Ever Meet a TV Actor?

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In college I bartended before I was legal to drink. Worked at about the only classy place you could get liquor by the drink then in Knoxville, the Senator's Club.

Served a bunch of both TN and national pols there, but the real thrill was Kirby Grant. That's Sky King!! (I know, means nothing to whippersnappers).

- OS

I loved watching Sky King. I always wondered how they got the orchestra on the Songbird to play the closing credits. :rofl:

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My step dad was reading this thread and reminded me of a few. He opened up for Areosmith so I got to meet the band but for me meeting Liv Tyler when I was 17, we hung out backstage before the concert and after. I at that time really thought I had a chance with her, sadly I was wrong. I guess I repressed that memory after she turned me down after asking her out on a date. The other one my dad was dissapointed with me is that we lived next to Ted Nugents place in SW Michigan and I used to go hunting with him. My step dad and him would sit around playing music until 2-3 in the morning, of course they would send me home around midnight.

I have had the chance to meet alot of famous people due to my stepdad being a musician, sister is an actress (her next role has her acting next to Eastwood), and I worked in radio/sports.

Out of all the people I have meet the most suprising to me was how nice Rasheed Walace is. He is one of the most polite people I have ever met. He say yes sir, no sir, please and thank you even to me who is 10 years younger. He even brought me lunch one day after he was done for the day when he saw I was working a long day. I still get christmas and birthday cards from him every year. He also got my kids gifts when they were born. He told me when my son gets older we can send him on a trip to see him and learn how to play basketball because I suck at it.

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Jennifer Gray, Billy Idol, John Laroquette, Jack Klugman, Bill Murray(probably the coolest guy I've EVER met), Steve Martin(probably the biggest A-HOLE I've EVER met), Tom Cruise, James Earl Jones, and a few others that apparently didn't mean that much to me since I've forgetten them.

In the early 90's, I worked for American Airlines based out of NYC. I typically flew the "Trans-con" which was the non-stop JFK-LAX flight. Since it was the fastest connection between New York and LA, nearly all flights were riddled with celebrities.

My mom was a huge Bill Murray fan, so I asked him if he'd be willing to talk to her. He asked if she was on the flight? and I said "No, but I could get the AirPhone and call her. He said sure, so I got it, and called her. She swore up and down that I was messing with her, but when she finally realized it was really him, she almost freaked out. He talked to her for 45 minutes, which was a little disappointing since the AirPhone was roughly $2.50 per minute.


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Don't know if it counts, but at the 3Gun Pro-AM last year I met and spent some time with Iain Harrison, Jerry Miculek, and Chris Serino. Not sure if they are "TV stars" but they are bigger celebrities in my world than anyone on TV.


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Mac- I have always heard that Bill Murray was really cool, I have always wanted to meet him.

The story of that flight could go on for about an hour, he was hilarious. He was dogging all the "wanna-bees" in first class and basically acting like his character from Stripes.

The autograph he gave me says, "Bill, ditch these babes, RUN FOR IT! - Bill Murray"


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Don't know if it counts, but at the 3Gun Pro-AM last year I met and spent some time with Iain Harrison, Jerry Miculek, and Chris Serino. Not sure if they are "TV stars" but they are bigger celebrities in my world than anyone on TV.


Wow... I would LOVE to meet them!!!!!

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Mac- That is awesome, I never got to meet any really funny guys like that. I always tell everyone that all my celeb run ins were wasted on me because I am not a musician. I would love to have met someone like Bill Murray. I have made some great friends over the years and still talk to several of them but it would have been great to meet people outside of the music and sports field.

My wife was wondering why I was typing so much and started to read through this and laughed at me because I have 17 numbers in my phone and 9 of them are "Celeberties" 6 are family and last is the pizza place. She just called me a loser.

Edited by climberscott_1999
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Mac- That is awesome, I never got to meet any really funny guys like that. I always tell everyone that all my celeb run ins were wasted on me because I am not a musician. I would love to have met someone like Bill Murray. I have made some great friends over the years and still talk to several of them but it would have been great to meet people outside of the music and sports field.

My wife was wondering why I was typing so much and started to read through this and laughed at me because I have 17 numbers in my phone and 9 of them are "Celeberties" 6 are family and last is the pizza place. She just called me a looser.

So, she married a loser?? :pleased:
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I consider myself lucky when thinking about that part of my history. Got to meet some really great people, celebrity or otherwise, and got to go to some VERY cool places. Alas, after leaving that part of my life behind, things have somewhat gone the other way, so to speak.

As far as meeting the guys from the shooting community, just go to a major match. They are having the Pro-Am again at Rockcastle this summer. Everyone will be there, Taran, Jerry, Mike, Iain, the Benny's, etc. MOST are awesome people that will chat with anyone at any time. SOME are very intense and don't want to be interrupted during a match. That's understandable since that is how they make their money. Heck, take a gun and shoot a side match. For $5 per person, you can get in a team to cut posts against Jerry and the gang!


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Back in the late 80's early 90's, Carrol O'Connor (Archie Bunker) use to come in my place all the time. They were filming "In the Heat of The Night there. Use to bring in the entire cast from time to time. He was a rally nice guy. His wife I can't say so. My brother use to work for Burt Reynolds and Kenny Rogers. Both great with a wonderful sense of humor.

Over the years I have met a lot of interesting people being in the Restaurant and Club business in Atlanta.

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He was so nice. It's a long story, but the short of it is he walked up to me, hand outstretched, and said, "Hello, son, I'm Ronald Reagan." Like I wouldn't know!! I said, "Hello, Mr. President, I'm Mike Douchette, and it's an honor to meet you." He then stood there and we chatted; he asked me questions about the instrument I was playing, etc. Extremely personable, affable man. I really miss him. Last true statesman we had.

Mikey, I really do envy you on meeting President Reagan. The more I listen to clips, and learn about him, the more I realize just how great a man he was.

The only celeberity I've ever met was Senator Fred Thompson. My wife and I had a booth at the Italian Street Fair when it was in the Maryland Farms area; selling craft items and some jewelry. The Senator and one of his aids were doing some re-election campaigning. Mr. Thompson stopped, introduced himself and chatted with us for about 10 minutes; surprisingly not about his re-election though. He seemed genuinely interested in what we were doing and complemented our work., actually buying a small piece. I attempted to give it to him, but he wouldn't have it. I did however, give him a Navajo buckle for his jeans that day, and he made quite a fuss over it.

A real pleasure to meet the man. And yes, he was just as imposing in person and he appeared to be on the tv and newscasts.

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My wife got to meet June Carter. She was working at a garden center in Kingsport. June showed up to get some flowers. My wife said she was really nice, though no one made a big deal about who she was. Johnny was with her but stayed in the truck. This was a year to two before he passed.

I met Richard Simmons in the Knoxville airport. A coworker and I were on our way to Italy for business. The terminal was nearly empty and I was reading a book. The gate attendant hollered "HELLO RICHARD!!". We looked up and sure enough, he came walking down the terminal. He was really friendly and did pictures with whoever wanted.

A friend of mine met George Lopez in an airport just before his TV show started. My friend was walking from one gate to another and stopped dead in his tracks. George was sitting there reading the paper. My friend just walked over and said ..." excuse me, are you George Lopez." He replied..." Hell no! I hate that dirty mexican bastard!" He waited just long enough for my buddy to begin to freak, laughed and said, "Of course I am. Have a seat." My friend sat down next to him and they chatted for something like 30 mins. He said George was really nice and even funnier in person.

... Out of all the people I have meet the most suprising to me was how nice Rasheed Walace is. He is one of the most polite people I have ever met. He say yes sir, no sir, please and thank you even to me who is 10 years younger. He even brought me lunch one day after he was done for the day when he saw I was working a long day. I still get christmas and birthday cards from him every year. He also got my kids gifts when they were born. He told me when my son gets older we can send him on a trip to see him and learn how to play basketball because I suck at it.

Rasheed Wallace lived down the street from my uncle when he played for the Pistons. My uncle said the doorbell range one afternoon. He opened the door to find Rasheed on the porch dressed in khaki's and a golf shirt. Rasheed stuck his hand out and said "Hi, I'm Rasheed Wallace, I play for the Pistons. I just moved in down the street and wanted to introduce myself to my new neighbors." They chatted briefly and he walked through the yard to the next house down.

Barry Sanders also lived near the same uncle, but he wasn't particularly social.

Edited by peejman
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Peejman- I bet your uncle was suprised to see a man of that size standing at his doorstep. I was very suprised at how big he is. I use to hang out down in the tunnel before games and saw a lot of NBA players but only Shaq was more impressive in size than Rasheed. Your uncle lives in a nice neighborhood by the way, I know where both those houses are. Barry is a very reserverd person. I got to meet him at a charity event I was in charge of and he kind of just sat there quietly signing autographs. He is a very nice but quiet guy.

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Peejman- I bet your uncle was suprised to see a man of that size standing at his doorstep. I was very suprised at how big he is. I use to hang out down in the tunnel before games and saw a lot of NBA players but only Shaq was more impressive in size than Rasheed. Your uncle lives in a nice neighborhood by the way, I know where both those houses are. Barry is a very reserverd person. I got to meet him at a charity event I was in charge of and he kind of just sat there quietly signing autographs. He is a very nice but quiet guy.

Rasheed is huge, that's for sure. My uncle lives in the original houses on that road... definitely not the BIG ones. I remember visiting as a kid and the road turned to dirt a couple houses past his. We'd walk down to the creek and play in the water with their dog, there was nothing out past there. When they paved it and started building those humongous houses, we'd periodically get pictures of the progress from him. He said they spent 3 months landscaping the back yard of one house before they dug the footers. Couldn't fit the heavy equipment between the houses to get to the back yard after it was built. Seems silly to have a 10,000 sqft house within spitting distance of your neighbor, but to each his own.

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Someone mentioned George "Goober" Lindsey earlier. We go to the same barber shop, so I'll see him a couple of times a year as our paths cross. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him for about a year now. I hope he's doing well. Some of the barbers at the shop have changed, so maybe he's going some place else now.

Edited by monkeylizard
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I could not believe how close those houses are. We played with Rasheeds dogs in that same creek. The neighbor got really mad at us because one of the dogs pooped in there yard. Rasheed offered to pay for chemical treatment and reseeding if the dog did any damage but the neighbor just flipped us off and went back inside

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Someone mentioned George "Goober" Lindsey earlier. We go to the same barber shop, so I'll see him a couple of times a year as our paths cross. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him for about a year now. I hope he's doing well. Some of the barbers at the shop have changed, so maybe he's going some place else now.

You get your hair cut in Mayberry? :pleased:
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