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Piers Morgan Threatens to Deport Himself

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Quote " I was editor of the Daily Mirror on that day back in 1996 and will never forget the appalling TV footage of those poor Scottish mothers sprinting to the small primary school, many already howling with anguish at the thought of what might have happened to their five-year-old children."

Was that before or after you doctored evidence to make it look like British soldiers were abusing Iraqi terrorists? 


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2254758/Deport-If-America-wont-change-crazy-gun-laws--I-deport-says-Piers-Morgan.html#ixzz2GVhcduoj 
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Guest ThePunisher
Time for some of these POS to be deported to Russia or China. There are too many treasonous POS in this country. Edited by ThePunisher
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Quote " I was editor of the Daily Mirror on that day back in 1996 and will never forget the appalling TV footage of those poor Scottish mothers sprinting to the small primary school, many already howling with anguish at the thought of what might have happened to their five-year-old children."

Was that before or after you doctored evidence to make it look like British soldiers were abusing Iraqi terrorists? 


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2254758/Deport-If-America-wont-change-crazy-gun-laws--I-deport-says-Piers-Morgan.html#ixzz2GVhcduoj 
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He was fired from his editorial job in 2004 for posting fake photographs of Iraqi prisoner abuse on the front page of the paper and CNN still hired him after this.

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Guest Mad4rcn
[quote name="vontar" post="871817" timestamp="1356835423"]I will hold the door for him.   You know what, I am sick and tired of people coming to America because they like it and then wanting to change America back to what they left.[/quote] ^^^^ This
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Guest cardcutter

How can anyone be expected to listen to this idiot when he obviouly doen't know what he is talking about.


"For three hours, our group were let loose on everything from Magnum 45 handguns and Glock pistols, to high-powered ‘sniper’ rifles and pump-action shotguns."


What an idiot. Where can I find one of these 45 magnums?

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Somebody needs an intimate meeting with Louis V. Slugger.


Just sayin'.

I'm pretty sure Poose wouldn't survive all the suggestions this bunch has had. We already filled his ass with sharp objects last week. If we hit him with a bat now, it's gonna puncture something :)

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How can anyone be expected to listen to this idiot when he obviouly doen't know what he is talking about.


"For three hours, our group were let loose on everything from Magnum 45 handguns and Glock pistols, to high-powered ‘sniper’ rifles and pump-action shotguns."


What an idiot. Where can I find one of these 45 magnums?



Doesn't excuse the fact Piers is an idiot.




From this website:


Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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Finally, I erupted at one of them, a man with the unfortunate name of Larry Pratt, who runs the Gun Owners of America lobbying group.

‘You,’ I eventually declared, ‘are an unbelievably stupid man.’

And that was the catalyst for the full wrath of the gun lobby to crash down on my British head.

It is ok to respectfully disagree.  The problem with too much of the left is that they have little courtesy when they do disagree with someone else's viewpoint.  Where is that 'tolerance' they claim to have?
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I have determined that the reason folks like him are so bent against the existence of destructive devices designed to kill is because he would have no intention of ever making a stand that could possibly put him in harms way, even if it was from an assailant bent on killing him.  It's taken a long time for me to figure this out about people like him, but I've met plenty.  I figure it's because, even when defending yourself from certain death, you still must make a choice.  By not making a choice it removes you from responsibility and leaves it to fate.  That is a much more comfortable feeling for many people.  The problem is, people like Morgan take it to a new level.  Not only are they such cowards that the thought of defending themselves is too scary, but it upsets them that there are people out there with the intestinal fortitude to take control of their own lives and stand up for the right to live. 


On some level I can agree with the mentality of the gun grabbers.  If I could wish away all of the destructive implements designed to kill people and know that Pandora's Box couldn't be opened again, I would.  But the fact is the box can't be closed.  We have nuclear weapons now on top of all the other man-killing implements we've designed since moving on from wooden clubs and heavy boulders.  We can't go back.  Not because we don't want to, but because we will never be able to absolutely deny access to those that would use such weapons to destroy innocents.  Therefore, we all should be armed to the teeth, and be so inclined to use those weapons to protect those that can't/won't protect themselves.  It isn't perfect, but it is the reality of life.  We will never be able to control the development of evil.  We can only kill it when it finally rears it's head and hope that as few innocents are taken as possible.  It isn't perfect, but that is freedom.


While I empathize with the pasifists that lack the stomach to take another life, folks like Morgan who wish to take away the ability of sack having men to defend themselves and their family are a different animal.  Folks like Morgan need to fold a frisbee in to 1/4 sections and attempt to swallow it. 

Edited by TMF
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I have determined that the reason folks like him are so bent against the existence of destructive devices designed to kill is because he would have no intention of ever making a stand that could possibly put him in harms way, even if it was from an assailant bent on killing him.  It's taken a long time for me to figure this out about people like him, but I've met plenty.  I figure it's because, even when defending yourself from certain death, you still must make a choice.  By not making a choice it removes you from responsibility and leaves it to fate.  That is a much more comfortable feeling for many people.  The problem is, people like Morgan take it to a new level.  Not only are they such cowards that the thought of defending themselves is too scary, but it upsets them that there are people out there with the intestinal fortitude to take control of their own lives and stand up for the right to live. 


On some level I can agree with the mentality of the gun grabbers.  If I could wish away all of the destructive implements designed to kill people and know that Pandora's Box couldn't be opened again, I would.  But the fact is the box can't be closed.  We have nuclear weapons now on top of all the other man-killing implements we've designed since moving on from wooden clubs and heavy boulders.  We can't go back.  Not because we don't want to, but because we will never be able to absolutely deny access to those that would use such weapons to destroy innocents.  Therefore, we all should be armed to the teeth, and be so inclined to use those weapons to protect those that can't/won't protect themselves.  It isn't perfect, but it is the reality of life.  We will never be able to control the development of evil.  We can only kill it when it finally rears it's head and hope that as few innocents are taken as possible.  It isn't perfect, but that is freedom.


While I empathize with the pasifists that lack the stomach to take another life, folks like Morgan who wish to take away the ability of sack having men to defend themselves and their family are a different animal.  Folks like Morgan need to fold a frisbee in to 1/4 sections and attempt to swallow it. 


A big +1.   (I'm out of likes for the day.)

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Read the comments on the article, they are mostly pro 2A and anti PM


Talk about "murder" he's getting murdered in the comments section.  :rock:


That said, he's just stoking the fires of controversy.  He's going nowhere and hoping to get even more exposure.  He'll squeeeeeeze every drop out of those blood-soaked children as long as it benefits his career.  He's always been a lover of tabloid journalism and CNN has lost any shread of credibility it had left by backing him.

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His rant is drivel. But he does address one thing that I do like that does make sense. He does state that something needs to be done about the mentally deranged portion of our population. That is a good fact. If something was done in that vein then I believe that we would see a drop in tragedies like Sandy Hook. He does make sense on that part of his rant.


But I stand with, if he does not like how America is, then he needs to go home.

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