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Meteorite injures 500 in Russia, Ban Meteors!

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The big one is coming by later today.  DA14 17200 miles from Earth (that is closer than our satellites that orbit the Earth) about 50 yards long and 190000 metric tons. I only heard about it a few days ago. Seems like it should be important?



Maybe some type of Armageddon mission would have been helpful? :popcorn:

Edited by swim615
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The big one is coming by later today.  DA14 17200 miles from Earth about 50 yards long. I only heard about it a few days ago. Seems like it should be important? :ugh:

From what I read they are supposedly unrelated. I guess we just wont the galactic lottery or maybe some scientists aren't as smart as they think they are. I've been browsing several videos. This think had several shock waves. In the following video you can hear the waves. The segment starts at 1:40

Crazy stuff!



Edited by southernasylum
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I thought it was a hoax but it's on the networks so it's slightly more credible than fiction. Here's a link to some cool videos.




Maybe we should prepare for teotwawki!




Interesting, from the article:



According to unconfirmed reports, the meteorite was intercepted by an air defense unit at the Urzhumka settlement near Chelyabinsk. A missile salvo blew the meteorite to pieces at an altitude of 20 kilometers, local newspaper Znak reported quoting a source in the military.

The regional Emergency Ministry denied that military air defenses were involved in the incident.

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Interesting, from the article:



According to unconfirmed reports, the meteorite was intercepted by an air defense unit at the Urzhumka settlement near Chelyabinsk. A missile salvo blew the meteorite to pieces at an altitude of 20 kilometers, local newspaper Znak reported quoting a source in the military.

The regional Emergency Ministry denied that military air defenses were involved in the incident.


Turned a slug into 00 buck, eh?

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