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Guest Emtdaddy1980
I wonder if the names they read will include those who lost their lives as a result of draconian laws that prevented them from defending themselves.
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I wonder if the names they read will include those who lost their lives as a result of draconian laws that prevented them from defending themselves.


I think someone else has to drive the bus you are thinking about.

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Guest RedLights&Sirens
Every day I get in the queue (Too much, Magic Bus)
To get on the bus that takes me to you (Too much, Magic Bus)
I'm so nervous, I just sit and smile (Too much, Magic Bus)
You house is only another mile (Too much, Magic Bus)
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Guest Emtdaddy1980

Probably but I really doubt they're gonna say by what. FBI statistics don't lie, you're 6x more likely to die by a hammer than a handgun, lol.

I've got a pre-ban 16oz craftsman that might be pretty valuable one of these days. Anyone up for a game of Libtard whack-a-mole?
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Guest RedLights&Sirens

I've got a pre-ban 16oz craftsman that might be pretty valuable one of these days. Anyone up for a game of Libtard whack-a-mole?

Nobody needs more than 10oz, 7oz where applicable, to play Libitard whack-a-mole!
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6035 people murdered since newtown?really?

that is less than 1 per state per day, when you figure in Chicago, NY, Memphis and Detroit doing their part. We have averaged 32 a day and 25% is coming from 4 cities. Maybe we should look into the reason those cities are so bad. Here is an article that I feel explains it a little http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/cdc-data-shows-gun-violence-is-tied-to-unemployment-rates/

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Nobody needs more than 10oz, 7oz where applicable, to play Libitard whack-a-mole!

I prefer a bit of overkill, so give me a 25lb sledgehammer :D

Just let me know where to meet at.

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Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere

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