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SMOKIN' Deal @ PSA on an already cheap upper!

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Yea, $189!!  No, it's not fancy or anything, but if you've got a built out lower or two and some BCGs just sittin' in a drawer somewhere (like I do) then this may just be too good of a deal to pass up!  I've got a built poly lower that I've been wanting to build in to a cheap, lightweight fungun.  I almost bought one of the $300 PSA uppers last week but decided to wait... glad I did!


I know some folks poo-poo the PTAC stuff.  That's fine.  I have a PTAC complete upper on my other AR and it has been GREAT!  Well built and running like a top since I slapped it on a lower about 1,200 rounds ago.


Unfortunately, they didn't have any cheap/basic charging handles or rear sights in stock.  If anybody has one or both in good condition and uh... reasonably inexpensive :nervous:  please PM me. 


Anywho, just thought I'd pass the deal along.  I thought it may have been an April fools' joke, but I checked out and got my confirmation email!  Happy shootin'!

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Thanks for the heads up! I just ordered one too. I've been in the market for a new 1/9 barrel, so this was nice to get an upper in the exchange. Upper will go in the tool kit and barrel will go on existing rifle. Of course, now if I were to buy a LPK I'd have another 5.56 AR, but I don't know where I'd put it! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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[quote name="TrickyNicky" post="1132802" timestamp="1396373141"]Plenty of room at my place! :wave:[/quote] Ha, I have a bad habit of giving away AR builds. I've done three in as many years that I've passed along as gifts. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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Ha, I have a bad habit of giving away AR builds. I've done three in as many years that I've passed along as gifts.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I can empathize with that. My brother wanted an AR last year. I've been piecing it together for him since bit by bit. He doesn't know yet but I think I'm going to end up giving him my strikefire with it as well. :rolleyes:

No biggie, he's a cool little bro as far as its worth. Pretty much gave me his 10/22 after he went a year without shooting it. Sucker.
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You guys are working hard to talk me into this.  I've been waiting on their premium mid-length with standard barrel to go on sale for my TGO lower.  They've had the heavy barrel on sale several times, but not the standard.  Somehow putting a PTAC upper on my TGO lower seems wrong.  Decisions, decisions....

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Meh... I put a nicer PTAC on my TGO lower and I'm super happy with it. I do plan on building a fancier varmint style gun on the TGO lower later and moving the old PTAC on to another lower.

No reason not to have multiple rifles!
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Meh... I put a nicer PTAC on my TGO lower and I'm super happy with it. I do plan on building a fancier varmint style gun on the TGO lower later and moving the old PTAC on to another lower.
No reason not to have multiple rifles!

Or even just multiple lowers. A buddy of mine does just that, he only has one lower and likes it fine, he runs different up person it to suit his mood/goal. Seems weird to me, but he likes it and it saves him a few hundred bucks off each rifle.
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This would come up after I get done ordering parts to build three rifles. I am extremely tempted to get this, but I need to get a scope first. And one of my builds is going to a friend, after he pays me. UPS is delivering tomorrow. I AM DYING OF ANTICIPATION. And now this, I swear, you guys suck. Getting me to blow my hard earned money on a extremely fun and misunderstood(?) hobby. Yall suck ;) 

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Surprisingly, I had self control. Told myself when I got off work if it was still available I'd get a couple. Lucky me, sold out. I need another upper like I need a hole in the head, but that's a great deal
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Hate that I missed could have used that for my son's gun.


There'll be another about as good any time. They come and go fast on PSA, and they don't send emails, so you just have to check daily if you're after something.


- OS

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To be honest, this is only a slightly better deal than the $300 uppers that include BCG and charging handle (this one didn't, I don't think).  Add in a BCG and CH and that goes up to $289.  


If you already have a homeless BCG laying around, this was a screaming deal.  Otherwise, the $300 deals are almost as good.


Since I DO have a homeless BCG laying around, I'm pretty disappointed that I missed this deal.

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I know I look like 3 outta 4 days. Today was the 4th. And I have plenty of time... He's only 3. :)
I like justify things to myself (and my wife) by saying it's for the kids one day. Lol
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