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Just rejoined the 1911 crowd.

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I have ALWAYS wanted a Colt 1911 and came across this XSE I couldn't pass up. Some may call me a blasphemer or congratulate me, doesnt bother me either way because I have wanted one since I was a kid and finally have one, pretty sure I'm gonna be buried with this one, haha. Its no where near mint as who had it before me scratched it trying to take it apart. Came with three factory mags, haven't got a chance to blast er yet. Also bought one of the Bianchi model 82 holsters in black. tusu7y8u.jpg Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.

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Great find!!... Remember the genuine Colt 1911 is the only worthy successor to that greatest of military sidearms, the Colt Single Action Army... It aint an accident that the 45 ACP (...Colt Automatic Pistol...) cartridge is a shortened, rimless version of the 45 Colt....




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Nice looking Colt glad you rejoined the 1911, it will only get worse from here. I own 3 Les Baers( 2TRS's,UTC)  Night Hawk GRP, Wilson CQB Elite, Gun Crafter's GI FRAG. and I'm getting ready to order another Wilson. Shoot the snot out of that colt that's what their made for, I've shot about 5000rnds. out of each I own and the 1911 is a great defense gun, enjoy.

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